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Mission Support Volunteers Needed

   The Mars Society continues to seek chapters willing and able to provide Mission Support for the Mars Desert Research Station and the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station. Current plans are to have chapters provide Mission Support for one month rotations for MDRS and for two weeks or more for FMARS. The selected teams will need to monitor Mission Support operations via email for at least a week before their rotation for training. The Desert Hab is scheduled to be operational from October 2002 to early May 2003 and will need Mission Support during those 7-8 months. FMARS is expected to operate again in July and August 2002.

   Interested chapters should submit a short (not more than 3 pages) proposal detailing the number of members they will have available to staff Mission Support, the type of computer set-up they have available, special areas of expertise that may prove relevant (e.g. field geologists, biologists, engineers, physicians, computer engineering, etc...), dates they would be available (must be in month long increments for MDRS and 2-week increments for FMARS) and any other relevant data that may help in their being selected. Please include name, email address and phone number of a person that can serve as the central contact point for your chapter. Virtual Mission Support (i.e. staff members communicating from home/work to a central CapCOM) has proven to be effective as well and can be included in the proposal. Virtual Mission Support proposals can therefore include members from other chapters, if so desired.

   Two important notes: The exact starting date of MDRS and FMARS Mission Support activities is TBD so proposals should be as flexible as possible. Also this is work that chapter members will do locally on a part time basis, and will not require travelling. The Rocky Mountain Chapter, the San Diego Chapter, the NorCal Chapter, and the Toronto Chapter have provided outstanding Mission Support and can be contacted for guidance.

   Proposals or inquiries should be sent to Lorraine Bell and Tony Muscatello

Copyright 2001, 2002 The Mars Society