From: "Richard Wagner" <>
To: <>
Subject: Red Planet Satellite Report -- v2/n1 -- 1/14/2000
Date: Friday, January 14, 2000 9:57 AM
Greetings all:-
We're back ... herewith the first Red Planet Satellite Report of the
21st century.
A note before you dive in:
The vote for adoption of the Chapters Council By-laws is currently
underway. The vote closes down tomorrow morning, 1.15.00. Thus far,
about 150 folks have voted. For the amount of time the Provisional
Chapters Council members put in, for the amount of effort, for the
amount of heart, well, that's got to be a bit of a disappointment
(actually, probably more like a 2X4 to the side of the head). So, to
those who have voted, well done. To you who are leaders of chapters/Task
Forces -- get out the vote! Send a quick note to all on your list,
urging them to buzz over to the members area of the Mars Society website
and vote. It's quick. It's painless. And it sets the precedent for
grassroots involvement within the Mars Society as an organization. So,
in a word, vote.
Later -- Richard Wagner
{mars rocks}
{'Afro-Celt Sound System, Volume 2: Release' contributed to this issue's
++ =====================================================
++ Red Planet Satellite Report -- v2, n1 -- 1.14.2000
++ U. S. Chapters ++
++ Alabama
Thomas Hancock,
Daniel Slosberg, mailto:,
No report.
++ Alaska
Marilyn Dudley-Rowley,
No report.
++ Arizona
Bill Gjestvang,
No report.
++ Arkansas
Wayne Bowen,
Nothing to report, except great expectations for the two upcoming
Hollywood Mars movies.
++ California, CALTECH-JPL
Derek Shannon,
Things are very busy both at Caltech and for the Caltech/JPL chapter. We
are coordinating with the Skeptics' Society to host a talk by Dr. Zubrin
at Caltech this Sunday. Our next public outreach event will be on
February 12th at Astrofest at the LA Public Library. Our human mission
design technical project is going well, with a respectable draft
possibly ready by late February, and we are working on some ideas for
broader outreach (taking advantage of the upcoming Mars movies is high
++ California, Central Valley
Domenique van der Goore,
Hi all! Well contrary to popular belief, California (at least my part of
it) is still dull. Not much action to report. I am still working on the
Provisional Members Council. The bylaws we put together are up for a
vote (if you didn't know). Please, get out and vote!!! Well, that's
about I have goin on here. On to MARS!!
++ California, North
Kelly Snook,
No report.
++ California, South
Dave Jedynak,
No report.
++ Colorado
Rocky Mountain Mars Society (RMMS)
Brad Jarvis,
No report.
++ Florida
Richard Brodeur, mailto:
The next meeting of the Florida Chapter will be on Saturday, February
5th, in Palm Beach County. This is a follow-up to the Chapter's first
meeting held last November at Kennedy Space Center.
Late in 1999, Dick Brodeur (a member of the "steering committee" for
Florida) met with Jorge Mermoz in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jorge is the
point person for the Mars Society in Argentina. The discussion covered
the various projects each Chapter is supporting, as well as the
possibility of building a relationship between the Chapters. One idea is
to form a "Sister Chapter" relationship between Florida and Argentina.
Perhaps over time that relationship could be extended to include the
Chile Chapter as well.
++ Red Dirt (the Georgia chapter of the Mars Society)
Mike Kretsch,
No meetings scheduled this month.
++ Hawaii
Matt Rohrer,
No report.
++ Idaho
Chris Struble, mailto:
No report.
++ Chicago-Illinois Chapter
Matt Lowry,
Report: The month of December was a bit slow for the Chicago chapters
to the holiday season. The following meetings are scheduled...
Primary Chicago chapter -- Sunday, Jan. 23rd from 2-4pm
Harold Washington Library, Chicago
North Shore chapter -- Thursday, Jan. 20th (exact time TBA)
Lake Forest High School, room #224
Lake Forest
More to come. Ad Astra!
++ Indiana
Steve Resler,
No report.
++ Iowa
Katharine Osborne,
No report.
++ Kansas
Holly Kellogg,
No report.
++ Louisiana
Shelly Hynes,
No report.
++ MD, DC, VA
Theresa Klein, mailto:
No report.
++ Michigan
Julie Edwards,
"Space Night" was a great success! Jack Lousma, former Skylab astronaut
and Shuttle Commander, gave a very interesting impromptu talk (when our
video equipment didn't operate as planned) about his experiences and his
ideas on future astronauts to Mars. Dr. Terry Kammash spoke on his
research in advanced propulsion technologies. And Jim Beyer presented
Mars Direct. The event was well attended. Thanks to the many chapter
members who helped!
Our portable Mars Hab model is still under construction. We hope to have
it presentable by May when we plan to show it at the Jackson Space
Museum for their "What's Up Weekend".
Our monthly meetings are still held on the University of Michigan campus
for now, tho we may have to find a new location in the future. We may
try to meet in the Lansing area sometime also.
++ Minnesota
Ben Huset,
No report.
++ Mississippi
Garry Speer,
Nothing to report.
++ Missouri -- Kansas City
George Howard,
No report.
++ Nebraska
Derrick Davis,
No report, RPSR editor's faulty mail list to blame there - my apologies
++ Nevada
Shawn Plunket,
No report.
++ New England Chapter
Troy Lee Hudson, mailto: thudson@MIT.EDU
No report.
++ New Jersey
Paul Rockman,
No report.
++ New York
Paul Contursi, mailto:
The New York Chapter of the Mars Society has a firm arrangement to give
a talk about Mars exploration at the Riverdale Country School in The
Bronx on January 27. Efforts to meet with the local staff of Senator
Charles Schumer continue.
++ New Mexico
Eric Orrill,
No report.
++ Northern New Mexico Chapter (or Los Alamos Chapter)
Lisa Ice,
The dues-paying members of New Mexico confirmed me as a volunteer for
the position of representative to the Chapter Members' Council. Still
planning on making logo coffee mugs when chapter's cash flow improves.
++ North Dakota Chapter
John Cable,
Nothing to report.
++ North Dakota, Eastern
Jonathan Hovland,
No report.
++ Ohio
Tam Czarnik,
Ohio's been busy, these unseasonably warm weeks! Here's what's cookin':
'Mars Direct' Presentations:
a) Arlington, TX Branch Library (jointly with N. Texas Mars Society) (20
Dec 99).
b) New Lebanon, OH Branch Library (05 Jan 00).
c) Huber Heights, OH Branch library (08 Jan 00).
d) Bedford, OH Lions (11 Jan 00).
Political Activism:
Meeting with Senator DeWine staffer (23 Dec 99).
Public Outreach:
a) Monica Simmons promotes Mars Society on Channel 2 News (18 Dec 99).
b) Members Jeff Roche & Geoffrey Landis defend ongoing Mars Missions in
letters published in Cleveland Enquirer (Jan 00).
c) Dayton Branch debuts it's website: .
Ohio's Members' Council Representative to be announced in a few days.
++ Oklahoma
John Ohlheiser,
No report.
++ Oregon
Gus Frederick, mailto:
Mars Millennium Project:
The OPEN MMP Web site is up and growing. A partnership between MSOR,
Oregon L5 and the Oregon Public Education Network, this site will host
numerous cross-curricular resources for K-12 use, as well as links to
others. A main thrust is approaching this with a teaching technique
known as the "Scottish Storyline Method." This revolves around a story
scenerio in which the kids "play-out" different aspect of the storyline.
In our case, they are a team sent to Mars in 2030 to report on the
various aspects of "Pele Base," a colony of 100 folks located within a
lava tube cave on the North slopes of Olympus Mons. The site URL is
linked from the Oregon Chapter's page:
Candidate Space Summit:
In development are plans to host a "Space Summit" for the U.S.
Presidential Candidates, to query they're views of space. We hope to
have this happen the Saturday before the Oregon Primary elections in
May, when the candidate critters are in state. We are hoping to get
"National Annointment" from TMS to add to the credibility factor. Some
"official" letterhead would be nice too.
Our next "roving" meeting will be in Redmond, Oregon in March. We hope
to include several of the school teams there working with us on the MMP,
and hopefully visit one of numerous lava tube caves located in the area.
Media Outreach:
MSOR Chapter Secretary Gus Frederick is slated to appear on Oregon
Public Broadcasting's monthly "Starliner" radio show. This is a regular
feature that explores different aspects of space exploration.
OLD NEWS: Mars Polar Lander Party:
On December 3rd, MSOR members were on hand at the Oregon Museum of
Science & Industry to assist museum staff in this public outreach
effort. We had lots of visitors, and many discussions. Prior media
releases paid off, as all three of the major network affiliates were on
hand, and interviewed MSOR spokesman Gus Frederick. All three interviews
were aired. Too bad the sucker didn't work.
++ Central PA /Penn State University Mars Society Chapter
Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D.,
Penn State Mars Society Mars Polar Lander event was held on December 3rd
1999. Close to 100 peoples attended. Event featured Live NASA TV and
Webcast, invited speakers: "The Solar System and Planets Around Other
Stars" by Alexander Wolszczan, "Astrobiology: origin, evolution, and
future of life in the universe" by Hiroshi Ohmoto, and briefings on Mars
Polar Lander Mission (Lisa Brown), National Space Society (Deneyse
Churchill), Mars Society (W.Klimkiewicz), and Penn State HEDS-UP Student
Design Competition (W.Klimkiewicz).
We are preparing to start Human Exploration and Development of Space
program at Penn State. The Penn State was selected to participate in the
NASA HEDS-UP 2000 Student Design Competition program. The details are
available at: The
subject is: Adaptive Robotics for Mars HEDS (ARM-HEDS) with robotics
in-situ resource utilization and robotics science experiments.
++ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Independence Chapter
Gary Fisher,
No report.
++ Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
Mars Society of Pittsburgh
Daniar Hussain,
Our chapter is just beginning to get off its feet, and we are hoping for
another meeting this month (January 2000). Any people in the Pittsburgh,
PA area are Welcome!!
++ Puerto Rico
Jose Lopez Reyes,
No report.
++ Rhode Island
Steve Connors,
No report.
++ South Carolina
Richard Allen Brown,
No report.
++ Tennessee - Kentucky
Trae Winter,
No report.
++ Texas, Austin
Tim Crain,
The Austin chapter is in the process of reorganizing and reinvigorating
itself and we hope to be very active in the new year.
++ Texas, Dallas
Scott Bell, mailto:
++ Texas, Houston
Chris Barnes,
No report.
++ Utah
Tom Allred,
No report.
++ Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula
Johannes Helgeson,
No report.
++ Mars Society Puget Sound
Jim Burk ( -- Chapter President
Our first convention of the new millennium left much to be desired. The
RustyCon sci-fi convention was under new management who botched the job
of getting our talks on their schedule. Admittedly, we didn't hold their
hand as much and as early as last year. Dustin Green, our Vice
President, was able to give a talk on Mars Direct, but my talk on
general Mars Exploration was left off the schedule and had to be
We are currently gearing up for the first Mars movie, Mission to Mars,
set to open in March. We will have Mars Society displays in many area
movie theatres. We also will be attending some area Airshows in the next
few months, as well as the NorWesCon sci-fi convention in April, which
is one of the nation's largest. In addition, a few members will be at
the ISDC (NSS's convention) in Tucson, AZ this May.
++ West Virginia
Robert Strong, mailto:strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
No report.
++ Wisconsin
Scott Davis, mailto:
No report.
++ Wyoming
Wyoming Chapter
Patrick Banks,
Nothing new to report at this time.
++ Mars Society Youth Group
Margarita Marinova, mailto:
The Youth Group is currently creating the first issue of the Youth
Newsletter. Submissions are due by Jan. 24, with a first issue being
finalised by the end of January. If you can contribute any short
articles, cartoons, pictures, games, puzzles, experiments, meet the
scientist, and other such things please do send them to me! Your help
would be *very* appreciated. As well we will be having two online chats
with scientists within the next month. -
++ International Chapters ++
++ Argentina, Latin America
Jorge Mermoz,
No report.
++ Australia
Andrew Hamilton,
Preparations for Bob Zubrin's tour in March are progressing with
corporate sponsorship obtained and a number of speaking engagements in
the planing, some considerably advanced.
++ Belgium
Antoon Van Boxstael,
No report.
++ Canada
Marc Boucher, mailto:
Nothing to report.
++ Ottawa Chapter
Jean Lagarde, mailto:
The Ottawa Chapter had a respectable turnout for its Marsfest on 3 Dec.
We had a 300 seat theater packed for a while, but given the end result,
people did not stay as long as we had hoped. Nevertheless, they now know
a lot more about the Mars Society, so we consider our event a success!
We were able to get coverage on the local CBC TV news, and had an
announcement in The Citizen, the main city newspaper.
Market research from the Marsfest: The T-Shirts from the Toronto chapter
are really hot! But we found that the black ones sold better than the
white ones. We also had some Mars millenium calendars from Kandis
Elliot. I wanted to see if we could sell them for $30 CDN, i.e. only $15
per year ;-) but we only managed to sell one at that price. Guess we
might have to accept making less profit on those in Canada.
++ Toronto Chapter
Rocky Persaud,
During the few days before and after the Polar Lander touchdown
(crashdown?), chapter member Darlene Lim was interviewed by many media
organizations (18 interviews with CBC Radio for difference time zones, 1
with the cable channel CBC Newsworld, 1 with CBC online, and 1 with BBC
Radio Worldwide). In addition Darlene and another chapter member,
aerospace engineer Roland Seurig, participated in live commentary on
December 3rd for CTV Newsnet's coverage of the Mars Polar Lander
The Toronto Chapter's tshirt with the slogan "Mars: Object Is Closer
Than It Appears" has been enormously successful, prompting us to order
an additional 100 black shirts to fill the demand. We expect to order an
additional batch shortly before the conference in the summer.
Speaking of which, plans for the conference is filling out. The eight
task teams (PR & Outreach, Media, Banquet & Social Night, Abstract Book
Sponsorship, Tourism, Products & Vendors, Education, and Content) are
producing timelimes and strategy plans for accomplishing their goals,
and volunteers continue to come forward.
Chapter members have volunteered to participate in the Canadian National
Marsville project, where we'll serve as mentors to school children
designing their own version on the Mars Arctic Research Station.
In January, chapter member Jeff Cadieux will be making Mars Society and
Mars Direct presentations before two local amateur astronomy
For more infomation visit our webpage at:
++ Chile
Cristian Puebla-Menne,
No report.
++ Cyprus, Mediterranean
George Lordos,
Nothing new.
++ France
Richard Heidmann,
No report.
++ Germany
Michael Bosch,
No report.
++ Iceland
Olafur Patrick Olafsson,
No report.
++ Israel
Alin Moss,
No report.
++ Italy
Fabrizio Pirondini,
No report.
++ Japan
Onizuka, Michitaka, mailto:
Kiosuke Murakawa, mailto:
No report.
++ Mexico
Rich Robins, mailto:
Rich Robins, Esq., the Mexico Chapter´s founder (who is about to venture
to nearly airless Mexico City for a few days), has recently thoroughly
read Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization. Impressed, he
has begun highly recommending it to people who first invested in Mexico
back when the North American Free Trade Agreement was still the
pioneering topic. Meanwhile, frustrated that´s poll still has
the Moon winning out over Mars, Rich has also recently made the Mexico
Chapter´s website as search engine-friendly as possible using free tips
from sites such as and He has also re-registered it at the leading
search engines´ "ADD URL" pages, (which, to save time, are >directly<
linked from the very, very bottom of ). Finally, he has called
many different people´s attention to the upcoming Mars movies, linked
Happy New Year!
++ Netherlands
Arno Wielders,
We have added a newsgrouplist were people can ventilate their views on
Mars, space travel and terraforming issues. Furthermore we are starting
to become a legal foundation in the Netherlands by making some
foundation rules, etc. Next we have send out our second news letter at
the 3 of januari, and a number of fifty people are getting it and are
really interested.
++ New Zealand
David Maclenna, apparently corrupt e-mail address
No report.
++ Peru
Johan Veerman,
No report.
++ Philippines
Kin Enriquez,
Nothing new.
++ Mar Society Polska
Piotr Moskal,
It's a rather peaceful period in Poland these days. We're waiting for
the finalization of the registration process of our chapter in the
court. We joined forces with the Polish Astronautical Society and are
helping to organize the Planetary Society's "Red Rover Goes to Mars"
contest in Poland. Also, we are preparing to a speech at the University
of Warsaw concerning Mars and possibilities of its colonization. We're
trying to enter in contact with radio & TV representatives - maybe it
will be possible to make some TV presentation about MS, but it's not
sure yet. That would be all for the moment.
++ Russia
Gennady Gusev, mailto:
No report.
++ South Africa
Evan James Dembskey,
Had a small meeting consisting of 7 individuals (including press). These
may form the core for a renewed thrust in South Africa.
++ Spain, Canary Islands
Cayetano Santana Gil, mailto:
No report.
++ Spain, Peninsular
Alexander Hristov,
No report.
++ Sweden/Scandinavia
Claes-Gustaf Nordquist,
Nothing new to report - yet. Claes.
++ Switzerland
Claude-Alain Roten,
No report.
++ Switzerland
Gabriel Borruat,
No report.
++ Ukraine
Vladymy Shevernytskyy,
No report.
++ United Kingdom
Bo Maxwell,
The Mars Society UK remains increasingly active, with the Board
formulating both near and long-term plans to bring home to the public,
schools, colleges, industry and government the viability and necessity
of an international humans to Mars programme in which Britain plays a
major role. Events that will encompass the entire country are currently
being planned, and our aims and goals for 2000 are currently being
The Society and the MARS Arctic Research Station were covered by a Sky
News "Millennium Special" broadcast across Europe over the Christmas
period. The 1/2 hour programme looked at the question of space
exploration in the new century and concentrated heavily on humans to
Mars. Bo Maxwell was interviewed during the course of the programme, and
Sky are in the process of making a video copy of the programme available
to the Society.
The Society has re-initiated the monthly London "Spacepub" meetings that
were once a regular feature of the space advocacy scene in England's
capital, but which had died a death a few years ago. Bringing together
space advocates, aerospace professionals and journalists, the "Spacepub"
evenings offer an excellent opportunity for the Society to gather
contacts and forge links with other organisations in the informal
settings of one of London's better pubs!
Work continues on the UK conference, although difficulties with the
venue mean the event will most likely be pushed back to the latter half
of 2000.
On January 29th, the Society will be co-hosting its first major event of
2000, entitled "An Afternoon on Mars". Run in conjunction with the
Challenger Learning Centre, this will comprise:
* an open afternoon for members and non-members alike
* Talks and presentations by members of the Challenger Learning Centre
the Mars Society
* The opportunity to fly a simulated mission to Mars using the
facilities at
the Challenger Learning Centre.
We are planning this to be the first of several such joint events with
Challenger Learning Centre throughout 2000.
++ Task Forces/Special Interests ++
++ Executive Director
Maggie Zubrin,
We are losing our Office Manager due to relocation. I am actively
looking for part-time help in this department. This is a great
opportunity for students to become involved and earn some extra money.
Anyone in the Denver area who would like to apply for the position can
contact me.
The renewal forms for January through March should be mailed sometime
during the next few weeks. We are still waiting to hear back from many
members who have already received their renewal information. Please
encourage everyone to take the time to renew. Renewals can also be done
at the website.
So far, only three international chapters have responded to our
invitation to consolidate membership. Under this program, members who
joined through the auspices of the international chapter received ID
cards and membership access to the website. Responding chapters are:
Australia - 39 members
France - 69 members
United Kingdom - *
Please find the time to get this data to HQ, as consolidation of
membership data greatly enhances our ability to communicate with the
We are starting to see some sales at our Mall. We have added some great
new merchants. Reports are that things went less than perfectly during
the holiday rush for some of our merchants. If you anyone has
experienced any problems, do let me know.
There have been several requests for replicas of the Mars Flag. Because
I am somewhat limited as a seamstress, we have outsourced this task and
will be offering a very limited number of Martian flags for sale in the
near future. The quality, if not the historical value, will be somewhat
improved over the original. I will respond to those who have sent
requests when the info is available.
Brochures have been updated and are available for chapters. We would
like to request $25 per 100 if possible to help defray costs. Please
note, although we would appreciate a contribution from chapters of
$25/100 ordered for the new brochure, we are not requiring payment. Our
chief goal is to get the brochures distributed in outreach events.
I would like to remind members that conference registration will
automatically renew their membership for twelve months ending 8/13/2001.
If you are planning to attend the conference, you can simplify the
process by registering early and renewing at the same time.
++ E-Commerce
Tony Santana, mailto:
No report.
++ Education
Tom Becker,
No report.
++ Fundraising Task Force
Kristin Boekhoff,
Nothing to report, but please note that my e-mail address has changed
to the fact that I have a new job.)
++ Graphics and Production
Gary Hollingshead,
Trying to finalize the latest CD. Still have some missing links. We are
working out the new interface for both Mac & PC format.
++ Internet Task Force
Marc Boucher -
Harold Miller -
The Mars Petition is now on the Mars Society web site. We encourage all
members to sign it. -
The Mars Artcic Research Station web site has been updated with new
renderings. A short technical explanation of the renderings will posted
shortly. -
++ Martian Civilization and Culture Group
(late Law and Governance Task Force)
Ruth Waterton,>
The "how to build a dome" discussions continue to run. We've a small but
growing group setting up a settlement simulation on webspace donated by
Red Planet Research Inc - if you are interested contact Ruth. Look out
for the latest "New Mars" featuring fiction by Group members, some
funny, some tragic, all Martian and thought-provoking. Still looking for
people to clean up our website and post new material - if you can help
say the word.
++ Marketing
Maggie Zubrin,
See Executive Director's report
++ Mars Arctic Task Force
Kurt Micheels, mailto:
A contract was awarded on December 30 for fabrication of the hab shell
and structure. Design and construction of the interior is proceeding
concurrently as we assume a fast track approach to completeing the
project on time. Current plans call for completion of assembly on May 5
and an onsite assembly and interior buildout requiring 6 weeks.
++ Political and Public Outreach
Brian Frankie,
Chris Carberry, mailto:
Operation president is gaining speed
Two Mars movie will be released this year. We hope to use them to
publicize our cause. We are planning to have chapters around the country
set up display tables at movie theaters. See the movie outreach site at
We are also starting an Airshow outreach initiative. Many of the larger
airshow can have hundreds of thousands of people in attendence. We hope
to have chapters at at least a dozen airshows this year. See the airshow
website at Don't
worry! We will beautify this site in the next few weeks.
Coming soon - NASA Budget website....
++ Ares CD-Rom Task Force
Report by Jim Burk, task force lead ( )

Issue #2 is now in post production and should be sent to all members
around the end of January.   It contains Mars and space curriculum designed by
the Education Task Force and a bunch of other information contributed by
members & organizations.

The next Issue is scheduled to ship in March and will be focused on the
search for Life on Mars and Astrobiology.  We will be including the
archives of an astrobiology newsletter "MarsBugs" as well as other materials &
articles.  But, we need your help to find them!  Join our mailing list
or email your articles to me at

We are also trying to get Case for Mars and Mars Society convention
proceedings from Univelt for publication on future issues, and are
working with the Maxis folks to get a SimMars demo at the earliest chance.  If
you have any other ideas of what we can offer on Ares, please join our
mailing list or email me at

Report by Jim Burk, Editor-in-chief ( )

We are working hard on several new content sections.  We'll soon have a
section devoted to coverage of the upcoming Mars movies, as well as new
sections on some old missions -- the Mariner series and Viking 1&2.

If you would like to help us out (we need people with all kinds of
skills), join our mailing lists by going to

++ Provisional Members' Council
Chris Vancil,
No report.
Editor's note - VOTE!
++ New Mars
Richard Wagner,
With the gracious guest editorial help of Ruth Waterton, we're back.
We've made some mods to the site, which should (hopefully) lead to a
tighter publication. Please let me know what you think.
++ Mars Polar Lander Mirror Site
Richard Wagner,
Marc Boucher,
No report.
++ Miscellaneous:
Bruce Mackenzie, mailto:
Nothing new to report, but Slide sets and Web space are still available
for chapters.
Richard Wagner, editor/writer
25 Main Street, Suite 214
Northampton, MA 01060
voice 413/584-9941 fax 413/584-8170
If you haven't joined the Mars Society yet ...
what on Earth are you waiting for?
New Mars - a journal of the Martian frontier