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. Congressional Outreach:

Help Save Human Mars Exploration Funding!

As a result of cost overruns in the Space Station program, NASA headquarters has issued an order to stop or eliminate all technology development projects supporting human Mars exploration. Without these programs, we cannot lay the ground-work for a human mission to Mars anytime soon.

This action must be reversed!

Click here for the complete text.

Congressional meetings:

The following strategy evolved out of a discussion with Dr. Robert Zubrin on how to set up, present at and run a meeting with a congressman:

Making Contact:

Call the office. Say you'd like to set up an appointment to talk about the space program/Mars Society/humanity's future in space. You'll be bounced around the office for a while until you come to someone important. Give them the same information about your intent. They will most likely ask you to send them a letter. Have one ready ( I'll try to prepare one) and fax it to them. Follow up with a call about two days later. You should have an appointment by now (it may only be for half an hour, but that's enough). If you can't make the date they've set up, accept anyway. Find people who can attend.

What to Bring:

Photocopies of Newspaper articles:

  • New York Times - Tues. Aug 18, 1998
  • Boston Globe - Sun. Aug 16, 1998
(These prove that we are an organization worthy of note- check for more current articles as well!)
  • Founding Declaration - a copy to leave with them...maybe several.
  • Finally - if you get to talk to an actual congressman or a very high-up aide, bring a copy of The Case for Mars for them to have.

Be prepared to discuss what we want - an outline of our goals and why we've asked to speak with them. From the bulletin sent out a few days ago:

  1. NASA's robotic Mars exploration program should have its budget doubled. It is currently about $250 million per year, or slightly less than 2% of NASA's 13 billion per year budget. It should be raised to 4%, or $500 million/year.
  2. Congress needs to allocate $130 million per year (1% of NASA's budget) to the NASA HEDS (Human Exploration and Development of Space) organization for a program to develop the technologies for human Mars exploration missions. This is necessary to prepare the way for a breakout into space early in the next administration.
  3. We want a "Humans to Mars" program launched early in the next elected administration. Congressmen can help this occur by publicly voicing support for this goal on an appropriate occasion.

As for how to steer the discussion, use your judgement - the approach will be different for a liberal democrat versus a conservative republican.

Contact information for the New England Chapter states

Full addresses are given below.


Dodd, Christopher J. D 444 Russell *1-202-224-2823 1-202-224-1083
Lieberman, Joseph I. D 706 Hart #1-202-224-4041 1-202-224-9750

Snowe, Olympia R 250 Russell *1-202-224-5344 1-202-224-1946
Collins, Susan R 172 Russell *1-202-224-2523 1-202-224-2693

Kennedy, Edward M. D 315 Russell *1-202-224-4543 1-202-224-2417
Kerry, John F. D 421 Russell *1-202-224-2742 1-202-224-8525

New Hampshire
Gregg, Judd R 393 Russell *1-202-224-3324 1-202-224-4952
Smith, Bob R 307 Dirksen +1-202-224-2841 1-202-224-1353

Rhode Island
Reed, Jack D 320 Hart #1-202-224-4642 1-202-224-4680
Chafee, John H. R 505 Dirksen +1-202-224-2921 1-202-224-none

Leahy, Patrick J. D 433 Russell *1-202-224-4242 1-202-224-none
Kerry, John F. R 728 Hart #1-202-224-5141 1-202-224-0338

  • + Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
  • # Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
  • * Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510


Click here to utilize the zip code lookup of your congressional representative, from the US House of Representatives.

District         Name               Affiliation


  1             Barbara B. Kennelly     D
  2             Sam Gejdenson           D
  3             Rosa L. DeLauro         D
  4             Cristoper Shays         R
  5             James H. Maloney        D
  6             Nancy L. Johnson        R


  1             Thomas H. Allen         D
  2             John Elias Baldacci     D


  1             John W. Olver           D
  2             Richard E. Neal         D
  3             James P. McGovern       D
  4             Barney Frank            D
  5             Martin T. Meehan        D
  6             John F. Tierny          D
  7             Edward J. Markey        D
  8             Joseph P, Kennedy, Jr.  D
  9             John Joseph Moakley     D
  10            William K. Delahunt     D

New Hampshire

  1             John E. Sununu          R
  2             Charles F. Bass         R

Rhode Island

  1             Patrick J. Kennedy      D
  2             Robert A. Weygand       D


At Large        Bernard Sanders         None


The New England Congressional Outreach branch serves to organize the political actions of the New England Chapter of the Mars Society. Together the members have much more effect than they could acting singularly. The main tool of this organizaton is the letter. Current projects include a letter writing campaign to support the adoption by the US Senate of House Resolution 572, a measure authorizing private reusable vehicles, and letters to each the candidates for legislative office.

Future projects include personal visits to congressional offices after the election season.

You can read our Founding Declaration by clicking here.

Requests concerning this Web site should be directed to Stephen M. Glenfield, Webmaster.
Copyright © 1998 - 2001 New England Mars Society. All rights reserved.
This page was last updated July 11th, 2001.