July 27, 2006
I know, big gap on the updates.Life happens. New car, mucho overtime and less and less free time to do stuff with.
the last event was alot of fun but I never could get the images to post. Anyway, on to the news...as you may or may not know, Ray has
announced his intention to step down as president of the Mars Society's Phoenix Chapter. That goes into effect by the end of this month. My apologies for not posting this earlier.
For now, until National can find someone or enough interest is generated that elections can be held for chapter officers, Menkes Van Der Briel will take over as acting president.
If anyone is interested, please contact either Menkes or Veronica and let them know, hopefully we can have a full-fledged election and get this Chapter a little more active.
We do have some events coming up, right off the top of my head i can think of at least one sci-fi convention that we've had a presence at and usually enjoyed....that would be coppercon, i do believe. Please consult our handy-dandy calendar
for more information. Upcoming events will be posted there, and according to Veronica, she's got a batch of things she wants me to add...so stay tuned kids! until then, think hard about what you can do for your chapter, and roll up your sleeves.
March 6,2006
Welll....okay, more than a week since my last update. sorry folks. hope everyone made it to the sally ride science fair, it was
alot of fun. I'm trying to get some pictures of the event to post, so bear with me while i figure out the FTP site they're on.
also, we had a sort of impromptu chapter meeting, where Ray officially announced his intention to step down as chapter president.
what's gonna happen next, is up to the national mars society guys.
just thought i'd throw in this message from veronica about her involvement in F.L.A.M.E.:
Hello Everyone!
This is to let you all know that I will be commanding the Crew 46, Family Living Analysis on Mars Expedition (F.L.A.M.E.). Our departure for "Mars" will be on March 11, 2006 at 3am. For more information about our crew rotation, please visit the following URLS:
http://www.marssociety.org/MDRS/fs05/crew46/ (available online March 12, 2006)
You can view our daily activities of living and working on Mars and follow our daily reports related to geology, engineering, astronomy, greenhouse activities, EVAs, and much more. There will be webcams stationed throughout the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) so you can see what we are up to.
As Commander, I will also have my own personal webcam where you can view up close and personal activities of the crew.
You can also send us messages but be forwarned...we are in simulation and will have to wait a certain period of time to reply (it takes roughly 49 minutes for a message to get relayed from Mars to Earth !).
This mission is very important for it is the first time, publicly, that children, under the age of 13, have participated in a lunar/martian simulated environment! Crew 45 is currently taking up residence at the Hab who are from The Moon Society. The Change of Command, which is suppose to take place this upcoming Sunday morning, is the FIRST Interplanetary Change of Command! We are truly living and working the President's Vision for Space Exploration to the "Moon, Mars and Beyond!" Become a part of this exciting event and remember to visit the above URLS for more details as they become available!
Our current crew composition is as follows:
Veronica A. Zabala-Aliberto: CDR, Mars Geologist, MDRS Veteran
Angelina Amanda Zabala: First Officer, HSO, MDRS Veteran
Madeline Marie Zabala: Science Officer, MDRS Veteran
Gino Vincenzo Zabala: Security Officer, HVAC, MDRS Veteran
Stacy Sklar: Exopaleontologist, MDRS Veteran
Menkes van den Briel: Chief Engineer
Finally, we are currently looking for any schools (K-High School) who would like to participate in the F.L.A.M.E. rotation by submitting questions for the Crew on what life is like to live and work on Mars. We encourage students and educators to submit proposals for science projects to conduct for our June 2006 rotation as well!
Watch for our PressKit on our website for contact information and procedures for submitting questions and proposals! It will be available March 12, 2006 !
See you on Mars...Ad Martem !
Veronica Ann Zabala-Aliberto, CDR
i'll try to get those photos up asap, and just keep in mind, the next mars society event in may: LepreCon...hope to see you there!!
January 21, 2006
FINALLY, an update!!! several to be exact. The only explanation I can give is Holiday insanity.
It seemed that no matter how much I did, i still had more to do, and of course the longer something is put off....
i hope that everyone had a good holiday season, and my apologies to all for not being more active.
automotive difficulties have forced me reduce my activity on behalf of the mars society, however, I do intend to remain
webmistress for as long as i'm needed. starting now, i'll work on the updates on a weekly basis.
Anyhoo, on to the various news items pending..lots, actually.
At the November chapter meeting, our president, Ray Poulsen, announced his intention to step down
as chapter president effective Jan 1, 2006. to my knowledge, that has not changed, which means we now do not have a chapter president at this time. as soon as i know what's going to be done about that, i'll post it.
In other news, our own Menkes Van Der Briel had the opportunity to participate in the Mars Desert Research Station as the chief mechanical engineer of the F.L.A.M.E crew.
From veronica, who's commanding the rotation, i have this general call for volunteers and information on the MDRS rotation schedule:
"For those who want to get involved in the rotation that I will be commanding, please contact me know later than Feb. 1, 2006. The F.L.A.M.E. crew is in need of the following:
1. Media
2. Educational Outreach
3. Acquisition of supplies (MREs, field instrumentation, etc.)
4. ETC.
Please help me in welcoming Menkes van de Briel, ASU student and Mars Society of Phoenix Chapter member on his FIRST rotation to the Mars Desert Research Station ! Menkes will be the Chief Mechanical Engineer on the F.L.A>M.E. crew.
The first Crew rotation starts TOMORROW !
2005-2006 MDRS Season
Crew 41 (Dec 31, 2005-Jan. 15, 2006) – Double X Crew, Shannon Rupert Commander
Crew 42 (Jan. 14, 2006-Jan. 29, 2006) –
Crew 43 (Jan. 28, 2006-Feb. 12, 2006) –
Crew 44 (Feb. 11, 2006-Feb. 26, 2006) – Expedition Beta – Mars Society Canada - Nick Wilkinson Commander
Crew 45 (Feb. 25, 2006-Mar. 12, 2006) – Moon Society Crew, Peter Kokh, Commander
Crew 46-One Week Crew (Mar. 12-Mar. 18, 2006) – F.L.A.M.E. (Family Living Analysis on Mars Expedition), Commanded / Organized by Veronica Zabala-Aliberto
Crew 47 (Mar. 18, 2006-Apr. 2, 2006) – Georgia Tech Crew-Jan Osburg Commander/Organizer
Crew 48 (Apr. 1, 2006-Apr. 23, 2006) – AustroMars Project (Includes One Week of Training) – Austrian Crew, Gernot Groemer Commander
Crew 49 (Apr. 22, 2006-May 7, 2006) – NASA Mobile Agents Crew, Bill Clancey Commander"
In outreach event news, there's a possibility of one in the IMAX event "roving mars" on jan 27th. i don't know if anything is solidified on that or not,
but if there's anyone interested, let us know and we'll set up a table with some literature. if we can get at least 5 members to volunteer, veronica will contact the IMAX theater and get something set up.
On february 25, 2006, the Sally K Ride science fair will be held at ASU again this year...if anyone has any PR or media contacts and wants to volunteer their time to get the word out on this, please contact Veronica.
details about the event are on the calendar.
another event to think about, albeit somewhat farther out in the future, is leprecon 2006...as an outreach event, it can be a great deal of fun, and hopefully the mars society will be welcomed there again this year. i'll post more information on that as i recieve it.
i think that's about it for updates right now..if i've missed anything specific to the mars society, please email me at: roninlove@hotmail.com.
October 20,2005
WEEKEND UPDATE!!!! ASU Earth Science day on Saturday October 22, 2005, from 9am to (about) 3pm.
Come join us and enjoy the educational opportunities at the outreach table...free food, activities, and fun. Just show up and
have a good time! if you want to sign up to help with the outreach tables, contact our President, Ray Poulsen.
Give us a hand, enjoy the day, have some free pizza and breakfast! Its a good time, especially for the kids!
September 19, 2005
hi there, just a bit of info...if anyone wants to go to the IMAX on friday, saturday or sunday, there's a great,
space-related film showing there. i understand its a pretty big deal, and the NSS is going to be there...
Mars Society is not directly related to this, but it might be worth a gander. wander over and check it out, it could be fun!
September 6, 2005
Hi, just got an email from Ray...and here it is : "I hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend
and a great summer before that. Now that schools is back in session for nearly a month, it's time to
look forward to Educational Outreach opportunities within our communities. The first is this weekend
at CopperCon 25 which is being held at the Embassy suites in Peoria this weekend. So far I have a couple
of people who have stepped up to man the Outreach tables but I do need more. The more people who show
up, the shorter the shifts at the table will be. These conventions really are a great deal of fun and
if you sign up in advance to sit on as little as three panels, your admission to the Con is free. Also,
the time that you spend volunteering can count towards community and charitable service because the Mars
Society is a Non-profit organization. There are other benefits as well such as getting to meet some really
wonderful people.
Also, we will be holding out monthly meeting at the Convention on Saturday. I will be moderating a panel
on the Mars Society from noon until one and we'll have the meeting at three in the afternoon at our Outreach
table. One of the items on the agenda will be asking what can we do to draw in new members and to get
member involved in the chapter.
I hope to see you there,
I hope you guys all manage to make it, its definitely worth the trip. I won't be able to make it, AGAIN,
but you all can tell me how much fun you had
and watch me get jealous.
August 25, 2005
Ok, i know this is REALLY last minute, but here's my heartfelt plea anyway....PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEEEEEESE..can
go to the Mars Mania event in Tucson to represent the Mars Society? I can't go due to vehicular issues,
and Ray can't go because of
health issues. if anyone at all can go and wants to, please contact RAY, or if you don't have his email
(i'd put it here, but i don't know which one he's reserved for mars society correspondence..)
email ME at roninlove@hotmail.com.
oh, and check the calendar for other upcoming events...COPPERCON '05 is coming up soon, remember?
June 7,2005
I'M BAAAAAAAAACCCCK!!!! (que Aerosmith's "back in the saddle"..LOUDLY). Yes, your
friendly neighborhood webmistress, who seems of late to have been plagued with computer issues, is finally,
and for the 3rd time, back online and hopefully will remain so from now on.
As far as news goes, lots has been happening, but since only a portion of it actually
pertains the the Mars Society, I'll just stick to that. Quick follow up for leprecon..according to Ray,
it wasn't terribly impressive.
Less said about that the better. Next event coming up however promises to be much
more fun. Coppercon 25 is again being held at the lovely Embassy Suites north. It's usually the best planned
and run of the con events we get to, so let's all join in and make it FUN!
Here's the link to Coppercon's website: Coppercon
25 Check on the events calendar for more info. Also, Ray and I are gonna try to cobble something
together for the website so all our members can view streaming video of
various space-related topics.Watch here for more information.
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