Spacesuit Task Force
Mars Society
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Art by Scot and Katie Connor
The Mars Society
Spacesuit Task Force
Join the Task Force 

The Mars Society is going forward with plans to develop technology necessary for human Mars missions.   The Spacesuit Task Force was created in August 2000 at the 3rd International Mars Society Convention in order to raise funds and pursue research into the development of the first spacesuit capable of sustaining a human on Mars for up to 300 excursions to the cold and dusty environment of its surface.
Spacesuit-Mars Yahoogroup

SSTF YahooGroup
Join the Task Force
The sidebar contains links to the SSTF YahooGroup Spacesuit-Mars.  To access that site, you must become a member of the SSTF by subscribing to the YahooGroup mailing list.  It is within that site and the email list where members are organizing the task force, discussing technical issues, and developing our financial and knowledge bases for carrying out this endeavour.

The Draft Plan for the Spacesuit-Mars Analog Program is here .

Hamilton-Sundstrand Mars Prototype SuitGordon Osinski tries out a Mars prototype suitPeter Kinsman testing a Mars prototype suitDr. Kelly Snook tests out a Mars prototype suit