Greetings all:- Here we are again, another action-packed issue of the RPSR. While there still exist a number of apparently shy and retiring chapter contacts, I'm pleased to see that a good number of contacts and TF leaders have gotten into the groove of the RPSR. There's a lot of interesting things going on in spots far and wide. Check it out and pass it along. Again, apologies on the schedule slip. I'd like to try the three-week hiatus once again, so expect a call for news bits on Thursday 10/11 with items in by Monday 10/15. The next RPSR will fly Thursday 10/18, though I expect many will be bleary-eyed from trying to catch a glimpse of the Leonids. Final note: I've gotten indications that some e-mail to me has bounced, allowing that the address was dead, did not exist, etc. If this happened to you, let me know about (something of a Catch-22 I realize, but just keep re-sending). Thanks. Later -- Richard Wagner {mars rocks} ===================================================== Red Planet Satellite Report -- v1, n3 -- October28, 1999 ** U. S. Chapters + Alabama No report. + Alaska Marilyn Dudley-Rowley, On travel. No report. + Arizona Bill Gjestvang, No report. + Arkansas Wayne Bowen, Ryan Goins,, has agreed to begin on a web page for the Arkansas Mars Society. Please send him any suggestions you might have for snazzy graphics or interesting links + California, CALTECH-JPL Chris Hirata, No report. + California, Central Valley Domenique van der Goore, Not much new to report. Still plugging away on the provisional members council, and we are getting quite a it accomplished. Some volunteers are receiving feed back, but I would like more interested members to get in touch and tell us their ideas on how to make communication within the Mars Society better. Not much to report chapter-wise, but when my term on the provisional council expires I am planing on actively contacting the members in my area and trying to get this chapter up and active. + California, North Kelly Snook, No report. + California, South Dave Jedynak, No report. + Colorado Rocky Mountain Mars Society (RMMS) Brad Jarvis, The RMMS Board of Directors met this month to discuss short, medium, and long range goals for the chapter. At the October general meeting, Tom Meyer gave an introduction to the resources and technologies available for living off the land on Mars. Kurt Micheels also briefed us on the status of the Mars Arctic Research Station project. Note that at 7:30 p.m. on November 4, Robert Zubrin will be speaking to the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society at the Discovery Center science museum in Fort Collins. + Florida Richard Brodeur, mailto: The Florida Chapter is having its first meeting on November 6th at KSC. The Chapter has 60 members who are scattered from the Florida Keys in the south to Florida State University in the north. The Chapter is currently forming a task force to support the M.A.R.S.-Haughton project. Kurt Micheels is evaluating the available talent in order to determine the specific focus of the Florida team. Members who have not been active to date and non-members who would like to join the Florida Chapter should contact Dick Brodeur at + Red Dirt (the Georgia chapter of the Mars Society) Mike Kretsch, Meeting Saturdays, Oct 23, Nov 6, Nov 20 Rocky Mountain Pizza, 10th and Hemphill, Atlanta Ga Project 1 RadioLuminescent Photovoltaics Project 2 Tethers and created magnetic fields for ship power Volunteer help essential. :) + Hawaii Matt Rohrer, No report. + Idaho Chris Struble, mailto: No report. + Ilinois Chapter, Chicago Matthew Lowry, mailto: October has been quite an interesting month for the Mars Society in Chicago! On the evening of the 22nd, Dr. Robert Zubrin came to the Adler Planetarium to present his Mars Direct plan to send humans to Mars within the next decade. There were hundreds present, including groups from two local North Shore high schools. Our Chicago chapter assisted with Zubrin's book sales and signing after the event, and the news of the Mars Society and its mission was spread wide that evening. In addition, Dr. Zubrin attended a special meeting of the Chicago chapter the next morning on the 23rd. This was by far the largest meeting we've had yet, with a whopping 30 people in attendance! Zubrin gave everyone a real shot in the arm, and a lively and fruitful discussion followed some of his comments. Some highlights of the discussion included: ==> making arrangements to meet with local politicians and Congress-critters, wherein Zubrin stated that almost 90% of the contacts made thus far with politcos have been positive; there are plans within the Chicago chapter to attempt a visit to Representative John Porter. ==> Zubrin encouraged those present to involve themselves more at the local level, delivering talks about the Mars Society to anyone who would listen - rotary clubs, school & church groups, etc. ==> The slogan "Shop for Mars!" was adopted in the hopes that more Society members would realize the importance of buying items online through the Mars Society website as a method of subsidizing the Society's economic base. ==> Brian Williams ( plans to help make arrangements to meet with local politicians to express the interests of the Mars Society. ==> Jim Plaxco ( was nominated to arrange Chicago chapter outreach talks to local community groups. It was also suggested that the Chicago chapter have a presence at the upcoming World Con science fiction convention. Hopefully, we can make ourselves more visible through this event. Lastly, our next meeting is to follow a presentation of nuclear propulsion systems at the Adler Planetarium on November 21st. A specified time has not yet been set. To Mars! + Indiana Steve Resler, No report. + Iowa Katharine Osborne, No report. + Kansas Holly Kellogg, No report. + Louisiana Shelly Hynes, The president of the National Society of Physics Students is my advisor, Dr. Gary White. My school, Northwestern State Univ of Louisiana is hosting a Zone 10 SPS meeting in March. This would be a great opportunity to spread the word about Mars to students in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and part of Tennessee. Please let me know if your Mars Society group wants to set up an exhibit. We still have not finalized the talk with John Connolly. I will keep you updated. + Maine Mary Ellen Symanski, No report. + New England Chapter Troy Lee Hudson, mailto: thudson@MIT.EDU The New England chapter has two projects currently in the works. In the early part of next year we will, by virtue of our location, be in a prime spot to get our message out to presidential hopefuls at the New Hampshire primary. We fully intend to take advantage of this and incorporate as many members of the New England chapter as possible. More immediately, the New England chapter is acting on the mandate from the steering committee to sponsor an event surrounding the Mars Polar Lander Arrival. Known as MarsLIVE!, we are currently seeking cooperation from the Boston Museum of Science to help host and sponsor this event, which will focus on the landing at 3pm Eastern Time. With our contacts through Think Mars, Mars Society, and other ties in New England, we plan to have several high-profile speakers, displays from numerous companies and other space societies, as well as merchandising and information sessions espousing the activities of the Mars Society. Any assistance other chapters wish to render as far as presentation materials or items to sell would be welcome. + MD, DC, VA Theresa Klein, mailto: New contact, no report. + Michigan Julie Edwards, The Michigan Mars Society is planning "Space Night" on the evening of 18 November 1999 at the North Campus of University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Plans are still tentative, but we expect to have several speakers including an astronaut, an engineering professor, and possibly a politician, as well as our chapter president (presenting Mars Direct). Other current projects include building a large portable model of a Mars Hab which is coming along nicely, thanks mainly to the efforts of one of our members. Future projects may include the concept of mobility on Mars since we live in the automotive state. + Minnesota Ben Huset, No report. + Minnesota Youth Chapter Kevin Kelly, No report. + Mississippi Garry Speer, No report. + Missouri -- Kansas City George Howard, Meetings...The KCMO Mars Society Chapter had its October meeting last Tuesday, Oct 19. The meeting is jointly held with the Heart of America Chapter NSS and the Delta Vee Network space interest group. Due to school schedules and other events turn out was light, but there still were two new members. One new member for the National Space Society and one new member for the Delta Vee Network. No new members for the Mars Society this time. The topic of discussion was the vote on the NASA budget and a showing of the Mars Society slide show. Beverages and snacks were served. Lobby Efforts... The KCMO Chapter of the Mars Society participated in the lobby effort to restore NASA funding back to the requested level, by contacting as many Mars Society members available to fax or mail letters to the correct Senators. The Heart of America Chapter NSS conducted a mailing to National Space Society members in Missouri and the Delta Vee Network conducted an e-mailing to unaffiliated Space interested people in Missouri. This was done in coordination with Tim Kyger of Universal Spacelines. About 800 people total were contacted from this combined group effort on this end. This is a comparatively small number in relation to the national effort, however that is what was accomplished on a local level. Although I do not work in aerospace and would not be directly affected one way or the other on the out come of the funding vote, it was just something positive to do. Website renovation...The Delta Vee Network website will soon be updated to include a few new features. The Mars Society chapter page has not been updated since last year so it really needs it. The new features will add a little more interest to the website. The URL for my site is Hope you find it interesting. Marketing... Product development is a major focus of mine in order to generate revenue to support chapter operations. Currently the expense is largely mine, so I am very driven to build a business plan. There have been some pitfalls in the past with now former group members attempting to claim inventive rights to products I was trying to develop to cover my costs with. These people have been horrifically counter productive. The major focus is on products that are unpatentable and have some degree of labor intensiveness involved in production. This discourages the under handed. Unfortunately it also discourages some honest people as well. Nevertheless, progress is being made. + Nebraska Harry Jordan, No report. + Nevada Shawn Plunket, Being one of the newest chapters in the Mars society, we are trying to obtain a solid foundation with our members. We are actually in the process of establishing a new contact in Las Vegas so that the distance barrier isn't so large in our state. Other than that- still trying to recruit new members and working hard to create some noise in Nevada. + New Jersey Paul Rockman, No report. + New York Paul Contursi, mailto: No report -- my mistake. + New Mexico Eric Orrill, No report. + Northern New Mexico Chapter (or Los Alamos Chapter) Lisa Ice, No meetings in October due to the hectic schedule of the chapter contact, but two accomplishments to report. First, we've received "sanctioning" by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. This means that we'll be able to use Laboratory resources such as e-mail and the Laboratory bulletin for publicizing events. Second, a future member was born to our chapter-in-formation on Sept. 16. His name is Donald Mars Poston and was 9 lbs even at birth. His parents call him "Baby Mars" about 50% of the time. + North Dakota Chapter John Cable, No report. + North Dakota, Eastern Jonathan Hovland, No report. + Ohio Tam Czarnik, October was a good month for presentations. Member Janis Janbergs gave the 'Mars Direct' presentation to a classroomful of schoolkids in Latvia last month. Member Monica Simmons presented 'Mars Direct' to the assembled Oakwood HS Science Staff. Member Tom Lucero presented 'Mars Direct' at CONTEXT 9 Oct 99. Member Tam Czarnik presented the 'Mars Direct' mission profile to his Rotation head and residents and fellows in Dayton, OH on 6 Oct 99. Public Outreach Coordinator Monica Simmons and Ohio Chair Tam Czarnik will give the 'Mars Direct' presentation to Curriculum Coordinators at Trotwood HS on 26 Oct 99. Sadly, presentations at MSDC (Cleveland) and EARTHGATE 2 (Cincinnati) did not take place, due to cancellation of the events. On the Education front, Member Tam Czarnik spoke on 'Aerospace Medicine' at CONTEXT in Columbus, OH 10 Oct 99. Tam Czarnik has also completed part 5 of his 6-part 'Aerospace Medicine 101' series, "Medical Emergencies in Space". It is available on-line at In other news, Ohio Chapter ran a table at CONTEXT 9-10 Oct 99, collecting signatures, selling buttons, and discussing the 'Mars Direct' plan with Con-goers. Pictures can be seen on-line at We will have information (pamphlets, hand-outs, Newsletters and a sign-up sheet) at Ohio Valley Filk Fest in October, though no presentation is planned. Our website now sports a 'register to receive the free biweekly Newsletter' icon - for Ohio residents only; sorry, folks. And member Craig Jarrett is crafting a number of entries for the "Rouget de Lisle" Song Contest, including the first Martian Drinking Song, "Mooning the Earth from Mars"! + Oklahoma John Ohlheiser, No report. +Oregon Gus Frederick, mailto: On October 16, the Oregon Chapter of the Mars Society held its first official meeting, in Corvallis, Oregon. Outcomes of the meeting, including minutes, will be posted on the chapter Web site at: Some of the highlights of the meeting include the Chapter sponsoring a Mars Millenium project, (making use of Martian Lava Tube Caves as habitat locations), in partnership with the Oregon Public Education Network and initiating an outreach program focused on holding the Chapter meetings every there months in a different location around the state. Also posted on the Oregon Chapter site are full text versions of the two papers presented by Oregon members at the 2nd Annual MS Convention in Boulder last August: "Society and Government: How can we Avoid the Same Mistakes on Mars?" by Erik Carlstrom, Chapter President; and "Martian Lava Tubes Revisisted" by Gus Frederick, Chapter Secretary & Webster Aside from the meeting, other Chapter activities include the creation of a scale lava tube cave model, in partnership with the Oregon Chapter of the National Space Society, the "Oregon L5 Society." For updates on this check out: When completed, this model will serve as a great "prop" for our various outreach activities, especially in regards to the Mars Millennium project. + Central PA /Penn State University Mars Society Chapter Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D., mailto: We completed the organizational task and the proposal preparation for Penn State students to participate in NASA Human Exploration and Development of Space (HEDS-UP) Student Design Competition in the area of Adaptive Robotics for Mars Exploration. Proposal sent on October 15, 1999. + Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Independence Chapter Gary Fisher, We had a chapter meeting October 2. At that meeting we picked the winner of our "First Words On Mars" contest that we ran at the Mars Society Convention. The winner is Bruce Miller for "Mankind is now learning to walk. This is but the second step on our stairway to the stars." A 12" Sky and Telescope Mars Globe was the prize. On October 6 chapter members Rudy Behrens, Richard Mallon-Day, Michelle Baker and myself gave a 1 hour presentation at the Ambler, PA campus of Temple University titled "Living on Mars - Sci Fi or Reality." The audience consisted of about 35 students from the Landscape Architecture and Horticultural departments. The talk was well received. The sponsor, professor Baldev Lambda, arranged for a number of red colored snacks, including doughnuts with red icing! Something to keep in mind if anyone is planning a party around the Polar Lander landing. On October 16, I gave the Mars Society slide show presentation at the City Institute Library on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. Chapter member Michelle Baker, a JPL ambassador to the Solar System, gave a talk about the Galileo flyby of IO immediately following my talk. We had an audience of about 25. Both talks were well received and generated a number of good questions. Next up will be presentations at the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention November 12-14 (Philcon). I'll participate in a debate on robotic versus human (my position) space exploration, and also give the slide show. Other chapter members are involved in other panel discussions. We will be jointly staffing a table with members of PASA (the Philadelphia Area Space Alliance) during most of the convention hours. No formal chapter meeting is planned as yet, though a lunch meeting somewhere near the convention site (Adams Mark hotel) will be scheduled soon. + Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Dan Hussain, The Mars Society of Pittsburgh is off to an interesting beginning. Since the last report, we have organized a mailing list which now includes over 20 subscribers, and have had some Internet communications between the chapter members. I have been able to organize the first meeting of the chapter for Sunday, November 14th. I have received about a dozen confirmations for attendance. With our first meeting, we hope to launch the political presence of the Mars Society of Pittsburgh. I feel we can have a considerable impact on local politics, for next year's election in November 2000 which will be a major national and local election. I look forward to the upcoming year, and to inspiring interest in Mars exploration in the Pittsburgh area. + Puerto Rico Jose Lopez Reyes, No report. + Rhode Island Steve Connors, No report. + South Carolina Richard Allen Brown, No report. + St. Louis Erv Baumann, No report. + Tennessee - Kentucky Trae Winter, No report. + Texas, Austin Tim Crain, No report. + Texas, Dallas Scott Bell, No report. + Texas, Houston Chris Barnes, No report. + Utah Tom Allred, No report. + Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula Johannes Helgeson, No report. + Mars Society Puget Sound (Seattle, WA chapter) Jim Burk, Our chapter is planning Seattle MarsFest to coincide with the Mars Polar Lander landing on December 3rd. Our leading contender for the venue is the Boeing Museum of Flight, but we are exploring other options such as renting a downtown movie theatre. We are building a website at which will showcase our event, the New England event, PlanetFest, and any other events. The latest in our series of public outreach talks about Mars happened at the Seattle American Society of Mechanical Engineers monthly meeting. My talk on Mars exploration to about 30 engineers was a great success. Our October meeting had four new members that had recently joined the Mars Society and heard about our chapter from the main website. One of the new members was an executive for local company SpaceLabs, which specializes in health monitoring and is interested in supporting the Mars Society. + West Virginia Robert Strong, mailto:strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU No report. + Wisconsin Scott Davis, mailto: This month, October, has been really busy for the Wisconsin chapter. We set up a tent at the Tripoli Wisconsin Association's amateur rocket launch in Kenosha, WI earlier this month. Pegasus Graphics generously donated a large banner and some posters to our chapter that we displayed at the event. We set up a display table at the First Contact convention in Milwaukee as well. This weekend we will be attending the Chicago chapter's meeting in which Robert Zubrin is also planning on attending. The last weekend this month we are planning on setting up a table along with the Lunar Reclamation Society at JVL-Con in Janesville, WI. I don't know if next month will be as packed as this one, but I hope the level of activity will remain high. + Wyoming Wyoming Chapter Patrick Banks, No report. + Mars Society Youth Group Margarita Marinova, mailto: The Youth Group formed at the Second Convention when youth expressed the need for us to provide a voice of what we want our future to be. We came to the conclusion that youth often have a somewhat different perspective on a variety of topics and that it is important to make these perspectives heard. So far the group has 87 members. We are in the process of becoming involved with projects. Any ideas for easy, low cost, low time requirement projects would be VERY appreciated! As well a number of high school chapters have started! Our membership is growing pretty fast. A person of any age is very welcome to help out, suggest ideas, etc. However, only persons under 30 may act as a point of contact or vote on important issues. If you would like to join the youth group and our mailing list, please e-mail me. ** International Chapters ** + Argentina, Latin America Jorge Mermoz, Though a very small chapter (for the moment!), we have been very busy the last few months getting ready for the first (ever) Teacher Conference on Space Sciences in Education here in Argentina. Here goes our brief report: The Mars Society Argentina and Belgrano Day School organized the First Teacher Conference on Space Sciences in Education last Saturday, October 9th. It was attended by 45 teachers belonging to 18 schools from Buenos Aires city and surroundings. The initial idea was to offer a framework in which schools could present their work, but it soon became clear that few had the necessary tools and resources to achieve our objectives. We, therefore, started right from the beginning. Through intense and varied activities teachers attended lectures, had access to displayed materials, meteorite samples, computer simulations and videos. Workshops on remote sensors, orbital mechanics and extreme environments were also offered. Lectures covered topics dealing with child incentivation, meteorites and astrobiology. The conference was a success and we all agreed to join again in 2001 to give teachers time enough to put all these ideas into practice according to their particular circumstances. In the meantime close contact will be maintained through Internet and a quarterly newsletter. + Australia Andrew Hamilton, Held a combined NSSA Mars Society meeting to plan Robert Zubrin's Aussie tour in March 2000. Meeting was very successful with lots of ideas to raise the money required and willingness of people to take on responsibility. + Belgium Antoon Van Boxstael, No report. + Canada Marc Boucher, mailto: On travel, no report. + Chile Cristian Puebla-Menne, No report. + Cyprus, Mediterranean George Lordos, No report. + France Richard Heidmann, The French chapter has registered as an association, in agreement with the French law, in March 1999, under the name "Planete Mars". We have now more than 50 members, including people from the French space agency CNES and the space industry, as well as science book writers and journalists. Our first goal was to create a website which is now well developed and updated at least once a week. Since creation, several meetings have been hold in Paris and Toulouse. The last highlights were Robert Zubrin's meetings in Paris and Toulouse during his western Europe tour. In Paris Olivier de Goursac, the French representative of JPL's outreach program has enhanced the meeting with a scale model of the Mars Polar Lander. A lot of pictures of Robert Zubrin and this model have been taken by the French well-known astronomy magazine "Ciel et Espace" ("Sky and Space"). In Toulouse it's the "City of space" museum that has hosted the meeting. About 120 people attended the "Mars Direct" presentation. The "City of space" is also very interested in the Mars Arctic research station. Next year a temporary exhibition about Mars exploration will be started. A scale model of the habitat could then be presented. We have also started an educational program with a high school in Toulouse. October 16th, the president of the association, Richard Heidmann, gave a talk attended by about one hundred people entitled : "Mars : approaching a new world" at "Palais de la decouverte", the popular Science Exhibit in Paris. November 20th , "Planete Mars" will organize a mini symposium in Paris. Three lectures are scheduled : =The question of life on Mars by Charles Frankel, writer of the latest French Mars book "Life on Mars". =The Mars Sample Return program by Michel Rougeron, head of the astronomy and solar system department at CNES. =The Mars Polar Lander by Olivier de Goursac, French representative of JPL's Mars outreach program. December 3rd , special evening at the City of space in Toulouse for the Mars Polar landing. We are planning to have the same event in Paris. Meanwhile we are ready to publish the first issue of our internal bulletin. + Germany Michael Bosch, No report. + Iceland Olafur Patrick Olafsson, No report. + Israel Alin Moss, No report. + Italy Fabrizio Pirondini, No report. + Japan Onizuka,Michitaka, mailto: Kiosuke Murakawa, mailto: Domain name registration for has been submitted + Mexico Rich Robins, mailto: No report. + Netherlands Arno Wielders, No report. + New Zealand David Maclenna, apparently corrupt e-mail address No report. + Peru Johan Veerman, No report. + Philippines Kin Enriquez, Well, the group is not formally organized yet, but I plan to build the group through the University of the Philippines Astronomical Society (which I am a member). I already talked to them and they are open to the idea. We're supposed to link with another astronomical society at another school and I plan to introduce Mars Society to them too. I am giving away to everybody I know all the brochures the Society sent me. I was also been able to present the video (the one presented at Discovery) to a party. The last time we had an exhibit, me and some members made a sojourner rover-replica the centerpiece of the basically Mars-themed display. In this light, if there are new brochures and mars-related materials I would like to request them. Other plans: I am currently developing a web page to promote mars society in the Philippines. Well that's basically what's going on right now. On to Mars! + Mars Society Polska (Polish Chapter) Piotr Moskal, This time we have three important news. First - between 22 and 23 of September, in the Space Research Center in Warsaw, took place an Astronautical Convention devoted to the theme of space propulsions. We participated in the event with a speech titled "In situ propellant production as a solution in flights Earth-Mars-Earth" (by Andrzej Kotarski). The second thing - we finished to write our statute and are almost ready to accomplish the registration process. Prof. Z. Klos, the director of the Space Research Center agreed to provide us with a conference room in SRC, where our first chapter meeting will take place soon. During that meeting we hope to gather all documents and signatures needed to register. And finally, I'm done with our new web site project. It will be available on the Net within a few days. + Russia Gennady Gusev, No report. + South Africa Evan James Dembskey, No report. + Spain, Canary Islands Cayetano Santana Gil, mailto: Like New England and Seattle's chapters, I am organizing an event for MPL's arrive Mars. I also organize an expo about Mars for 2000. I'll like contact with Mars Society members in Canary Islands. + Spain, Pennisular Alexander Hristov, No report. + Sweden/Scandinavia Claes-Gustaf Nordquist, Nothing new to report, yet. C.-G. N. + Switzerland Claude-Alain Roten, No report. + Switzerland Gabriel Borruat, No report. + Ukraine Vladymy Shevernytskyy, No report. + United Kingdom Bo Maxwell, Robert Zubrin and Bo Maxwell completed a whirlwind tour of England and Scotland, with Dr. Zubrin speaking at the Surrey Space Centre, University College London, the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London, Cranfield University, Leicester University and St. Andrew's University in Scotland. The tour also included interviews with the BBC World Service, Scottish radio and a number of newspapers. The tour was well received by all the audiences, and enabled the Mars Society to establish stronger relationships with organisations and space societies across the country. Two highlights of the tour came in Leicester, where Dr. Zubrin and Bo Maxwell were given a tour of the newly-opened British Challenger Centre, and discussed longer-term co-operation and joint project opportunities between the Challenger Centre and the Society. Following this, they were able to meet with, and share a presentation with, Dr. Mark Sims of the Beagle 2 project, who gave the audience at the presentation an update on the latest status of the mission. A full report on the tour is in preparation and will be available on the Mars Society UK website at in the near future. The re-organisation of the Society continued in October, moving it closer to Limited Company status. New roles were defined, with Philip Dembo undertaking the role of UK Executive Director, and Bo Maxwell moving into the role of UK President. The Society also gained a new Membership Secretary, Peter Loftus. Planning for the 1999 / 2000 season of outreach continues, with the Society invited to field a team of speakers at the forthcoming UK-SEDS conference in November as well as continuing our talks to universities and other organizations. The Mars Society UK trade stand is now firmly established, and was on the road with Dr. Zubrin. The flexible display, measuring some 6 feet by 6 feet, gives up to 12 2 ft by 3ft panels on which the Society is able to mount an impressive display for fact sheets, images and diagrams produced using a photo-quality 1440x1440dpi printer donated for our use. The unit can also be split into two table-top units for easier display. ** Task Forces/Special Interests ** + Executive Director Maggie Zubrin, All-please welcome Ellen Schattner who is working as the new Office Manager for the Mars Society. Ellen is processing registrations, maintaining the data base, sending out email confirmations and ID cards. Soon she will tackle the formidable pile of back-logged filing. Ellen has done a super job of getting things up to date and has freed up my time to work on our Mars Store and other fund-raising issues. You will be seeing her email address on new member greetings. We have added many new affiliates at the Mars Store. Paul Wooster, a super sharp Internet designer and dedicated college student, and I are working on design issues. This is an easy way to shop and a great way to make money for TMS. Please encourage chapter members to try it. We will have a special Mars merchandise section that chapters can utilize to sell or purchase bulk items. Kurt Micheels has been working on a fundraising letter with some input from me. We have each done some cold calling, but discovered that we don't get more than a name from that approach. The key is to send a strong follow up letter with brochure. If anyone knows of individuals they would like us to contact, please forward the names to both of us. In general, Kurt will be working on tech firms for money and in-kind contributions and I will be approaching more general businesses, such as Mars Candy. + E-Commerce Tony Santana, mailto: ORGANIZATION: The Electronic Commerce Task Force was formed spontaneously at the Mars Society convention with Tony Santana as organizer /titular head, who works on Wall Street. The Ecommerce task or mission is to raise capital utilizing electronic commerce to fund Mars Society projects. It currently reports to the Internet team under Marc Boucher and to Marketing under Maggie Zubrin, and liaises with staff from the Steering committee; Ecommerce operates via member suggestions and online discussion and voting, leading to proposals to Marc/Maggie. PROPOSALS TO DATE: Ecommerce has generated various proposals to date, many of which were already being developed by Maggie and Marc prior to its formation, others which are on hold, vetoed or being researched. These include: A. CONVENTION PROPOSALS. =Proposal a1. Viral Marketing (OPEN) Discounts to members for signing up new members. No volunteers to develop! =Proposal a2. Trademark (NIXED) Licensing the Mars Society logo to vendors. On hold for now. =Proposal a3. Mars Store (GO) Preapproved before Ecomm. Need a volunteer to work with Marc on stocking store. Now being worked on. =Proposal a4. Affiliate Programs/Advertising (GO) A "Cold Call Letter" I proposed was approved for determining any interested vendors. Note: Only HQ can negotiate contracts, just send them the interested replies. =Proposal a5. Celebrity auctions and (OPEN) Revenues from auctioning celebrity member products or pctg of items sold on charitable site. Needs research. (#) POST CONVENTION PROPOSALS =Proposal 1. Voting on Proposals (GO) Voted in/Approved. We vote on Proposals then pass them to HQ for approval (or not). =Proposal 2. Low Cost Sale Items: Mars Cup. (NIXED) Develop a low cost cup for sale. Nixed by HQ. Possibly do it as a private/ chapter sale item left open, as Rocky Mt was allowed to do Tshirts. =Proposal 2a. Virtual Chapter (NIXED) Idea to collect our own dues and start developing Ecomm ideas as a virtual chapter. Nixed by HQ. =Proposal 3. Celebrity Fundraising. (MODIFIED) Developing corporate fundraising contacts: send any corporate/other contacts you have to Maggie Zubrin, Robert Zubrin, or Kurt Micheels directly. They handle all fundraising. =Proposal 4. Banner Links (NIXED) Developing links to banners from advertisers: Nixed for now as dollars too small. Possible to devise banners at the chapter level got mixed feedback. NEW PROPOSALS =Proposal 5. Mousepads (OPEN) Developing Mousepads as saleable store items. Some info developed by Katya. Thanks Katya! =Proposal 6: Member Discounts (OPEN) Seeking Vendors who offer Member Discounts (OPEN) Many companies like Avis will give member discounts in return for just letting the members know about them. How to pursue this? Comments/votes? =Proposal 7: Developing Links to the MS, e.g. AOLNews (OPEN) AOL has been contacted to determine if they would host a link to the Mars Society. Though approved, they have not replied to the follow up letter yet! + Education Tom Becker, No report. + Fundraising Kristin Boekhoff, Greetings all! I am still hoping that more people will contact me about distributing pledge cards in your area. I realize that for some people this may be a challenging task--many folks tend to liken fundraising to begging--but this is not the case! You are merely showing your support for an organization that you believe in and providing others with the opportunity to support the organization as well. If you still don't feel that this is the right task for you, please check with your chapters to see if there is anyone else on the team who would be willing to volunteer. All you need to do is send me an e-mail! FUNDRAISING TIP OF THE WEEK: As many of you know, we now have several items for sale through our Mars store located on our website. The store contains links to some of our affiliates, including, The Sharper Image, Hickory Farms, and many others. The Mars Society gets about 5% of everything that is purchased from these sites if you enter in through the Mars Society home page. The holidays are coming up, so when you start to do your shopping, please remember to buy online through our store! Also, when sending out gift lists, you might want to include a note at the bottom telling people to buy your gifts online. Here is an example of a note I recently sent to my family: "As promised here is a list of birthday book suggestions. I would also like to suggest that if you purchase the books online, that you go to and click on the logo to get in to the bookstore. This way, not only do I get great presents, but my favorite charity also gets 5% of the purchase!" On to Mars! + Graphics & Production Gary Hollingshead, No report. + Internet Task Force Marc Boucher - Harold Miller - No report. + Martian Civilization and Culture Group (late Law and Governance Task Force) Ruth Waterton,> Nothing new.. + Marketing Maggie Zubrin, See Executive Director's report + Mars Arctic Task Force Kurt Micheels, mailto: We have initiated production of a 3D virtual model for the web site. Work to be accomplished by the "Sun Dance" lab of the CU Boulder Architecture School, under the direction of Sonja Holmes. A second 3D model of the exterior is being drawn by Wayne Cassalls. Both Cassalls and Holmes are members of the Rocky Mountain Mars Society. I and Ned Dodds attended an "independent review" and jury by space architecture professionals hosted by Lockheed Martin at their Facilities at JSC Houston, 10/22/99. Prime recommendations were to re-evaluate the design from a "systems" view point, and enhance its appearance (make it sexier). I will go to Calgary tomorrow to attend a CSA conference, meet with our prospective prime and logistics contractor + Political & Public Outreach Brian Frankie,, Chris Carberry ( No report. + ( Jim Burk ( -- Managing Editor / Webmaster Due to my recent career change, the site wasn't being maintained for about a week. To prevent this from recurring, I have given my chapter Vice President and longtime site volunteer Dustin Green ( the "virtual keys" to the server. Dustin will assist me in entering news stories in the database. In the next couple of months, we hope to relocate the site on the Cyberteams server, move the news backend to a commerical database solution, and engineer a visual redesign of the site. Stay tuned and email us at if you'd like to help out. We will be setting up several mailing lists soon to foster communication between site volunteers. + Ares: The Mars Society's CDROM ( Jim Burk ( -- Project leader / Content Director Issue #2 of the Ares CD is in production. Several members of the Mars Society are helping out and Imagineering is doing their usual first-rate job. This issue of the Ares CD will contain a comprehensive set of Mars curriculum for teachers and educators. It will also contain many great Mars images, research papers, a clickable Mars atlas, and much more. For more details on the CD, watch the project website at (I'll be making some updates this week as I have time) If you'd like to join the project mailing list, send a message to and include the following in the body of the message: subscribe ares-cdrom While Issue #2 of the CD will be dated Autumn 1999 and was originally due November 1st, we reserve the right to delay shipment until it's ready. This CD will be quality-driven, not date-driven as the last one was, and we hope to avoid silly mistakes like Mac incompatibility. Yes, you can expect it before Christmas or Y2K :) + Provisional Members' Council Chris Vancil, Recent activities: 1) Voted to eliminate 1 week waiting period for conceptual agenda feedback since our deadline is near and response has been low. 2) Voted to consider motions on internal motions passed and in effect as soon as 5 votes in favor are recorded. 3) Action plan for completion of our mandate was approved. a) Formalize minimum requirements. b) Complete minimum requirements. c) Submit proposal to board of directors and chapter contacts for review. (11/1/99 target) e) Work on setting up approval process. f) Continue further deliberations if requested by board of directors and/or members or council wishes simply to make detailed recommendations for permanent council. 4) Approved a list of minimum requirements to complete our mandate. a) Rules of order for live meetings. b) Rules of order for conducting council business via E-mail. c) Decision on representative versus direct democracy. d) Method of implementing decision in item 3. e) Method of recalling officers and/or representatives. f) Method of modifying council rules. g) Methods of selecting officers if any. + New Mars Richard Wagner, Nothing new. + Mars Polar Lander Mirror Site Richard Wagner, Hardware for the mirror is in and set up. Expect mirror site to be up and operational by next RPSR. ===================================== Richard Wagner, editor/writer 25 Main Street, Suite 214 Northampton, MA 01060 voice 413/584-9941 fax 413/584-8170 If you haven't joined the Mars Society yet ... what on Earth are you waiting for? New Mars - a journal of the Martian frontier