Greetings all:- This is a chock full o'bits mailing, so I'll keep the comments short. Major news bits: We've inked the deal for the 3rd International Mars Society Convention, to be held August 10-13, 2000 at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Registration is open at the Mars Society main website: The Mars Mall has snagged some new retailers. If we're denied a planetary expedition, heck, we can a least have a shopping expedition. Pay a visit at The Mars Polar Lander mirror site is up. Fly straight to the Polar Lander via, or linger around the front door and peruse some of the latest from Kim Stanley Robinson at Thanks to all ... Later -- Richard Wagner {mars rocks} ===================================================== Red Planet Satellite Report -- v1, n4 -- November 18, 1999 ** U. S. Chapters ** ** Alabama Daniel Slosberg, mailto: We are doing a lot in conjunction with the local SEDS chapter, which is very active, including speakers, rocket launches, and discussions of the Martian calendar. We have submitted an idea to SEDS to work with them on a GAS can. The proposal is to build a small satellite which can raise and lower its orbit using magnatorquers, solar panels, (and if we can get it high enough, test the solar wind). Our goal is to be able to use magnets to point a Martian orbiter's antenna towards the Earth so we won't keep running out of fuel. The vote on if we get space or not is being held today...wish us luck! ** Alaska Marilyn Dudley-Rowley, No report. ** Arizona Bill Gjestvang, No report. ** Arkansas Wayne Bowen, mailto:bowenw@alpha.obu.eduNov. 18-20, Professors Wayne Bowen and Jay Curlin of Ouachita Baptist University will take Mars honors seminar students to the Johnson Space Center and Space Center Houston to study NASA's plans to explore the Red Planet, and also to meet with the folks of the Mars Society in Houston. ** California, CALTECH-JPL Derek Shannon, mailto: After a quiet early fall, the Mars Society of Caltech/JPL will be pretty busy as we approach the new millennium - 1. Of four big events, two have already been big successes, and 2 more look to even better. November 13th: John Glenn appearance November 16th: American Astronautical Society Conference December 3rd: PLANETFEST, and of course the landing of the Mars Polar Lander December 10th: Outreach to the REAL general public in Old Pas Read on! (1) Saturday, November 13, JOHN GLENN AT VROMAN'S BOOKSTORE. Last Saturday's book signing was GREAT! We added *128* new names to our chapter's mailing list, and these will all be passed on to the national MS. To summarize: We didn't have much luck with just the table, since people (There were around 1000 people there in a multi-block line) were preoccupied with keeping their places, so we took our toy Mars rover and our individual sign-up slips (and very important: LOTS OF GOLF PENCILS or other expendable writing tools) and went all the way down the line, giving a little talk every few people, handing out slips and pencils to interested folks, and the slips were usually handed back filled out after we'd moved just slightly farther down the line. Our individual sign-up slips are on our web page,, under "FAQs, Fliers, Sign-ups..." As to attempts to recruit John Glenn himself: After going through the line and tending to our table, we were the last to get our books signed, and the TIGHT security still shuffled us quickly through. But we gave him a copy of "Case for Mars" with fliers/contact info inside, and he was pretty surprised at this reversal--he said he'd take a look at the stuff that evening. I recommend visiting Random House,, and calling their New York office to ask about appearances in your area. Then contact the bookstore where he'll be appearing and offer to set up a space info table to keep the crowd entertained while they wait. We found out about the Vroman's appearance because Vroman's had met our chapter when Dr. Z gave a talk there a few months ago, and they contacted us, but calling other bookstores and convincing them should be hard. Final tip: I found that people were more skeptical when I started off "Hello, I'm with the Mars Society and..." but when I said "Hello, I'm Derek Shannon and I'm a student at..." there was almost always an enthusiastic response. So give them some background info to prove you're not JUST a Mars nut. (2) AMERICAN ASTRONAUTICAL ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE right here in Pasadena next Tuesday, the 16th. Our student poster on the Caltech Mars Society Mission 2.0 was very well received, we had a few (but high-quality) e-mail list sign ups, AND we got a lot of info that will further our technical projects, including the first details on the NASA Design Reference Mission4.0. It adopts at least one change that we have been advocating: Instead of sending the crew to the Martian surface with just an approx. 24hr power supply (they'll die if they land far away from their pre-landed cargo), there is now a 30 day grace period for the crew upon landing. The other big change: A solar electric propulsion tug to get from LEO to trans-Mars injection, where a small chemical stage adds the final push. Details on the plan are on our web page, as always, under "CMSM2." Look forward to more updates, as we are still preparing CMSM3 to continue to lower cost/risk. (3) PLANETFEST, December 3rd-5th. Our efforts to get volunteers to staff the booth are coming along nicely--it should be a great event! (4) OUTREACH IN OLD PAS: It looks like we have an Old Pas (a trendy, crowded shopping/dining district in Pasadena) vendor who wouldn't mind us using some of his sidewalk to have a Mars Society booth. The tentative date for this event is December 10th, so stay tuned. ** California, Central Valley Domenique van der Goore, Not much new to report. The Provisional Members Council is in the process of finalizing our draft bylaws for the members council. I have volunteered to stay on until the permanent council takes over in 2000(well assuming the bylaws we have been working so hard on are accepted).That's about it from here. ** California, North Kelly Snook, No report. ** California, South Dave Jedynak, No report. ** Colorado Rocky Mountain Mars Society (RMMS) Brad Jarvis, No report. ** Florida Richard Brodeur, mailto: The Florida Chapter met on November 6th at Kennedy Space Center and combined its business meeting with the annual Open House at KSC. The next scheduled meeting will be on February 5th in Palm Beach County, followed by a May meeting at Cape Canaveral in conjunction with the 37th Space Congress ( ). The November 6th meeting had an attendance of about 30, including spouses and children. A presentation on generating public awareness was given by Robert Gass (see, a presentation on regenerative life support systems was given by Matt Reyes (see, a presentation on the Devon Island project was given by Dick Brodeur, a presentation on the 37th Space Congress was given by Dian Hardison ( and a presentation on Mars habitat design and Mars community infrastructure was given by Tom Wray ( As a result of that meeting, certain organizational improvements were made. A three-person "Steering Committee" was formed to promote the Mars Society in Florida in 2000. The three members are Dian Hardison, Robert Gass and Dick Brodeur. Also, an increased role for university students is being sought. Two "Mars Coordinators" were nominated by the Steering Committee. For the University of Florida in Gainesville, Matt Reyes. For Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Jim Bruce (see ). ** Red Dirt (the Georgia chapter of the Mars Society) Mike Kretsch, Next Meeting: Nov 20 Thinking of making our several projects one, called "power options" expect to generate papers for the next convention ** Hawaii Matt Rohrer, No report. ** Idaho Chris Struble, mailto: No report. ** Illinois Chapter, Chicago Matthew Lowry, mailto: The Chicago chapter is considering getting involved in the Mars Polar Lander festivities at the Adler Planetarium on December 3rd. Members are currently planning to attend the event in order to speak and give presentations about the Mars Society. In addition, Jim Plaxco attended the Windycon science fiction convention and made contact with Kandis Elliot of the Institute of Implied Science located in Madison, WI. Kandis is the co-creator of the "Millennium Mars" calendar. He discussed with her the possibility of the Mars Society selling the calendars as a fundraising item. For more information on this topic and selling merchandise in general to subsidize Mars Society funding, contact Jim at Finally, there is a new (sub)chapter of the Mars Society forming in the North Shore communities of Chicago! Many people in the area have expressed interest in such a chapter, as transportation to downtown Chicago for those in the area is difficult at best. The new daughter chapter will be called the North Shore chapter, as soon as it's official of course, and it will work to maintain ties with its parent Chicago chapter as well as spread the word at home. The first meeting of the North Shore chapter has been tentatively set for the evening of Thursday, December 2nd at Lake Forest High School. For more information about the newly forming (sub) chapter, contact Matt Lowry at or Richard Price Mars Rules ** Indiana Steve Resler, No report. ** Iowa Katharine Osborne, No report. ** Kansas Holly Kellogg, No report. ** Louisiana Shelly Hynes, Nothing new. ** Maine Mary Ellen Symanski, No report. ** MD, DC, VA Theresa Klein, mailto: New contact, no report. ** Michigan Julie Edwards, No report. ** Minnesota Ben Huset, No report. ** Mississippi Garry Speer, No report. ** Missouri -- Kansas City George Howard, No report. ** Nebraska Harry Jordan, No report. ** Nevada Shawn Plunket, No report. ** New England Chapter Troy Lee Hudson, mailto: thudson@MIT.EDU A number of events for the Dec. 3 landing are being organized (check for more details). As well we are looking into starting a number of chapter activities; some ideas include: creating a lecture series, designing a Mars base, and being more involved in outreach at the elementary and high school level. ** New Jersey Paul Rockman, No report. ** New York Paul Contursi, mailto: Nothing new -- trying to arrange MPL event. ** New Mexico Eric Orrill, No report. ** Northern New Mexico Chapter (or Los Alamos Chapter) Lisa Ice, Participated in New Mexico Mars Society gathering on the 13th and will help with outreach at the Planetarium in Santa Fe this week, where Chris McKay is lecturing. We're also tentatively planning a MarsFest event for Dec. 3rd or 4th in conjunction with the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Center for Space Science and Exploration. ** North Dakota Chapter John Cable, No report. ** North Dakota, Eastern Jonathan Hovland, No report. ** Ohio Tam Czarnik, Public Outreach Coordinator Monica Simmons and Ohio Chair Tam Czarnik gave the 'Mars Direct' presentation to Curriculum Coordinators at Trotwood HS. 'Mars Direct' presentations were also given to the Miami Valley Astronomical Society on 12 Nov 99, and to Stillwater Stargazers on 16 Nov 99. Also, Cincinnati Head Gavin Whittle learned how to give the 'Mars Direct' presentation, and received his slide set. Presentations are scheduled at Branch Libraries in the Dayton area for 27 Nov 99, 08 Jan 2000 and 22 Jan 2000. Ohio Chapter will be collaborating with the Miami Valley Astronomical Society on 'Apollo Rendezvous 2000' in June 2000; scheduled speakers include Dr. Robert Zubrin, former astronaut Story Musgrave and Biologist/Neurophysiologist Athena Andreadis. Member Geoffrey Landis has made his paper "Characterization of Settled Atmospheric Dust by the DART Experiment" (his experiment on Mars-2001Lander) available at ** Oklahoma John Ohlheiser, No report. ++ Oregon Gus Frederick, mailto: The big news is that MSOR will be assisting the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry on December 3 for the Mars Polar Lander. Details on that can be found at our web site: ** Central PA /Penn State University Mars Society Chapter Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D., [] 1. The Penn State was selected to participate in the NASA HEDS-UP 2000Student Design Competition program. The details are available at:[].The subject is: Adaptive Robotics for Mars HEDS (ARM-HEDS) with robotics in-situ resource utilization and robotics science experiments. 2. We are in a process to arrange a Mars Polar Lander event on December 3,1999 for students, faculty and public. The agenda, details and links will also be posted on my personal web page []. ** Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Independence Chapter Gary Fisher, No report. ** Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Dan Hussain, I am writing this to report on the wonderful success we had at our first chapter meeting this past Sunday, November 14, 1999. We had a total of seven people in attendance, which is great for a first meeting. We certainly hope to increase attendance over the next few meetings. (Our next meeting is currently scheduled for Sunday, December 12, 1999 as per informal vote on that day.) We had interesting introductions by interesting people who attended the days meeting: Including two students (one from U Pitt and one from Carnegie-Mellon) who plan on spreading the word to college associates about our organization! The note from Dr. Zubrin as to the direction of our chapter was greatly helpful. As a chapter, we have two very clear and definite goals that were approved by the members present: (1) Political action -- meeting with candidates for Senate & House for the 2000 election (2) Public outreach -- giving talks at local groups As to achieve Goal #1, we have assigned two individuals (Ray & myself) to look up contact information for various candidates for public office (Senate & House). Also, when the Presidential Candidates are ever passing through Pittsburgh or giving talks locally, we should have a presence, and ask them their positions on Mars exploration. Our goal is to show the candidates that we are interested in seeing NASA funded for Mars manned-exploration and to get them thinking about this very important issue. On the second meeting in December, the plan is to draft up some outlines of letters to these candidates, and then to assign each individual member a candidate for office to which they will write and be the communication stub for the rest of the chapter. More details forthcoming. As to achieve Goal #2, we gathered a list of 4 local resources (clubs and groups) to which we can give presentations and attract members. The physics clubs of both U Pitt and Carnegie-Mellon will be strong resources of young people to join our cause. Also, my own high school in Johnstown may have some people interested in our cause. Finally, the Science Fiction Club of Pittsburgh and the Tripoly Rocketry Club will also be great avenues to attract support. This first meeting, we talked a lot about politics, and in my opinion, not enough about the science. For the second meeting, I will try to prepare a brief (approx. 30 minute) talk on the Zubrin's Mars-Direct Plan, and the chemistry of the In-Suitu Rocket Propellant generator. Both of these science areas interest me very much, and I believe others would be interested to. To all of those who attended the first meeting, Thanks! For those who couldn't attend, I look forward to seeing you next time! ** Puerto Rico Jose Lopez Reyes, No report. ** Rhode Island Steve Connors, No report. ** South Carolina Richard Allen Brown, No report. ** St. Louis Erv Baumann, No report. ** Tennessee - Kentucky Trae Winter, No report. ** Texas, Austin Tim Crain, No report. ** Texas, Dallas Scott Bell, mailto: The North Texas Mars Society had its first organizational meeting on The10th of November. We had ten very enthusiastic people show up. We discussed where we would like to go as an organization, and several ideas for getting there. Our website was up and running at as of 15 Oct. We are planning our next meeting to be a social/planning session on Dec. 3, Mars Polar Lander day. We will go into serious public outreach Q1of next year. ** Texas, Houston Chris Barnes, The Mars Society of Houston is preparing for MarsFest '99 in conjunction with the Clear Lake NSS and SGI. The festivities will be held on Dec. 3rd, at the same time as the projected landing of the Mars Polar Lander. It will be held at Rice University. A drawing will be held for various Mars items, and all those involved will have the opportunity to sell Mars related items, such as 'The Case for Mars' books and recruit new members. Several speakers will be present at the event, such as Alan Treiman and possibly David Kaplan. A Mars meteorite will also be present for viewing. There will be free food and a direct link to JPL. This event has been the core project for our chapter at this time. We have moved our meeting place from west Houston back to the Clear Lake area due to declining attendance. Moving the meeting place has boosted membership. These are the events that have been happening with the Houston chapter. ** Utah Tom Allred, No report. ** Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula Johannes Helgeson, No report. ** Mars Society Puget Sound (Seattle, WA chapter) Jim Burk, We are feverishly making preparations for Seattle MarsFest on December 3rd at the Boeing Museum of Flight. We are organizing the event there with the assistance of Museum staff and some publicity from the Planetary Society. We'll have NASA Television in the Allen Theatre, a set of Mars displays and tables of information in the lobby, and we hope to add some of our public outreach activities, such as informational talks and possibly a mission control "color commentary". We are also helping other Mars Society chapters around the country and around the world to organize similar events where they are. We have set up a website at to publicize all the events. I just was talking to Bo Maxwell, the President of the Mars Society UK about their plans for MarsFests in Britain and Scotland. Two MarsFest events are planned for France, one in Toulouse and one in Paris. Back in America, the New England, Oregon, Northern California, Caltech, and our Seattle chapter are planning events. ** West Virginia Robert Strong, mailto:strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU No report. ** Wisconsin Scott Davis, mailto: No report. ** Wyoming Wyoming Chapter Patrick Banks, Nothing new. ** Mars Society Youth Group Margarita Marinova, mailto: Currently we are collecting ideas of activities that the Youth Group can be involved in. Some of the ideas include:- creating a newsletter for elementary/ high schools that will be sent out to schools and students. This will include short articles and a lot of hands-on activities and games/puzzles. Submissions are welcome from everyone!!!! please send your submissions to (about 1/2 page on any Mars/space/exploration topic and experiments/hands-on activities) - creating a 'mentors' program that will connect younger students with older youth. - compiling a "Speaker's Bureau" of people interested in giving Mars presentations in different areas. - creating a database of schematics for building rovers, rockets, etc. and procedures for fun experiments. - getting more youth involved in the Goddard Prize sponsored by the Mars Society and Pioneer Astronautics. If you have any ideas or would like to help out, please let me know! ** International Chapters ** ** Argentina, Latin America Jorge Mermoz, No report. ** Australia Andrew Hamilton, No report. ** Belgium Antoon Van Boxstael, No report. ** Canada Marc Boucher, mailto: Ottawa Chapter Jean Lagarde, mailto: Members of the Ottawa Chapter had dinner with Pascal Lee after his talk at the Geological Survey of Canada on 26 October. The chapter is planning some activities (at the very least a view of the web site and NASA TV on big screen) for the 3 December Mars Polar Lander. ** Chile Cristian Puebla-Menne, No report. ** Cyprus, Mediterranean George Lordos, No report. ** France Richard Heidmann, No report. ** Germany Michael Bosch, No report. ** Iceland Olafur Patrick Olafsson, No report. ** Israel Alin Moss, No report. ** Italy Fabrizio Pirondini, No report. ** Japan Onizuka, Michitaka, mailto: Kiosuke Murakawa, mailto: No report. ** Mexico Rich Robins, mailto: The Mexico chapter's founder (Rich Robins, Esq.) has recently been in Washington D.C. for reasons directly related to space commercialization and exploration. Last week he attended the 3 day Space Assembly of the U.S. Space Foundation ( Lots of contacts were made from all over the world, and a great time was had by many. This week's space activities included attending and participating in the U.S. Senate's Space Transportation Roundtable (sponsored by It seems that it will require a lengthy effort to get tax incentive bills and guaranteed loan programs (Breaux Bill, etc.)actually ratified though. Only 400 of 10,000 bills annually become law, and the successful candidates usually took years to finally get that way. However, it's worth the effort. Not a lot can be done in Mexico regarding space unless and until the Northern neighbor picks up the pace. Rich has pledged to do all he can to intensify his involvement in Washington D.C., always keeping an eye out for possibilities regarding Mexico and the rest of Latin America. ** Netherlands Arno Wielders, (10.29.99 report) Finally I made contact with someone else in the Netherlands to start a chapter here. We met last Monday and discussed the proper way to follow to create an active chapter. The results are: a website will be created in two weeks which will inform Dutch people about the Mars Society in general and specially how to become an active member of the Dutch chapter. Very soon a couple of presentations will be given at public observatories and companies to spark the interest of people. More on these activities as soon as the website is finished. ** New Zealand David Maclenna, apparently corrupt e-mail address No report. ** Peru Johan Veerman, No report. ** Philippines Kin Enriquez, No report. ** Mars Society Polska (Polish Chapter) Piotr Moskal, We are preparing to Nordcon, an annual convention of fantasy / s-f fans. The main theme of the convention is the possibility of asteroid Armageddon, so we decided to make a presentation of possibilities of escape from such an event. We will make a 2h or so speech about Mars Direct along with a presentation of TMS slide set and some NASA pictures gathered by the latest probes. Also, we will have a chapter meeting on 27 November in the Space Research Center in Warsaw. We hope to sign all necessary documents needed to register our chapter in court. That's all for now, more news will follow after the meeting. ** Russia Gennady Gusev, No report. ** South Africa Evan James Dembskey, No report. ** Spain, Canary Islands Cayetano Santana Gil, mailto: No report. ** Spain, Peninsular Alexander Hristov, No report. ** Sweden/Scandinavia Claes-Gustaf Nordquist, Nothing new to report, yet. C.-G. N. ** Switzerland Claude-Alain Roten, No report. ** Switzerland Gabriel Borruat, No report. ** Ukraine Vladymy Shevernytskyy, No report. ** United Kingdom Bo Maxwell, Things continue to move rapidly now in the UK. Following the highly successful tour by Robert Zubrin (see the report at regional branches are now up and running across the UK. Paperwork for incorporation has been completed, and "The Mars Society UK Ltd." is now the working title for the Chapter. The initial Board of Directors comprises: Bo Maxwell (President); Philip Dembo (Executive Director); Peter Loftus (Membership Director). Nick Cross has been appointed as the Scottish Co-ordinator, supported by Katya and Kevin Foster. Peter Loftus is currently touring the UK meeting with local branches to help them get up and running. On Sunday 21st November Bo Maxwell and Philip Dembo will be giving presentations on the Mars Society and Mars Direct at the annual UK-SEDS conference to be held at Canterbury University in Kent. Local branches are also planning events around the arrival of the Mars Polar Lander on the Red Planet. On November 11th, the Society forwarded a formal note of congratulations to the members of the Beagle 2 team following the unreserved acceptance of the lander and its mission by the Science Programme Committee of the European Space Agency. Beagle 2 is now the official European lander for Mars, scheduled to fly aboard the Mars Express mission in 2003 and touch down on Mars in December of that year. Further information on the Society can be obtained from Peter Loftus( or Philip Dembo ( ** Task Forces/Special Interests ** ** Executive Director Maggie Zubrin, A major current focus is the Mars Mall, which is now open for business with scads of companies represented. With the usual holiday madness approaching, give yourself a break from the usual mall crowds and shop on Mars? We urge all members to pay a visit -- they'll save time and money, and help the Society at the same time. Secondly, the renewal reminders have been sent out and response so far is terrific. We need to remind members that they can renew now and register for the conference at the reduced rate later, if they decide to attend. The last major news: conference registration is now open. We will be sending registration forms shortly. There will be some low cost rooms available at the campus, with earliest registrations dates next spring to be announced at the website. ** E-Commerce Tony Santana, mailto: No report. ** Education Tom Becker, No report. ** Fundraising Kristin Boekhoff, No report. ** Graphics and Production Gary Hollingshead, We are meeting with Jim Burke today to go over the next CD-ROM project. We should have a beta copy and will be working on the interface similar to last time... ** Internet Task Force Marc Boucher - Harold Miller - No report. ** Martian Civilization and Culture Group (late Law and Governance Task Force) Ruth Waterton,> No news, though members of the group have assisted in collecting (and penning) stories for a "fiction" issue of New Mars. ** Marketing Maggie Zubrin, See Executive Director's report ** Mars Arctic Task Force Kurt Micheels, mailto: We are working feverishly to select a suitable contractor for the project. Bids are coming in and we plan to make a selection no later than the end of this month. The design of the habitat was effected some due to comments made by the space architects independent review conducted at Lockheed Martin in Houston, 10/22. Design changes include: 1. Addition of simulated "systems" volume in the hab. In an actual spacecraft, as much as 40% of the volume is occupied by systems (life support, etc.). The hab should reflect this. 2. Use of stairs versus a ladder. 3. Consideration of aesthetics - try to integrate required structure with simulated structure to make habitat appear less "synthetic". At this review, Kurt met Architect Richard Horden, who has been teaching a design studio at the Technical University - Munich. Richard, his assistant Andreas Vogler and their students are interested in participating in the MARS design effort. This work will be conducted in collaboration The Sun Dance Lab at the University of Colorado, lead by Professor Ray McCall and Sonja Holmes. It is expected that their activity will lead to creation of an interior configuration for the hab (including furnishings), illustrated as a virtual model. Physical models and drawings will also be created in time for the Mars Society Conference in Toronto. 10/28 - 10/31 Kurt visited Calgary to meet with prospective contractor Peter Jess and attend a Canadian Space Agency conference. Also, in October, Dr. Stephen Braham, of Simon Fraser University was appointed the chair of the Techical Task Force. Anyone in the MARSTF interested in doing research related directly to Mars habitation, that could support the design of the MARS and its operations, should contact Dr. Braham. ** Political and Public Outreach Brian Frankie, Chris Carberry, mailto: Meetings with Presidential Candidates Over the last week the political outreach division of the Outreach Task Force has made contact with two of the Presidential candidates. On November 11th, members spoke with John McCain in Nashua New Hampshire. McCain was interested in our organization and seemed willing to maintain a dialogue with the Mars Society. On November 15th Chris Carberry spoke to Bill Bradley in Derry, New Hampshire. Although Bradley did not seem as interested in our cause as McCain did, Bradley had heard of our group and noted that a Mars Society member had given him copies of Robert Zubrin's books a couple of months ago (he hasn't read them yet). In addition, the Task Force and the New England chapter will be in Manchester New Hampshire on December 2 for the Republican debate. We hope to be able to talk to all of the Republican candidates at that time. Political Strategy Committee/Public Outreach Committee Within the next few weeks, the Political Strategy Committee will be meeting via the Mars Society chat. As the name would suggest, this Committee is intended to be the body within the Outreach Task Force that will create a coherent political strategy for the Mars Society. The Public Outreach Committee will serve the same role in relation to Public Outreach. That Committee will hopefully meet sometime in December. Outreach Task Force Webpage An Outreach Task Force webpage is currently being designed. This webpage will incorporate an improved political action webpage and will introduce a brand new public outreach webpage. Outreach Task Force webpage will serve as the central information center for the Task Force. It will be updated daily. Visit it at Regional Contacts In order to make the Task Force's responsibilities more manageable, the Task Force will have eight regional contacts who will maintain regular communication with the chapters within their regions. These contacts will help coordinate political and public outreach initiatives and will report back to the Task Force Coordination Committee (Chris Carberry, Shannon Russell, Alan Rubin, and Brian Frankie). We currently have six regional contacts and hope to have the last two positions filled by the end of the month. Although the webpage is not finished yet, the names of Committee members and regional contacts can be found at ** ( Jim Burk ( -- Managing Editor / Webmaster The redesign is well underway. The website will be simpler, more streamlined, and it will be easier to find the news you want. Dustin Green has been named Assistant Editor of the site and will continue to maintain the daily newsfeed. We will also add more background information on Mars missions and plans to send humans. We will provide wall-to-wall coverage of the Polar Lander events. ** Ares: The Mars Society's CDROM ( Jim Burk ( -- Project leader / Content Director We are very close to finishing Issue #2 of Ares, the Mars Society's CD-ROM title, and this one should be really good for teachers students as it contains Mars and space curriculum designed by programs around the world. If you are interested in helping to "beta test" it, send me an email at The CD should be mailed out to all registered, dues-paying Mars Society members around the world before the end of this year. ** Provisional Members' Council Chris Vancil, (By RFW) The PMC has delivered a detailed set of by-laws for review to the Board and others, representing a truly amazing amount of work. Aims to have an elected council in place by February 1, 2000. ** New Mars Richard Wagner, Still slogging away at redesign and slamming together a "fiction" issue with the gracious help of Ruth Waterton and the Martian Civilization folks. ** Mars Polar Lander Mirror Site Richard Wagner, It's up! ** Miscellaneous: Bruce Mackenzie, mailto: Terraforming anyone? A new Terraforming discussion group is forming. (It was a well kept secret, until now.) To join, send an e-mail message to: in the body of the message, write: subscribe Terraform-sig Or, contact Jonathan Michaels or myself Slide sets are still available for chapters to show at public events and to outside groups. Contact me for details. Web pages for chapters and projects are now routine, on the sites and, courtesy of member Randall Severy and CyberTeams, Inc. More than 50 members now have accounts allowing them to update their chapter pages. There are more than 1,400 pages and images, totaling 50 megabytes. If you would like to help, let me know. E-mail lists should be getting a nicer interface for both subscribers and those administering, also courtesy of CyberTeams, Inc. Mars Week - (although the New England regional Mars Week conference is old news) I somehow got appointed to run a youth workshop there, as well as a workshop on my favorite topic "One-Way to Mars" (permanent Base on first mission. A number of members helped organize it or participated. A partial list is: Troy Hudson, Amy Davis, Justin Talbot-Stern, Stephen Glenfield, Margarita Marinova, Shannon Russell, Robert Zubrin, Pascal Lee, Chris McKay , Everett Gibson, Maria Zuber, Buzz Aldrin, and many others (apologies in advance to missing your name). For a list of press coverage, see: On a personal note, I am now working at a start-up company creating CAD (Computer Aided Design) software for architectural design. Unlike other CAD programs, ours actually knows how doors & windows relate to walls, etc. Unfortunately, it doesn't yet handle curved ceilings, so it will be a struggle to use it for 'tuna can' style Arctic habitats, Mars habitats, or my vaulted masonry Mars buildings. ===================================== Richard Wagner, editor/writer 25 Main Street, Suite 214 Northampton, MA 01060 voice 413/584-9941 fax 413/584-8170 If you haven't joined the Mars Society yet ... what on Earth are you waiting for? New Mars - a journal of the Martian frontier