Prior to actual "Mouse Missions," extensive testing of the various CEMSS systems will need to occur. The first of these will be a test of the heating and cooling systems. This test will take place at the 2200 meter level, (7000 ft.), on the South face of Oregon's largest volcano, Mt. Hood. Using the historic Silcox Warming Hut as our base of operations, we tracked heat loss and retention within the unit. We arrived pretty late in the day, and were able to run only one solar heating test.
A second test of the insulation ended early when a gust of wind blew the entire unit off the rocks! Fortunately, our loyal "Hut Host" and Rose City Astronomer Bob McGown was on hand to catch the unit. Only minor damage occured, and the event drove home the need for tie-downs. This ended the first field test, and we retreated to the warmth of Silcox, venturing forth later once the sun had completely set to observe Mars and its moons via McGown's 10 inch dobson telescope.

Waiting to Load Up |
 Mt. Hood's crater with wind-driven clouds |

Taxi by Thiokol |
 Prepping the unit for its first test |

Rockin' CEMSS |
 CEMSS Mouse Hab View Port |

The View Port in Action |

The 'Business End' |
 Saturday Night at Silcox |

Morning Light |