Hi, all- Here are the notes from the Friday, Oct 12 meeting regarding Mission Support for the Desert Research Station: Meeting was held at Kelly's house aka Mission Control. Kelly, Jonathan and Shannon (that's me!) were there. We talked about the logistics of committing to a month long stint as mission support and agreed that it could be done because a) Kelly will have the time to devote to the project due to his retirement and b) Jonathan and I will be between semesters. I wanted to make sure that Kelly was okay with all of us invading his house as well and he was. So other than eating and touring the set up, which is in a spare bedroom in the rear of the house, we talked some about who will do what. This is what we decided, subject, of course, to all of you agreeing. The SOP's have a list of jobs and we sorted them out this way: Mission Support Director-- Kelly CapCOM- whoever is on duty Science/Engineering Officers- Shannon, Jonathan, Andrew, Groff Liason for personal emails-- whoever is on duty Liason with press/journalist-- Gerry, Dave Gerry will go to Denver as Chapter Rep for training. Kelly will contact Tony with further specifics for computer set up and possible server space We will volunteer from Dec 15, 2001 to Jan 15, 2002. We will set up at duty schedule later. Some other things we talked about (other than the usual Mars gossip): Andrew- could you please send the link to the chapter website again? We talked about the possibility of doing GreenHab but it was our consensus that doing mission support, Comic Con (which is taking over the entire convention center next year!) and outreach was enough for now. We also talked abit about the structure of our chapter and while we agreed that we all liked having "Member" status as opposed to President, VP, etc., we liked the idea of project leaders. Our suggestions: Andrew-Chapter Liason/Webmaster Kelly- Mission Support Gerry- Comic Con (although I would like to be your underling on this, as I really enjoyed the challenge of last year and am ready to do it again) So let us know what you think! ===== Shannon Marie Rupert