Greetings all:

Herewith the first issue of the Red Planet Satellite Report. Not a bad outing by my estimate, though you'll note a reasonably large number of "No reports." Actually, a fairly significant number -- about 2/3 were non-responsive. Given this is the first time out, and given that there are a few more tears than I expected in the fabric of the e-mail universe, I'll put this down to organizational disorganization. But, if the RPSR is to be useful, we'll have to do better than that.

I welcome any suggestions as to content/organization/layout on this. It's a fairly long document and e-mail tends to reduce available formatting options, so apologies if visually it is a bit tedious. Also, additions to the list of groups reporting are welcome. Some I may have missed by oversight; others by the fact that I simply don't know that they exist.

For those chapters with the "No report" slug: If I have erred in the correct contact person, please let me know so that I can fix my mailing list. Apologies if you have sent a report and I did not receive it (this apparently happened in one or two instances). If you are down as a chapter contact and have no "chapter," please still let us know what you're up to. The least the rest of us could do is offer some moral support.

Distribution of the RPSR to members of the Society -- especially chapter members -- I leave to you, the Chapter and Task Force contacts. While I'll get it posted at the MS website, I think it important that you all make the effort to keep all your folks informed.

So, to all who sent reports in, many, many thanks. For those who we've missed (and I know there are some very active chapters that did not contribute to this compilation), I'll get you next time.

Cheers -- Richard Wagner

Red Planet Satellite Report -- v1, n1 -- September 16, 1999

** U. S. Chapters

+ Alabama
Contact change (my mistake)
No report.

+ Alaska
Marilyn Dudley-Rowley,
Our members are spread out over an area more than twice the size of Texas. Many reside in Fairbanks near the center of the state, however, we have members in Nome, Barrow, Seward, and Anchorage. We depend heavily on our Internet connections to communicate.

Professor Roy Iutzi-Mitchell of Iligsagvik College in Barrow and I attended the Second Annual Mars Society meetings in Boulder. Jack Hendrickson of Anchorage, a state legislative hopeful also made a brief appearance. Roy, a linguistic anthropologist, and I both presented in the human factors session.

In past and recent meetings on-line, Alaska Chapter has expressed its primary interest is in assisting the M.A.R.S. construction, maintenance, and science goals. Most of the members of the Alaska Chapter are expert in some field of endeavor which is useful to M.A.R.S. goals, and we are all old hands in living and working in the Arctic environment. Most of us have some prior or current connection to the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, which is also a NASA site, which kicked off SCAR and the IGY in the 1950s, which conducts much federal space research, and which is a linchpin in the large federal and international Arctic research system. After the meetings in Boulder, I introduced a number of our members to Tom Gangale who maintains the M.A.R.S. communication links so that they could begin to relate more intimately to the M.A.R.S. teams.

Another area of interest recently expressed by members: just as soon as we can organize and hold a few of our own in-state conferences, we would like to look into hosting an international Mars Society meeting in one of the coming years. Alaska is quite pleasant during mid-August and there are many attractions for the visitor.

+ Arizona
Bill Gjestvang,
No report.

+ Arkansas
Wayne Bowen,
The Mars Society held its first meeting on September 10, in Fayetteville, where the members agreed to focus on lobbying for federal support for Mars missions, as well as to promote Mars curricula in Arkansas schools.  The acting chairman, Dr. Wayne Bowen, reported on the Mars honors seminar he is teaching this semester at Ouachita Baptist University, using Bob Zubrin's book and Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles."

+ California, CALTECH-JPL
Chris Hirata,
No report.

+ California, Central Valley
Domenique van der Goore,
I am Dom van der Goore, contact person for the Califronia Central
Valley.  The current focus for me (as the only "active member" of my
chapter) is working on the provisional chapters council on a
membership/chapter "council".  My other main project is outreach.

+ California, North
Kelly Snook,
No report.

+ California, South
Dave Jedynak,
No report.

+ Colorado (Rocky Mountain Mars Society)
Mark Peiffer,
No report.

+ Florida
Anthony DeTora,
No report.

+ Red Dirt (the Georgia chapter of the Mars Society)
Mike Kretsch,
We are meeting every other Saturday, including 9/14/99, 9/28/99 etc at Rocky Mountain Pizza in Atlanta, at the intersection of Hemphill and 10th near Georgia Tech.  We are currently discussing our projects for this year. One project is for the members of our chapter who can't make it to meetings.  It involves some research.  The other project is a hands-on project, involving actually building something. More on this later in the next RPSR!

+ Hawaii
Matt Rohrer,
No report.

+ Idaho
Chris Struble,
Not organized yet. I need an updated list of other members in my state, with names and addresses if possible. I contacted my congressman by e-mail about the budget cuts, and have joined the Arctic task force. Also working on a web site for a local chapter.

+ Ilinois Chapter, Chicago
Matthew Lowry,
The 22-member Illinois Chapter is made up of a very diverse cross-section of Chicago area residents, including leaders of local business, scientists, attorneys, engineers, high school students, psychologists, computer specialists and others. We meet the 4th Sunday of every month at the Harold Washington Library, with about 6-12 in attendance at each meeting.  The next meeting is set for Sunday, Sept. 26th from 2-4pm. We are currently attempting to make arrangements with the Adler Planetarium in Chicago to be present at Bob Zubrin's public lecture there on October 22nd.  We hope to develop a longer term relationship with the Adler using this event as a starting point.  In addition, we've made contact with a chapter north of us in Wisconsin about taking part in a rocket launching event at Bong, WI the weekend of October 2nd.

+ Indiana
Steve Resler,
No report.

+ Iowa
Katharine Osborne,
No report.

+ Kansas
Holly Kellogg,
No report.

+ Kansas City
George Howard,
No report.

+ Louisiana
Shelly Hynes,
No report.

+ Maine
Mary Ellen Symanski,
No report.

+ Massachusetts
Troy Hudson, mailto:thudson@MIT.EDU
No report.

+ MD, DC, VA
Morris Levine,
No report.

+ Michigan
Aaron Oesterle,
No report.

+ Minnesota
Ben Huset,
No report.

+ Minnesota Youth Chapter
Kevin Kelly,
No report.

+ Mississippi
Garry Speer,
No report.

+ Nebraska
Harry Jordan,
No report.

+ Nevada
Shawn Plunket,
No report.

+ New Jersey
Paul Rockman,
No report.

+ New Mexico
Ken Rutherford, apparently corrupt e-mail address
No report.

+ Northern New Mexico Chapter (or Los Alamos Chapter)
Lisa Ice,
Our chapter is still in the formation stage.  We will probably become a "sub-chapter" of the yet-to-be-formed New Mexico chapter. Current activities:  We will be sharing an informational booth with the New Mexico Space Society during the book signing and after a speech by Ray Bradbury in Los Alamos on Sept. 25th.  An article about the speech that appeared in the Los Alamos Monitor (the local newspaper) included information about the Mars Society and its goals.

+ North Dakota, Central
John Cable,
Derek Shannon from Caltech still a ND resident. He and I will be meeting with
Congressional offices soon.

+ North Dakota, Eastern
Jonathan Hovland,
No report.

+ Ohio
Tamarack Czarnik,
Ohio Chapter has about 100 Newsletter-reading 'members', of whom only two dozen or so are paid members; our Branches are in Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland. Last year we made 7 presentations and contacted 4 elected Representatives: this year our goal (from Dr. Zubrin) is 50 presentations and ALL our Representatives.

We put out a biweekly electronic Newsletter (goes out in paper form to those w/o e-mail) to stay in touch, you can find an archive of the past year's worth at and I also web-publish every other month a series of 'Aerospace Medicine 101' papers for our members; links to them are on our website, at

Our recently-elected Public Outreach Coordinator has contacted 3 dozen schools, museums, media and local groups over the last 2 weeks. Upcoming events include information tables and 'Mars Direct' presentations at the Midwest Space Development Conference (Cleveland), CONTEXT (Columbus) and EARTHGATE 2 (Lexington, KY, very near Cincinnati). I am actively training Branch Heads and interested members in how to give the 'Mars Direct' presentation, so as to reach our goal of 50 talks. Our Political Action Leader, Jeff Roche, is contacting Representatives.

+ Oklahoma
John Ohlheiser,
No report.

+ Oregon, Eugene-Salem
Erik Carlstrom,
No report.

+ Oregon, Northern (Portland)
Robert Lilly,
No report.

+ Oregon, Southern
Harold Miller,
No report.

+ Central PA /Penn State University Mars Society Chapter
Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D., mailto:w
Formally the chapter has not been established yet. I am not collecting a fee of any kind. There are simply not to many participants (except me) that are willing to actively support it. As an organization associated with the university it needs to have home in one of the departments or colleges. In addition, people here (students, faculty) wants to actively participate in Space Exploration and not in building some organization only. At this moment I have ten professors acting as a advisors and two students. We have a place to meet (my Mobile Robotics Laboratory) and web space to put our web page (Under construction). I have focused on trying to build some Mars related programs by:
1. Sending proposals to NASA, DARPA, etc.
2. Encourage to participate in HEDS-UP Student Competition for Mars Exploration
3. Build some relations with Space Grant Consortium (two members are in our chapter)
4. Get a permanent room for meetings

+ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Independence Chapter
Gary Fisher,
No report.

+ Puerto Rico
Jose Lopez Reyes,
No report.

+ Rhode Island
Steve Connors,
No report.

+ South Carolina
Richard Allen Brown,
No report.

+ St. Louis
Erv Baumann,
No report.

+ Tennessee - Kentucky
Trae Winter,
No report.

+ Texas, Austin
Tim Crain,
No report.

+ Texas, Dallas
Scott Bell,
No report.

+ Texas, Houston
Chris Barnes,
We are in the process of some reorganization, as some members have had some other obligations. Core members are being reassessed and appropriate positions will be fulfilled. The office of President is stable and will remain so, and a new Vice President will be elected, along with the other office positions.

Projects that are in the works include: a rework of the Mars exhibit at Moody Gardens in Galveston, letters to Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Tom DeLay expressing concern about the proposed budget cuts to NASA (thanks in part to the Zubrin book signing and also in part to efforts made by Than Putzig), and a possible 'MarsFest' coinciding with the landing of the Mars Polar Lander on Dec. 3rd. The talk of a 'MarsFest' was introduced in our last meeting Sept 12th, and the possibility of live feed from JPL was discussed. It is unknown what the cost of getting live feed will be, nor the procedures to obtain it are. Perhaps other chapter contacts or the Mars Society steering committee has ideas on how this can be accomplished.

Right now, our focus is getting a solid core membership in the chapter. The meeting place will be moved back to the Clear Lake area from West Houston to attract more JSC employees. A meeting time survey will take place to ascertain the best possible meeting time which will be agreeable to most people.

In short, this chapter is going through growing pains, but we still have our sights set on Mars! As someone once said, "The hardest parts of any journey is taking the first steps". Once we get a reliable core presence and attract JSC and LPI employees, the Mars Society of Houston shall become a solid, strong chapter blazing a beacon to Mars.

+ Utah
Tom Allred,
No report.

+ Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula
Johannes Helgeson,
No report.

+ Mars Society Puget Sound (Seattle, WA chapter)
Jim Burk,
Our chapter, with about 10 core members and 40-50 on our list, is one of the most active in the Mars Society.  For a complete listing of our current projects, go to our chapter website at the address above.  Our current projects are numerous: holding speaking engagements, writing letters/calling/meeting congressmen, gathering video from the founding convention (and this year's), building Mars displays, and helping with the Internet Task Force, Ares CD, and endeavours.  To join our list, go to  We are also thinking about having a regional Mars Society convention here in Seattle with the help of the Oregon, California, Vancouver, and other regional chapters.

+ West Virginia
Robert Strong, mailto:strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
No report.

+ Wisconsin
Jason Orloff,
No report.

+ Wyoming
Robert Hodges,
No report.

+ Youth Chapter
Kathleen Bohne,
No report.

** International Chapters **

+ Argentina, Latin America
Jorge Mermoz,
No report.

+ Argentina, Latin America
Gabriel Rshaid,
No report.

+ Australia
Andrew Hamilton,
1, We are planning to get Bob Zubrin out to Australia in March next year for a tour speaking engagements etc.
2. We are planning a couple of possible practical contributions to the M.A.R.S. base:
a) solar cells for some part of the base;
b) old "space junk" rocket nozzles from Womera Rocket range;
c) mobile X ray astronomy for MARS base.
We are planning to have full meetings more regularly (once every 2 months) from now on with sub-groups for projects meeting as needed

+ Belgium
Antoon Van Boxstael,
No report.

+ Canada
Marc Boucher,
The Canadian Chapter has been quite active in Toronto, Montreal and Victoria. Toronto is gearing up to host the 2000 Mars Society Conference. The conference will most likely be held at Ryerson University in downtown Toronto. Early reports indicate that the University is excited at hosting this event and that some 550 rooms in the student residence could be available to us at reduced rate.

The weekend of October 29th will see a meeting of the Toronto Chapter with Pascal Lee, head of the Mars Arctic Task Force in attendance to talk about the Mars Arctic Research Station and how Canadians can help. For more information please visit the Toronto Chapter web site at

Also in October on the 28th and 29th the Canadian Space Agency is sponsoring its annual workshop at the University of Calgary. This event is free. Discussion will focus on what the CSA and Canadians will be doing with our space program. Those people interested in adding their voice to this discussion should attend. The Mars Society will be represented. More information is available at this web site.

+ Chile
Cristian Puebla-Menne,
No report.

+ Cyprus, Mediterranean
George Lordos,
No report.

+ France
Richard Heidmann,
No report.

+ Germany
Michael Bosch,
No report.

+ Iceland
Olafur Patrick Olafsson,
No report.

+ Israel
Alin Moss,
No report.

+ Italy
Fabrizio Pirondini,
No report.

+ Japan
Michitaka Onizuka,
We have 11 members (including non-headquarter-registered members) Since formation of the chapter in August 1998. There has been two face to face meetings.

Past activities
-We have met several scientists and engineers from academics, ISAS, NASDA etc to promote our objectives and to seek cooperation.
-Lunar and Planetary Society (industry/academic think tank regarding planetary science in Japan) has offered space in their journal. The journal is well distributed among scientists and decision makers of the industry. Three page article has been submitted. They also expressed in interest of co-sponsoring conference. (they have great experience in this regard.)
-Held table at one Academic conference.
-Produced our own slide show. (the national slide show obviously is not effective due to language difference and historical back ground)
-Several flyers have been made and distributed. Flyers Introduces background of the Mars Society, objectives, Steering comittee member's background, and M.A.R.S. project.

Current objectives
-Obtain legal status as NPO
-Develop better Web site.
-If possible, translating Mars Polar Lander web site and possibly relay live broadcast in Japanese.

+ Mexico
Rich Robins, mailto:
We have a new Spanish language website for the Mars Society de Mexico at Meanwhile, there's talk of a relevant university conference brewing in Puebla, Mexico, about two hours from Mexico City (where we are). I'm just waiting to hear as to when it would be as I hope to be able to attend and represent the Mars Society.

Originally from the U.S.A., I´ve been in Mexico pursuing pioneering North American Free Trade Agreement dreams since graduating from law school at U.Va. in ´93. I'm a law faculty member at the oldest law school in the hemisphere (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, founded in 1519), and an internet & pharmaceutical entrepreneur who can´t wait to start commercializing in space.

+ Netherlands
Arno Wielders,
Currently the Netherlands have no active chapter. In the beginning of  October 1999 the Chapter contact will start to give some presentations to  increase the fame of the Mars Society in the Netherlands. At the same  time I will try to get some help from fellow PhD students and friends to  start some publicity activities. I hope to organize a meeting some where  in April 2000. Details are not yet clear, but will follow in due time.

+ New Zealand
David Maclenna, apparently corrupt e-mail address
No report.

+ Peru
Johan Veerman,
No report.

+ Philippines
Kin Enriquez,
No report.

+ Mars Society Polska    (Polish Chapter)
Piotr Moskal,
The chapter formed 5 months ago. Now we have some 30 people and are preparing to register in court (it is necessary according to polish law). We started by creating a www site, which is now available on the new server. Half a month ago we had our first public speech during Polcon, an annual convention of s-f and fantasy fans. In two months we are planning a second presentation, during a similar convention. This time we will make a slide show and computer demonstrations (I just received the TMS materials from Robert Zubrin). Also, we are beginning to enter in contact with people in Poland who participate in ESA projects (Rosetta mission for example) and other polish organizations that share our interests. We're trying to gather as many members as possible. When we'll be done with the registration, we'll be able to collect membership fees and start with some more ambitious projects. It should happen in 2-3 months.

+ Russia
Gennady Gusev,
(following via Marilyn Dudley-Rowley)
Russian Chapter faced an official challenge on the eve of departure of its chairman, Gennady Gusev, to the Boulder meetings.  Gusev was detained during the entire course of the meetings in Moscow, not even being allowed to return to St. Petersburg, his home.  As the investigation continued, members of the Russian Space Agency came forward in support of the Russian Chapter and the Mars Society as being a bona fide international scientific organization.  The Chapter is closed for business till 25 September while Russian officials conduct their inquiry into the affairs of the Society in the Russian Federation.

+ South Africa
Evan James Dembskey,
No report.

+ Spain, Canary Islands
Cayetano Santana Gil,
No report.

+ Spain, Pennisular
Alexander Hristov,
No report.

+ Sweden/Scandinavia
Claes-Gustaf Nordquist, apparently corrupt e-mail address
No report.

+ Switzerland
Claude-Alain Roten,
No report.

+ Switzerland
Gabriel Borruat,
No report.

+ Ukraine
Vladymy Shevernytskyy,
No report.

+ United Kingdom
Bo Maxwell,
Arranging talks for Robert Zubrin across the UK for the 5th through 7th October. Arranging to incorporate the Chapter as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Developing further outreach opportunities and UK technical projects (small-scale lander, rover designs, etc.).

** Task Forces/Special Interests **

+ Administrative Director
Maggie Zubrin,
Am working with Harold Miller to get some system in place to automate email membership and data base update. I have a big backlog of membership cards to send out, which should go out soon. Membership continues to grow and is now at 1925 plus.

Kurt Micheels is now settled into Colorado. We still have his cats in foster care, but that will end soon. Kurt will be working with Robert and I to develop some strategies for fundraising for the M.A.R.S. Glenn Berry is approaching Polaris Corp about contributing ATV's or other equipment.

Marc Boucher has the Mars Store up on the website (with some logo help from RW). We are contracting with some nice affiliate programs, which is a fairly painless way to raise money. We do have Amazon, so if you're going to order a book, might as well get it through the MS website. Some but not all of the vendors offer member discounts. Check out the store for some interesting products.

We have added some new chapters lately, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. Some others are becoming more active. We are still looking for chapter contacts for San Diego, Sacramento area, San Antonio and Southern Illinois and other areas where driving distance to the current chapter is impractical.

The Toronto chapter is very busy with convention planning. They are examining venues, prices, dates, caterers, etc. I have heard a great deal of positive feedback on the choice of Toronto and look forward to next summer's get together.

+ Education
Tom Becker,
The ETF has just completed Phase 1 of its start-up strategy.  A 42-page report to the Steering Committee titled "Education For A New World" was turned over to Bob Zubrin at the recent convention, containing a complete curriculum K thru 16.  Jon Wiley is presently putting the finishing touches on an ETF brochure that can be dispersed to the general public/members on request, and we are all hard at work on the intended November Ares CD-ROM which will have a heavy emphasis.  The new CD will contain the complete curriculum - a nationwide guideline for Mars education; in fact, an international guide.

Phase 2 for the ETF is an operating strategy - gearing up to start work on creating products (teaching materials) using the Curriculum Guide as a blueprint.  In Phase 2, the ETF will be attempting to gather around itself talented and committed teachers who will develop teaching materials.

It is highly important for the membership to understand that implementing an educational program for the Society is not an overnight thing; it takes considerable time, patience, and the use of very wise judgment in order to do things right.  Public education in America is an absolute mess and I don't intend for the Mars Society and the ETF to fall into the same kinds of traps that plague the public education scene.  Right now I'm looking for high-ability, committed, achieving teachers who are willing to follow my direction in order to begin creating incredible teaching materials.

+ Fundraising
Kristin Boekhoff,
To date, the Fundraising Task Force has mainly done research on companies. After this year's convention, we plan to take a more active role in raising funds for the society. At the Second Annual Mars Society Conference, we raised over $8000 from the pledge campaign that was introduced during the banquet. Going forward, we plan to roll out this pledge campaign to the chapters. I strongly encourage chapter contacts to volunteer to participate in this program. It is a simple way to raise money for the organization just by asking the members who are already involved for a pledge. The monthly payment and credit card options make it so easy to give us money!

To get involved, just send me your name and e-mail address. If you do not have an IBM-compatible computer with Microsoft Word, please also send me your snail mail address so that I can send you the actual cards (let me know how many you would like as well.) Along with the cards, I will send you instructions on the best and easiest ways to ask your group to participate in the pledge campaign. When I gave the pitch to the New York chapter I ended up raising $2100 (and only 8 people attended our meeting!) Also, if you have not already filled out your pledge card, what are you waiting for?! For the mere price of a dinner out a month (and I mean a PIZZA dinner!) you can help financially support the organization and its projects.

+ Graphics & Production
Gary Hollingshead,
No report.

+ Internet
Marc Boucher, / Harold Miller,
The Mars Society is moving ahead on four fronts on the Internet.

1. Chapters and Task Forces are now setting up their web sites on the new Chapters server. Using CyberTeams, a collaborative web based workflow management program, chapter webmasters and designated users can update their web sites easily through any web browsers. As well mailing lists are being transfered to this server and a new Members database of voluntary membership infomration will be built.

2. The main Mars Society site is also undergoing some changes. A new affiliates shopping area has been revamped and is being expanded. Members can shop for products and receive discounts will the society will get receive anywhere from 5 to 15% of all net sales. Some other cosmetic changes are happening o the site as well that will make it "printer friendly".

3. The Mars Society is currently in the process of setting credit card merchant online services so that members can use their credit cards to pay for their annual membership fees and purchase products.

4. The Mars Society is currently looking at purchasing a new web server to host the Mars Polar Lander mirror web site. This new server will also host the main web site and other society sites in the future. We expect to have this new server online by mid-october.

The Mars Society is currently looking for a volunteer lead webmaster to work on the main site. Duties would include updating content on a regular basis and helping to create new content. An average of 5 hours a week is required for this work. Experience in HTML is a must. Scripting experience in JavaScript or VBscript is desired. Please contact Marc Boucher at Only committed serious people need apply.

+ Martian Civilization and Culture Group
(late Law and Governance Task Force)
Ruth Waterton,>
We've changed to a (hopefully) more inclusive name and introduced a new Topic of the Month system to stimulate and focus our debates. First up was Time and Calendars with special guest Tom Gangale, who introduced us to his Time-sig list. Participation has been phenomenal with over 60 posts so far.  Next month we'll be discussing Fiction and Mars. Suggestions for future topics are welcomed.

+ Marketing
Maggie Zubrin,
See Administrative Director's report

+ Mars Arctic Task Force
Kurt Micheels,
We are in the midst of preparing  a bid package to be sent to our selected contractors. This should be mailed by next week.  Contractors are asked to respond in 2 weeks, so we should have one selected by the first week in October. The task force is undergoing further organization to facilitate our working as distinct groups on various aspects of the MARS operations. There will be a meeting of  the Terrahab group and all Colorado based MARSTF members on 23 Sept. This meeting will be to discuss the implementation of design and construction of a full size transportable mock-up.

+ Political & Public Outreach
Brian Frankie,, Chris Carberry (
The Political Action Task Force has been reorganizing into a more streamlined  form to accelerate political activities. The Task Force has been actively contacting and encouraging others to contact their Congressional members to restore the funding that was cut from NASA's budget by July's appropriation from the House.  Time is running short before the new fiscal year starts, but the Mars Society, in cooperation with other space societies, believes that our efforts will help restore at least a significant portion of the NASA cuts.

+ (
Jim Burk ( -- Managing Editor / Webmaster
We are forming a "corps of volunteers" to help maintain the site on a daily basis (surf for news articles, enter them a web-based form, clean out old links, update the information sections, write reports/editorials, etc. etc) We'll soon have a majordomo list on the server, but in the meantime send me email if you're interested in helping.  I've received about 2 dozen emails offering help (not including members of my chapter)

+ Ares: The Mars Society's CDROM  (
Jim Burk ( -- Project leader / Content Director
The premiere issue of Ares was given out at the conference and mailed to all members worldwide.  Other than being mac-incompatible (something we'll fix next time), it's been a great success and I've received a lot of praise.  We are already working on the second issue, due out November 1st, that will focus on educational outreach.  If you're interested in helping, join the mailing list by sending a message to with "subscribe ares-cdrom" in the body of the message.  You can email the list using this address:  There are about 15 people on the list now.

+ Provisional Members' Council
Chris Vancil,
The provisional member's council has worked out a good system of long distance democracy for ourselves which we hope can be used as a starting point for the permanent council.  We have been vigorously debating the appropriate amount of representative versus direct democracy needed to best promote member concerns.  We have also been debating  how representatives should be chosen.  We have received little input from others, but are most interested in hearing from other active members.  We can be reached at .

+ New Mars
Richard Wagner,
The 'zine is currently in a state of suspended animation (i.e., dead, but a pulse is expected soon), as I redesign the publication with an eye to both graphic and text content. Current news items will be dropped and the focus will shift to bi-monthly updates focused on specific topics of interest to Mars hounds (the search for life, surface operations, Mars in books/movies, power on Mars, etc.) Suggestions for issue topics plus possible articles are always welcome, and, more to the point, needed.

+ Mars Polar Lander Mirror Site
Richard Wagner,
Server expected on-line in mid-October (see Internet report above). Beyond simply acting as a mirror, we intend to develop "complementary" content for the Polar Lander mission, i.e. special materials relating to the mission, Mars, and the people behind the mission. As well, we will create pages directed toward "selling" membership in the Mars Society -- who we are, what we do -- during this period of heightened public interest and awareness regarding Mars.

Richard Wagner, editor/writer
25 Main Street, Suite 214
Northampton, MA 01060
voice 413/584-9941 fax 413/584-8170

If you haven't joined the Mars Society yet ...
what on Earth are you waiting for?

New Mars - a journal of the Martian frontier