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Ohio Springs Into Action
by Patt & Tam Czarnik
On April 19th, Dayton Branch member Monica Simmons and Cincinnati
Branch members Tom & Ilsa Chatterton & Lyle Kelly will 'talk shop'
with 225
grade school kids at Loveland School, passing around the Mars Ball while
getting kids acquainted with the how & why. A short video of the
presentation is planned for the Ohio website, for people wanting to see
to bring Mars to kids.
On April 20th, Dayton Branch members Patt & Tam Czarnik will run the
Mars Society table at Astronomy Day, a family-oriented astronomy event.
have coloring pages (including one of Mars Direct!), Mars Mazes and a
WordFind for kids, if anyone wants copies!
Also on April 20th, Cleveland Branch member Bill Benson leads the
latest Branch get-together, with Cleveland member Geoffrey Landis (from
Glenn Research Center) presenting on the Mars Odyssey mission.
On May 11th, State Science Day in Columbus will see a collaborative
effort: Columbus Branch member Josh Martin will be judging, and Cincinnati
Branch member Lyle Kelly is sponsoring an Award and will stock a Mars
Society information table.
And on May 24th-26th, Dayton Branch member Monica Simmons will be
representing the Mars Society at MarCon, giving 3 (THREE!) presentations
staffing an informational table.
So we're taking it easy in June & July, right? NO WAY ! Dayton's
premier Space Event, Apollo Rendezvous, is coming up in June, and we're
presenting, running a table and talking, talking, talking MARS ! July
brings our Display at the Lost Nation Air Show in Willoughby (near
Cleveland), and our July 20th program at Kenton County Public Library,
Covington KY (Cincinnati area).
Best of luck to ex-Cincinnati member Janis Jaunbergs, who's off to
Dallas to revitalize the Chapter there; he's ALREADY got a TV interview!