Standard meeting place, The Acapulco on Miramar. Shannon, Dave, Andrew, Gerry and Jonathan attended. The main topic discussed was once again the Comic-con event. So far, Kim Stanely Robinson and our own Gerry have agreed to be on the panel. We are still trying to get one or more of David Brin, Ray Bradbury, Dennis Nakamura (from the Fleet Science Center), Sally Ride, Buzz Aldrin and possibly scientest(s) from JPL. Gerry showed a slide show made from material pulled from the Mars Society web site, although we all agreed that the script that came with it was overly long-winded and needed to be severely trimmed or re-written. Dave and Gerry agreed to take on that task. Dave also agreed to actually chair (host? run? adjudicate?) the panel. Groff wasn't there to take his usual high-grade notes, so please submit any info I might have missed. Andrew
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