Key to diagram
1 |
Plant Nutrient Solution |
2 |
Santiam II Martian Soil Simulant |
3 |
Plant Growth Chamber (wire mesh floor) |
4 |
Mouse Habitat (wire mesh floor) |
P1 |
Nutrient Pump |
P2 |
Mouse Water Pump |
G1 |
Turd Grinder |
F1 |
Particulate Back-Wash Filter |
F2 |
Heavy-Duty Drinking Water Filter |
Blue Arrows |
Air Flow |
Red Arrows |
Nutrient Flow |
Cyan Arrows |
Mouse Water Flow |
The CEMSS works like this:
- Timer turns on P1 which pumps up nutrients
- Overflow "washes" ground-up mouse turds & urine into solution tank
- Fan circulates O2-heavy air into mouse hab & mouse hab CO2-heavy air back
- P2 pump keeps mouse water bottle filled & filtered as needed
Mouse feeds on grain & tomatoes growing in Chamber 2. Pumps, fans, timer, and other equipment are powered by 12-volt batteries kept charged by solar cells. The seed stock comes from Utah State University: