1.1 This organization will known as the Michigan Mars Society.
1.2 The group is a chapter of the Mars Society.
1.3 The purpose of the Michigan chapter is to support the national
Mars Society in the exploration and settlement of the planet, Mars.
These efforts can grouped into four major areas -- public outreach,
political action, private commercial development, and direct support.
Public Outreach
Political Action
Private Commercial Development
Direct Support
2.1 Members will include all Mars Society members in good standing who choose
to be affiliated with the Michigan chapter.
2.2 A voluntary recommended annual dues will be set by the membership and
collected by the chapter, but it will not be required for membership.
3.1 The officers will include president, vice president, treasurer,
secretary, and committee heads. Officers will serve from the
January meeting until the following January meeting.
3.2 Executive officers including president, vice president, treasurer,
secretary will be elected by majority vote of the membership
present at a duly advertised meeting of the Michigan Mars Society.
The president and vice president cannot serve as comittee heads.
3.3 The president, in addition to the typical responsibilities of the office,
has the ability to create a committee and appoint a temporary committee
head. After two months, if still viable, the committee members
must elect their own committee head.
3.4 Such committees will be the primary division of labor for the chapter's
activities. Any member can join any committee(s).
3.5 Committees can form subcommittees, if they so choose.
4.1 Any changes or additions to the bylaws must be approved by 2/3 of the
membership present at a duly advertised meeting of the Michigan Mars
Article I Nature and Purpose
Article II Membership and Dues
Article III Officers and Committees
Article IV Amendment to the Bylaws