We had our meeting last Monday (5/7/01) at the Acapulco on Miramar. Shannon provided discount coupons - thank you Shannon. The main topic discussed was the Comic-con event. We decided that a panel would be easier (and cheaper) than a booth. Gerry & Shannon have a number of contacts that they are willing to try to talk into being on the panel. Gerry volunteered to contact David Brin, Bradbury, and someone in the movie business. Shannon was going to hit up Kim Stanley Robinson, the Planetary society, NASA, and (who knows) Tito. Andrew was going to check with JPL to see if they would have anyone for the panel. We were all going to work on a 1 paragraph abstract for the panel. "How SF has inspired/influenced reality". Andrew needed 2 more people to be listed on the web site so Gerry and I volunteered for that. A number of us (including me) ordered more food than we could eat and had to resort to doggie bags. The next meeting will be June 7th Thursday, 7pm at the Acapulco.
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