From: "Richard Wagner" <> To: "Ruth Folchman Richard Wagner" <> Subject: Red Planet Satellite Report v1/n2 -- September 30, 1999 Date: Saturday, October 02, 1999 1:40 AM
Greetings all:-
Herewith the second edition of the already dare-I-say venerable Red Planet Satellite Report. Participation seems about the same as last, but, once again, there's lots of interesting bits of news herein.
I'm going to change the publication schedule a wee bit, and schedule the next RPSR for Thursday, October 21, a three-week hiatus. This will give everyone a bit of a breather, and me a week or so to try and chase down folks who have not checked in for either of these first two issues. Ergo, next call for news items will sail out Thursday, October 14 for reply Monday, October 18. I'll remind all when the time comes.
I'll repeat a paragraph here from the last issue: For those chapters with the "No report" slug: If I have erred in the correct contact person, please let me know so that I can fix my mailing list. Apologies if you have sent a report and I did not receive it. If you are down as a chapter contact and have no "chapter," please still let us know what you're up to. The least the rest of us could do is offer some moral support.
Some happy news items for all:
* Kim Stanley Robinson, RGB Mars triology author, has joined the Mars Society Board of Directors.
* Marc Boucher, Society webmaster, founder and president of aTerra Technologies Corp., has joined the Society's Board of Directors.
* Peter Smith, leader of the Mars Polar Lander Surface Stereo Imager and Robotic Arm Camera Team, has joined the Mars Society Steering Committee.
A personal plug: I'd like to include some MS member profiles with complementary content developed for the Mars Polar Lander mirror site. See below, way below.
That's it. Til later -- Richard Wagner
{mars rocks}
===================================================== Red Planet Satellite Report -- v1, n2 -- September 30, 1999
** U. S. Chapters
+ Alabama No report.
+ Alaska Marilyn Dudley-Rowley, On travel
+ Arizona Bill Gjestvang, No report.
+ Arkansas Wayne Bowen, The Arkansas Chapter of the Mars Society continues to focus on outreach and education. In October, Dr. Timothy Kral, of the University of Arkansas, will speak in Fayetteville at a community forum on the space program. Dr. Wayne Bowen, of Ouachita Baptist University, is teaching this semester an honors seminar about Mars, which will include a trip in November to the Johnson Space Center. Also in October, Bowen will meet with Rod Martin, an expected Republican candidate for Congress in Arkansas' 2nd District, who is a strong advocate of both manned and robotic exploration of space, to discuss Mars Direct.
+ California, CALTECH-JPL Chris Hirata, No report.
+ California, Central Valley Domenique van der Goore, Not much new to report. Keeping busy with the provisional members council project. I still have no other active members, so my range of activities is very limited.
If anyone has any input to give to the provisional council please get in touch with us. We really need everyone's input if we are going to put together a body that will help chapters and members communicate and work with the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee.
That's all from Central California.
On to MARS!!!
+ California, North Kelly Snook, No report.
+ California, South Dave Jedynak, No report.
+ Colorado (Rocky Mountain Mars Society) Brad Jarvis, Having become a non-profit corporation shortly before this year's Convention, the Rocky Mountain Mars Society (RMMS) elected its first slate of officers at the Convention, then had its first official meeting on the September 12. The Convention was discussed along with other recent events in the Society and how we might contribute.
MARS Task Force head Kurt Micheels met with the RMMS-based TerraHab group at Pioneer Astronautics to discuss how RMMS can be involved in the effort. Pending funding, we may help build a simulator or mockup of the Hab.
+ Florida Anthony DeTora, No report.
+ Red Dirt (the Georgia chapter of the Mars Society) Mike Kretsch, We have projects chosen, and we intend to move forward with them. Project 1 is a hands on project, RadioLuminescantPhotoVoltaics investigation. This is a Build One and Test It project. Actual people needed. Project 2 is a research project concerning the use of a created magnetic field, the solarwind, and power generating tethers. This is primarily a web/library/discussion group research project, and volunteer researchers are required. Details: The Question. 1)If we create a magnetic field, will its interaction with the solar wind be the sort of thing that would lend itself to power generation via tethers, and 2) is it feasible for crewed missions.
+ Hawaii Matt Rohrer, No report.
+ Idaho Chris Struble, mailto: I still haven't gotten any additional information on members in my state. I would like to get a list with address and phone numbers so I can know what cities they are in, and contact them if there are enough in a local area to start meetings. How do the other chapters get this information?
+ Ilinois Chapter, Chicago Matthew Lowry, Thanks to the Red Planet Satellite Report (9-13-99), Dr. Lucy Fortson of the Adler Planetarium in Chicago has contacted our chapter about learning more about the Mars Society. As of the date of this report, Fortson planned on sending an assistant astronomer from Adler -- Diana Challis -- to attend our September 24th meeting. Fortson & Challis work with the Mars Millennium Project -- see for more information. It is hoped that contact with the Adler Planetarium can lead to a mutually beneficial relationship between the Adler and the Mars Society. In addition, Mike Bresolin -- our chapter chairperson -- is in contact with others at the Adler in hopes that the Chicago chapter can play a role in Bob Zubrin's October 22nd public lecture at the Planetarium by setting up a Mars Society booth.
In addition, chapter members continue to make contact with both local and federal politicians about the fight over NASA's budget and the continuation of an aggressive program of human space exploration, namely a human mission to Mars in the near future. There has been some positive feedback from both Representative Susan Garrett (59th district IL) and Congressman John Porter in this regard.
To Mars!
+ Indiana Steve Resler, No report.
+ Iowa Katharine Osborne, No report.
+ Kansas Holly Kellogg, No report.
+ Kansas City George Howard, No report.
+ Louisiana Shelly Hynes, Currently, we haven't been able to meet due to the distance between most of the members. Hopefully we can resolve this issue sometime in the near future. Plans are being made to meet with Sen John Breaux who is on the Commerce, Technology, and Transportation committee. Again, this is difficult since none of us lives in Baton Rouge (the capital) and I live 3.5 hours away!. I have coordinated a talk which will be given by John Connolly from JSC. The talk will be at the Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette sometime around the middle of October. The final date has not been set. John, as most of you know, is a heavy hitter in Mars exploration, especially the robotic missions. Anyone living remotely close to Lafayette, please feel free to come to the talk. I will send an update once the date is finalized.
+ Maine Mary Ellen Symanski, No report.
+ Massachusetts Troy Hudson, mailto:thudson@MIT.EDU No report.
+ MD, DC, VA Theresa Klein, mailto: New contact, no report.
+ Michigan Aaron Oesterle, No report.
+ Minnesota Ben Huset, No report.
+ Minnesota Youth Chapter Kevin Kelly, No report.
+ Mississippi Garry Speer, We are still in organizational turmoil, and thus far have no plans or activities. Please be assured that this will change in the future, but all takes time.
+ Nebraska Harry Jordan, No report.
+ Nevada Shawn Plunket, No report.
+ New Jersey Paul Rockman, No report.
+ New York Paul Contursi, mailto: This summer, George Smith, Andrew Hoppin and Paul Contursi were interviewed on Cosmic Visions, an internet based TV webcast at Spacewatch is the only web site that webcasts three different programs devoted to astronomy and space subject matter to an internet audience. All three members made the most of an excellent opportunity to plug the Mars Society and its goals. Paul Contursi, the new New York Chapter president, was invited back to two weeks later to appear in a one-on-one interview on Deep Sky. During that 30 minute webcast, he plugged the Society, the arctic research station and campaigned for new members. On September 15, the chapter set up (chiefly due to the tireless work of George Smith) two speaking engagements for Dr. Robert Zubrin in connection with the tour for his new book, Entering Space. Dr. Zubrin lectured at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn and at New York University. The chapter collected scores of new mailing list contacts and passed out nearly 200 brochures containing an open invitation to our next meeting on 10/16. Efforts are now underway to advertise the meeting on the internet and local radio.
+ New Mexico Eric Orrill, For now, nothing to report outside the activities of our Los Alamos group. I hope to have that fixed by the next report.
+ Northern New Mexico Chapter (or Los Alamos Chapter) Lisa Ice, We shared a display with the New Mexico Space Society following a lecture by Ray Bradbury. We had eight new people sign up as interested and handed out a large number of brochures. We also gave a copy of "The Case for Mars" to Mr. Bradbury, along with a brochure. Mr. Bradbury provided a great deal of support for our cause by talking about how important it is that we go to Mars, although he had apparently never hear of the Mars Society. I highly recommend similar outreach efforts to any other chapters located where Mr. Bradbury is lecturing.
+ North Dakota, Central North Dakota Chapter John Cable, I will be visiting the University of North Dakota on October 10 to see their Space Studies Department and Engineering department. I already have contacts there, so after I graduate from high school this year, I should have a much easier time getting more people involved in a University setting.
+ North Dakota, Eastern Jonathan Hovland, No report.
+ Ohio Tam Czarnik, PRESENTATIONS: On 27 Sept 99 Ohio Chapter's Public Outreach Coordinator Monica Simmons and I make a 'Mars Direct' and Mars Society presentation to the assembled Science Staff of Oakwood High School near Dayton, hopefully leading to a series of presentations to groups of students. Basic introductory packets have been mailed/faxed to over 2 dozen schools, professors, museums etc. Tom Lucero and Monica have been trained to make the 'Mars Direct' presentations; he will present at CONTEXT (SF Con) in Columbus and Monica will present at Oakwood, both with backup from me if needed. Tom has his Slide set (purchased for each Branch Head); Monica prefers to use the transparencies I made and used last year.
MEDIA: Columbus Branch Head Tom Lucero was interviewed on radio & TV last week. Local TV station asking for Haughton Crater footage, but I'm told Nat'l Geographic has the rights: we're looking for alternate materials. Half a dozen TV/Radio stations contacted; local paper sending a reporter to interview me.
EDUCATION: Latest 'Aerospace Medicine 101' paper, 'Medical Emergencies in Spaceflight', should be available from the Ohio website at within a week; all papers researched, written and Net-published for the Mars Society - Ohio Chapter.
POLITICS: We wrote/faxed over a dozen letters (how MANY more, I don't know: that's only how many I personally faxed on for various members) to Senators and other Representatives re: NASA funding. Political Activism Head Jeff Roche is busily contacting Reps to make more appointments.
OTHER: Columbus Branch meeting on 2 Oct. 99. Getting a 'register to receive' icon for the biweekly Newsletter we publish (for Ohio members) on our website. Branch Heads collecting volunteers for CONTEXT and MSDC in October.
+ Oklahoma John Ohlheiser, No report.
+ Oregon, Eugene-Salem Erik Carlstrom, No report.
+ Oregon, Northern (Portland) Robert Lilly, No report.
+ Oregon, Southern Harold Miller, No report.
+ Central PA /Penn State University Mars Society Chapter Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D., mailto:w No report.
+ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Independence Chapter Gary Fisher, No report.
+ Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Dan Hussain, I am a new chapter contact for Pittsburgh/Pennsylvania. I have just began to organize a group in Pittsburgh since my move this summer from Chicago. In Chicago last year I was involved in their chapter, and I was their webmaster and continue to be their list-moderator.
Since my move to Johnstown, PA, I began to collect names of people who are interested in forming a group here. (We are a year behind most other groups, but better late than never, right?) I already have 3-4 people who have expressed very positive interest, and am still waiting for the rest of the approx. 20 people who are part of the Mars Society in the Pittsburgh/Johnstown area to respond.
+ Puerto Rico Jose Lopez Reyes, Nothing to report.
+ Rhode Island Steve Connors, No report.
+ South Carolina Richard Allen Brown, No report.
+ St. Louis Erv Baumann, No report.
+ Tennessee - Kentucky Trae Winter, No report.
+ Texas, Austin Tim Crain, No report.
+ Texas, Dallas Scott Bell, No report.
+ Texas, Houston Chris Barnes, I have sent a letter to TomDeLay urging him to vote against any budget cuts to NASA. A copy was sent to all chapter members, urging the rest to do the same. Francis Govers has sent letters to his representative Kevin Brady. He also sent letters to Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Phil Gramm. Brady responded with a 2 page letter expressing his support for NASA. Rep. Brady also sent a copy of a letter he gave to Tom DeLay outlining his support for NASA and proposed that the cuts be reconsidered.
Mr. Brady said that Tom Delay is very much in support of our cause and would Be using his considerable influence in the debate. Mr. Brady finished to say That the NASA budget was likely to be restored in the Senate/House conference committee.
The next meeting of the Mars Society of Houston will convene on October 10, 1999 at 4PM.
On to Mars!!!!
+ Utah Tom Allred, No report.
+ Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula Johannes Helgeson, No report.
+ Mars Society Puget Sound (Seattle, WA chapter) Jim Burk, No report.
+ West Virginia Robert Strong, mailto:strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU No report.
+ Wisconsin Jason Orloff, No report.
+ Wyoming Wyoming Chapter Patrick Banks, The Wyoming Chapter is still rather disorganized. I'd like to get an e-mail list set up so our members can stay in communication. I live in Laramie where I attend the University of Wyoming, and I hope to recruit more members from campus whenever I can find the time. Besides getting more organized, I'd like our chapter to set up meetings with the members of our congressional delegation (all three), and build our membership. Hope to have more to report in the future.
+ Youth Chapter Kathleen Bohne, No report.
** International Chapters **
+ Argentina, Latin America Jorge Mermoz, No report.
+ Argentina, Latin America Gabriel Rshaid, No report.
+ Australia Andrew Hamilton, The Sydney Chapter had a meeting last Thursday (9/23/99) with nine attendees. Various projects were discussed, including the Zubrin tour and contributions to the M.A.R.S. base.
+ Belgium Antoon Van Boxstael, No report.
+ Canada Marc Boucher, mailto: The Toronto chapter will next meet on Thursday, September 30th at 7pm. For more information see the Toronto web site @
The Victoria chapter will next meet on Wednesday, 20 October 1999, 7:00 pm. For more information please visit the Victoria web site at
No report from Montreal or Vancouver.
+ Chile Cristian Puebla-Menne, No report.
+ Cyprus, Mediterranean George Lordos, No report.
+ France Richard Heidmann, No report.
+ Germany Michael Bosch, No report.
+ Iceland Olafur Patrick Olafsson, No report.
+ Israel Alin Moss, No report.
+ Italy Fabrizio Pirondini, No report.
+ Japan Michitaka Onizuka, No report.
+ Mexico Rich Robins, mailto: The Mexico Chapter's founder and president just got back from the Space Frontier Foundation's 8th annual convention (in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.) less than two hours ago. I had a blast talking with all those NASA employees and NASA fans. Meanwhile that university conference I'd mentioned hearing about and being willing to participate in over in the relatively nearby city of Puebla has still not been assigned a date although I'm keeping my cyber-ears open.
+ Netherlands Arno Wielders, No report.
+ New Zealand David Maclenna, apparently corrupt e-mail address No report.
+ Peru Johan Veerman, No report.
+ Philippines Kin Enriquez, No report.
+ Mars Society Polska (Polish Chapter) Piotr Moskal, Indeed it seems like only yesterday, but those were two busy weeks for us here, in Poland. A few days ago in the Space Research Center in Warsaw (part of the Polish Academy of Sciences) there was a convention devoted to the theme of space travels, with a strong focus on Mars. We entered in contact with a lot of very interesting people. First, with PTA (Polish Astronautical Society). We will start a close cooperation with them, begining with some help in creating their WWW site. They are printing a periodic called "Astronautyka" -- we will write articles about Mars for them, probably regularly. Also, we received invitation to COSPAR (conference of the Commitee on Space Research) which will take place in Warsaw, July 2000. I guess it will be a great occasion to meet new people, also it would be good if we could give some speech during the convention (but it is not sure yet, we have almost a year to settle things after all).
The second great contact we made is with the team who builds polish components for the Rosetta lander and Mars Express (both ESA's projects). We talked with Dr Marek Banaszkiewicz (Space Research Center), who is the leader of the team. He agreed to write an article about their work to be put on our web site. Also, we talked with Dr Stanislaw Zurkowski, who works in the Aero-Engines Department. We hope to maintain a close link to all those people, as they are very important and precious partners for us.
One more thing: I'm almost done with a new design of our web page. Hope it'll be better, nicer & more attractive...
+ Russia Gennady Gusev, No report.
+ South Africa Evan James Dembskey, No report.
+ Spain, Canary Islands Cayetano Santana Gil, No report.
+ Spain, Pennisular Alexander Hristov, No report.
+ Sweden/Scandinavia Claes-Gustaf Nordquist, Nothing new to report.
+ Switzerland Claude-Alain Roten, No report.
+ Switzerland Gabriel Borruat, No report.
+ Ukraine Vladymy Shevernytskyy, No report.
+ United Kingdom Bo Maxwell, Work continues finalising the details of Robert Zubrin's 3-day UK tour. Talks have been set up with the following universities and institutions:
Surrey University Leicester University St. Andrew's University The Surrey Space Centre The Institute of Mechanical Engineers
In addition, negotiations are in progress for Robert to speak at Imperial College, London, and to be interviewed by the BBC World Service. The Mars Society UK trade stand will be on display during the tour, and the Society will be supporting the Beagle 2 project with Dr. Mark Sims sharing the platform with Dr. Zubrin at Leicester University.
The Society continues towards official formation as a UK company limited by guarantee. The initial board will comprise 3 individuals, but will be rapidly expanded as the organisation grows. As a major part of this process, we are developing a comprehensive "business plan", to define the steps and actions required to enable Britain to play a role in the Society's goal to "Explore and settle the Red Planet".
Forthcoming outreach opportunities (beside Robert Zubrin's tour) include speakers at the forthcoming UK-SEDS conference, and a major science-fiction convention in Scotland.
** Task Forces/Special Interests **
+ Administrative Director Maggie Zubrin, Nothing new.
+ Education Tom Becker, No report.
+ Fundraising Kristin Boekhoff, A couple of you have requested pledge cards and instructions, but there are still many more chapters out there who can participate. We can't get to Mars on good will alone, so please take the initiative to start a pledge campaign in your area. Fundraising experts say that most people won't give money unless you ask them! Also, if you have rolled out the pledge campaign in your area, please drop me a note and let me know how it went!
+ Graphics & Production Gary Hollingshead, We are currently working with the Jim Burke of the Seattle Chapter to get ready the next version of the CD. Meetings have been scheduled to go over content and design strategy. Also Sam Burbank of San Francisco regarding conference video footage.
+ Internet Task Force Marc Boucher - Harold Miller - I would like to bring to people's attention the fact that the Mars Arctic Research Station task force has an official web site at Since this project is so important to the Mars Society some chapters might be inclined to create their own site or page about it. However the official task force site will have the most up to date and accurate information. With that in mind we ask that you link to this site instead of creating your own site for the project. This way we can present one comprehensive accurate site to the public.
Thanks to the efforts of several people including Bruce Mackenzie, Randall Severy and Jim Burk the following chapters and task forces now have web sites on the Chapters web server.
Youth Task Force - Civilization & Culture Group - Poland - France - Northern California - Central California - Oregon - New England - Illinois -
The Internet task force would also like to welcome Paul Wooster a new member who will be helping with the main web site. Paul is an MIT student studying Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. He can be reached at the following email address
The Mars Society has signed up with two new affiliate programs. They are eToys and Value America. Chapters will soon be able to place affiliate items for sale on their web sites. Proceeds will go directly to Mars Society projects.
The members area of the main site is in transition and will be revamped over the next couple of months. Editing your profiles is not available at this time.
Also, we upgraded our secure web site, it now uses a 128-bit certificate for encryption (translation: higher security). Unfortunately it has uncovered a weakness in some browsers. Exportable (i.e. international, non-US) versions of Netscape Navigator will no longer read our secure form, instead returning an error that says "The Server has returned bad data." We're looking at some sort of work-around, but for now we're at a loss. This problem should affect no other browsers that we are aware of. In a related issue, if your browser complains of an "expired root certificate", you can repair/upgrade your certificate by following the instructions located at:
+ Martian Civilization and Culture Group (late Law and Governance Task Force) Ruth Waterton,> Nothing new.
+ Marketing Maggie Zubrin, See Administrative Director's report
+ Mars Arctic Task Force Kurt Micheels, No report.
+ Political & Public Outreach Brian Frankie,, Chris Carberry ( The MS Political Action Task Force has been working to restore funding for NASA's FY 2000 budget. Last week, the Senate took $7 billion from the education-HHS budget and gave it to the VA/HUD/IA budgets. $1 billion of this money was used to increase the proposed FY2000 NASA budget to the full amount requested by the Administration. The role that the Mars Society and other space advocacy organizations have played in this has been very important. We are now working to make sure that our members contact House and Senate members to support the restored NASA funding through the reconciliation process. We urge all members to keep up their good (and very important!) work.
+ ( Jim Burk ( -- Managing Editor / Webmaster No report.
+ Ares: The Mars Society's CDROM ( Jim Burk ( -- Project leader / Content Director No report.
+ Provisional Members' Council Chris Vancil, No report.
+ New Mars Richard Wagner, Hope to have a "dummy" site designed and available for compliments and criticism (the former welcomed, the latter tolerated) (that's a joke) by the next RPSR. With the able help of Ruth Waterton, noodling around the development of a fiction "issue" of New Mars.
+ Mars Polar Lander Mirror Site Richard Wagner, We are on the verge of going forward with the purchase of equipment the mirror site will require (and that will serve the Mars Society's own needs once the mirror site traffic ebbs and the site itself comes down). I would like to have a number of member profiles as part of the content that describes the Mars Society. Chapter heads/contacts, help me out here. Any intriguing members close at hand? A quality snapshot (no Klingon, Marvin the Martian etc. outfits please) and 100-200 word bio/profile would fit the bill for me. Drop me a line, if you can help.
===================================== Richard Wagner, editor/writer 25 Main Street, Suite 214 Northampton, MA 01060 voice 413/584-9941 fax 413/584-8170
If you haven't joined the Mars Society yet ... what on Earth are you waiting for?
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