Vol. 2, No. 07 July 2000
The purpose of the Red Planet Satellite Report is to provide up to date information to both our membership and the general public on the many activities of the Mars Society chapters, task forces and Chapter's Council. Please use the Table of Contents to quickly access those sections of the report that are of primary interest to you.

Table of Contents

 Chapter's Council News
 United States Chapter News
 International Chapter News
 Mars Youth Group News
 Task Forces/Special Interests News
 Commentary, Special Offers and More
 Web Site of the Month
 Quote of the Month
 Reader Comments
 Submission Guidelines
 Red Planet Satellite Report Contact Information


Welcome to the Red Planet Satellite Report for July 2000. This report summarizes the activities of the world wide network of Mars Society chapters. You will also learn about what is going on in the Chapter's Council and in the many task forces that the Mars Society has established to further the goal of robotic and human exploration of the planet Mars.

To learn how you can contribute to the Red Planet Satellite Report, please read the Submission Guidelines section. The deadline for submitting materials for inclusion in the next issue is the last day of the month. We want to hear from you!

I want to hear from you to. If you would like to make suggestions regarding the format of the Red Planet Satellite Report just send me an email.

Thank You,
Jim Plaxco, Editor

Chapter's Council News for June 2000

Welcome to the Chapter's Council News. Here you can read about last month's activities of the Chapter's Council as well as finding out how you can participate in our various projects and contribute to our success.

Special Alert
See the Chapter Representation section for important information about your chapter and the Chapter's Council.

The following index lists each of the projects that the Chapter's Council is currently working on. You may use the index to go directly to the topic area that is of primary interest to you or you can just scroll forward to view each area in succession.

Index to Chapter's Council News
  The Monthly Agenda
  Chapter's Council Programming at the Mars Society Conference
  Chapter's Starter Kit
  Chapter's Council Status Report
  Chapter's Council and the Steering Committee
  Call for Volunteers
  Chapter Representation
  The Chapter's Council Web Site
  The Mars FAQ
  Chapter's Council Membership
  Getting the Council's Attention

The Monthly Agenda for July
To assist in planning for each month's activities, the Council votes on a conceptual agenda. Items to be included in the agenda are first identified and then voted upon by the Council so that a priority may be assigned.

The following table documents the planned agenda for the month of July.

The Monthly Agenda
Rank Description
1 Develop mechandising support system for chapters
2 Create a Chapters Starter Kit
2 What needs to be done to get the Chapter's Council more productive?
3 Face to Face Metting with all council members at Toronto Conference
4 BOD & Steering Committee Council Rep
5 Setting up a chapters council track or session at next convention.
5 Discussion regarding Mars Society governance
6 Prepare council introduction tools for new members
6 How to get more people on the council
7 Setting up a Speaker's Bureau
8 Have Council select chapter/task force and member of the month for each issue of RPSR
8 Setting Up Technical Advisory Task Force

Chapter's Council Programming at the Mars Society Conference: Update for June Activities
The Chapter's Council has put together a series of programs to be offered at the Mars Society Conference. The program offering is the a result of a survey taken by Jim Plaxco of the members of the Chapter's Council and the Chapter Contacts Listserv. Based on these responses, the following program plan was submitted to the conference programming at the end of June:

Title........: Formal Meeting of the Chapter's Council
Format.......: Meeting
Time.........: 1 hour
Description..: An open meeting of the Chapter's Council to 
               conduct council business
Participants.: All Chapter's Council representatives and
               volunteers in attendance.

Title........: Open Q&A Session with the Council Format.......: Panel Time.........: 1 hour Description..: Members of the Chapter's Council will answer questions about the council's activities, direction, and views on the state of the Mars Society. Moderator....: Chris Vancil Panelists....: All Chapter's Council representatives and volunteers in attendance.

Title........: Organizing and Managing a Mars Society Chapter Format.......: Panel Time.........: 1 hour Description..: An open discussion of the following issues: * starting a chapter * obtaining non-profit status * legal organization of a chapter (alternatives) * review of tools available to chapters Moderator....: Chris Vancil Panelists....: Bruce Mackenzie, Matt Lowry,

Title........: Fundraising for Chapters Format.......: Panel Time.........: 1 hour Description..: An open discussion of the following issues: * fundraising methods * managing chapter monies * getting involved in writing grants * cost sharing support from National HQ * chapter dues Moderator....: Erik Carlstrom Panelists....: George Smith, professional TBA by Richard Wagner

Title........: Attracting and Keeping Chapter Members Format.......: Panel Time.........: 1 hour Description..: An open discussion of the following issues: * increasing your chapter's membership * soliciting for chapter officers * motivating your volunteers * what do you do with your contact list? * info from National HQ on new MS members Moderator....: Bruce Mackenzie Panelists....: Jim Burk, Jim Plaxco

Title........: Planning Chapter Outreach and Communications Activities Format.......: Panel Time.........: 1 hour Description..: An open discussion of the following issues: * organizing an event / outreach events * building a web site * building relationships with schools & local business * real science with real scientists * promoting events * what to do with your newly-started chapter - i.e. what activities will keep the people coming back for more * using Majordomo lists * How to form collaborations with other local space groups Moderator....: Chris Carberry Panelists....: Bruce Mackenzie, R.D."Gus" Frederick, Matt Lowry, Jim Plaxco

Chapter's Starter Kit: Update for June Activities
Veronica Ann Zabala of the Phoenix, Arizona chapter continues to work on developing a Chapter's Starter Kit. If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see included in the Chapter's Starter Kit, please contact Veronica Ann Zabala.

Chapter's Council Status Report Update for June Activities
In order to facilitate production of the Chapter's Council Status Report, Piotr Moskal was elected as a second Secretary of Communications for the Chapter's Council. Piotr will work with Jim Plaxco to produce this report.

The purpose of the report will be to provide a detailed review of the progress that the various committees are making towards completing their work on the agenda items to which they have been assigned.

During June, Piotr commenced the collection of reports from each of the project groups in order to compile them into a single comprehensive report.

Chapter's Council and the Steering Committee: Update for June Activities
During June, the Chapter's Council, in keeping with a request from the Mars Society Steering Committee, elected a representative to that body. The first step in the process was to decide on how the selection of a representative would be handled. Through a series of motions and council votes, it was determined that:

  1. Individuals would indicate their desire to be the CC representative to the Steering Committee to the group.
  2. Each candidate would submit a prepared statement. Each candidate was given one week to prepare their statements and to submit them to Chris Vancil, the CC Chair. This process was determined by a unanimous vote of the council. The motion was as follows:
    Candidates interested in being the Chapter's Council (CC) representative on the Steering Committee (SC) will send a message describing their qualifications and reasons they seek the position to the CC Chair Chris Vancil after this motion passes. The chair will collect these messages for one week after the passage of this motion then send out one message containing all the statements. The Chair, SOV, or a designee will also start the vote for the council SC representative at that time. The SC representative election vote will be anonymous since it is an election poll.
  3. A separate vote was taken to determine who could read the candidate statements. The outcome of that vote was:
    - Viewing available to the general public, 6 votes, 54.55%
    - Restricted for viewing to Mars Society membership, 4 votes, 36.36%
    - Restricted for viewing to the members of the Chapter's Council and the Steering Committee, 1 votes, 9.09%
    - Restricted for viewing to the members of the Chapter's Council, 0 votes, 0.00%
Three representatives of the Chapter's Council indicated their interest in the position of representative to the Steering Committee. The three were Jim Beyer, Matthew Giovanelli and Jim Plaxco. Following are the results of the subsequent election:

  1. Jim Beyer, 8 votes, 53.33%
  2. Jim Plaxco, 5 votes, 33.33%
  3. Matthew Giovanelli, 2 votes, 13.33%
Congratulations Mr. Beyer. By becoming the Chapter's Council representative to the Steering Committee, Mr. Beyer has agreed to attend all meetings of the Steering Committee and to make regular reports to the Chapter's Council. Summaries of these reports will appear here in future issues.

Call for Volunteers
The Chapter's Council is looking for volunteers who can help us with our various projects. If you would like to assist the council with any of our projects, have an idea for a project that should be undertaken by the Chapter's Council, or have a suggestion regarding an item on the agenda, then please send an email to the Mars Society Chapter's Council.

Chapter Representation: Update for June Activities
One of the major objectives of the Chapter's Council has been to bring more representatives into the council so that more tasks could be taken on and more chapters would be represented. When the council began operations on February 1, 2000, a chapter, or group of chapters, was entitled to one representative if that chapter, or group of chapters, had 10 chapter members who were also Mars Society members.

To make it possible for more chapters to be represented on the council, the following motion was made and passed on June 17:

The chapter's council believes it currently has too few people to effectively carry out its mandate. It has far more issues to tackle than it has people available to work on them. Those that are working on council projects are stretched so thin that progress is very slow. In order to help the council through its start up phase the council would like the Mars Society Board of Directors to approve the following changes to council representative requirements for the remainder of the council session ending 1/31/01.

1) Any chapter listed on the Mars Society's chapter page recognized regardless of size may elect a representative until the total number of representatives reaches 40.

2) The position of representative for chapter's that have qualified for a representative under the 10+ member rule but have failed to elect one by June 21, 2000 will be given to the first chapter member that volunteers subject to approval by the chapters council. This option will not be limited by the number of official representatives.

Any representatives who join the council under exception 1 or 2 will have to be elected by a group of 10 or more members in December of 2000 to remain on the council after 01/31/01 as a voting member. Any Mars Society member is welcome to join the council or one of its committees as a nonvoting volunteer.

The voting results on the motion were:

A number of chapter's have taken advantage of this measure to secure representation on the Chapter's Council. For additional information and to access a form to speed the process of identifying your chapter's representative, please visit the How to Join the Chapters Council page of the Chapter's Council web site. If you have questions, please send an email to the Mars Society Chapter's Council.

The Chapter's Council Web Site: Update for June Activities
The Chapter's Council has a web site to document the activities of the Council and to serve as an online resource for both the chapters and the general membership of the Mars Society. The home page for the Chapter's Council web site is:


Back issues of the Red Planet Satellite Report, a list of Chapter's Council representatives, as well as other council related information may be found here.

Jim Burk is the webmaster for the Chapter's Council web site. If you have questions about the site, or would like to make suggestions, please send email to Jim Burk.

The Mars FAQ: Update for June Activities
During June, the Mars FAQ committee arrived at a decision to use the facilities of eGroups vs those of the teamWSDlite system to create and maintain the FAQ. An eGroups database designed by Mark Eby will be used to track question and answer ownership, progress and status. Before an answer will be posted to the FAQ page on the Chapter's Council web site, the FAQ group as a whole will vote to approve the answer as given. This is to insure the correctness of each question/answer pair, both in terms of factual correctness and grammatical correctness.

The FAQ committee is using eGroups as our communications vehicle. You can drop in and read the group's email traffic by visiting our egroup site. You can also make suggestions regarding the structure of the FAQ and questions to be considered for inclusion by sending an email to the Mars FAQ Committee.

The members of the committee are Jim Burk, Mark Eby, Brad Jarvis, Matthew Lowry, Bruce Mackenzie, Jim Plaxco, Stacy Sklar and Bill Weitze.

Chapter's Council Membership: Update for June
The Chapters Council is currently made up of the following individuals:
Office Title         Representative        Representing Chapter

Thomas J. Allred Utah
Jim Beyer Michigan
Sam Burbank California, Northern
Webmaster Jim Burk (volunteer)
Ombudsman Erik Carlstrom Oregon
Serina Diniega California, CALTECH-JPL
Matt Dumstorf Ohio
James Eberhardt Georgia
Sec. Agenda and Mark Eby Alabama Ombudsman
Sec. Voting and Gary Fisher Pennsylvania Sec. Documentation
Matthew Giovanelli Wisconsin
Domenique van der Goore California, C. Valley
Richard Heidmann France
Lisa Ice New Mexico
Carmen Marra Canada, Toronto
Bo Maxwell United Kingdom
Council Vice-Chair Piotr Moskal Poland and Sec. Communication
Vesna Nikolic (volunteer)
Sec. Communication Jim Plaxco Illinois
Raimund Scheucher Germany
Stacy Sklar (volunteer)
Council Chair Chris Vancil Washington, Puget Sound
Chris Williams Texas, Austin
Paul Wooster New England
Veronica Ann Zabala Arizona, Phoenix

You can also access a list of the Chapter's Council Representatives on the Chapter's Council web site at http://chapters.marssociety.org/council/reps.html.

Getting the Council's Attention
Anyone, members or nonmembers, can bring issues to the attention of the Chapter's Council by sending an email to the Mars Society Chapter's Council.

If you want to keep tabs on what the council is up to, then point your browser at the Mars Society Chapter's Council Group area on the eGroups web site.

Return to the Chapter's Council Index

United States Chapter News

You can use the following index to go directly to the chapter of your choice. Use your Browser's "Back" button to return to this index.
Arizona, Flagstaff
Arizona, Phoenix and Arizona State University
Arizona, Tucson
California, CALTECH-JPL
California, Central Valley
California, Northern
California, South
Colorado (Rocky Mountain Mars Society)
Georgia (RedDirt)
Illinois, Chicago
Illinois, North Shore
Illinois, Schaumburg
Maryland/Virginia/Wash DC
Missouri, Kansas City
New England
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Mexico, Northern (aka Los Alamos Chapter)
New York
North Dakota
North Dakota, Eastern
Pennsylvania, Penn State University
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Tennessee, Nashville
Texas, Austin
Texas, Dallas
Texas, Houston
Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula
Washington, Puget Sound
West Virginia


Contact: Mark Eby, maeby@zebra.net
The Alabama Chapter has been a bit more active this month. Pam Love has volunteered to be an active member but needs some direction on projects to tackle. Katie Huffman has volunteered to set up a chapter website but needs input on what to put on the website. Vic Budura volunteered to teach a summer course for teenagers called Space 2000: Mission to Mars that runs from July 17-21 at Huntington College in Montgomery AL. Mark Eby lent him a copy of "Mars - Pioneering The Planet" for use in the course.

Mark Eby and Frank Chandler met to discuss forming an active local chapter in Mobile, AL. Frank agreed to look into ways to evaluate and promote local interest. Mark agreed to participate in any activities Frank comes up with. On the down side, Daniel Slosberg has moved back to Michigan and will no longer be the contact person for Huntsville activities. We now have a core of 6 to 8 members who wish to actively participate in Mars Society activities out of the 30 to 40 AL members, but need someone to step forward to lead local activities.


Contact: Marilyn Dudley-Rowley, MD-R@msn.com
No report submitted.

Arizona, Flagstaff

Contact: Stacy Sklar, JMakus3339@aol.com
No report submitted.

Arizona, Phoenix and Arizona State University

Contact: Veronica Ann Zabala, GEOBUM@prodigy.net
Web Site: http://frontpage.inficad.com/~azmars
No report submitted.

Arizona, Tucson

Contact: Aaron Schultz, aschultz@Seds.org
No report submitted.


Contact: Wayne Bowen, bowenw@alpha.obu.edu
No report submitted.

California, CALTECH-JPL

Contact: Derek Shannon, dms@caltech.edu
Web Site: http://mars.caltech.edu/
No report submitted.

California, Central Valley

Contact: Domenique van der Goore, traveler@cyberlynk.com
No report submitted.

California, Northern

Contact: Bill Weitze, bweitze@california.com
Web Site: http://chapters.marssociety.org/northca/
Mailing list: Majordomo@lists.Stanford.EDU
       with the command subscribe norcal-mars-society as the message.

The Northern California chapter held its 14th meeting on June 11 at the Shoreline Grill in Palo Alto. We discussed plans for the toney fundraising dinner mentioned in our May bulletin. Size would be about 50 to 100 attendees. Time frame would likely be Spring of 2001. Robert Poling volunteered to organize this effort, taking over from Nick Walker, who did a tremendous amount of preliminary work. Bill Clancey has volunteered his house for the dinner. Further details to come as they are worked out.

At the meeting, Nick Walker resigned as "Delegator Supreme", citing a new project at work. We thank Nick for all his hard work for the chapter. There is no new Delegator Supreme at this time. See the meetings and minutes page on our website for meeting minutes.

On June 10, Northern California MS member John McKnight spoke at the Silicon Valley Space Enterprise Symposium. He discussed his new company's proposed line of protective clothing, starting with Earthside applications and progressing toward a full-fledged space suit. Also in attendance were MS members Patrick Beatty, Lily Cella, Frank Crossman, John McGowan, Jean Marie Walker, and Bill Weitze.

Member Bill Weitze spoke with Dave and Dwight of Portland, Oregon's KXL Radio for about 5 minutes on June 22, in a light-hearted chat about the evidence of water on Mars. It was Bill's first radio interview.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 23rd, 2000 in San Francisco. See our website for details as they become available.

California, South

Contact: Dave Jedynak, jedynak@sileas.com
No report submitted.

Colorado (Rocky Mountain Mars Society)

Contact: Brad Jarvis, bjarvis@ezlink.com
Web Site: http://www.rmms.org/
No report submitted.


Contact: Dick Brodeur, r.e.brodeur@mindspring.com
No report submitted.

Georgia (RedDirt)

Contact: Mike Kretsch, mkretsch@compassusa.com
Red Dirt will be judging theVRML2.0 spacecraft competition July 4th. Details at click on contest

Work on the Mars Exploration database continues:
The Asteroid Datasheet is available in excel format (zipped) at Asteroid Spreadsheet

Updates from those working on the database are welcome. Persons interested in contributing also welcome, email me at mike1mars@mailcity.com (Red Dirt Business Only)


Contact Needed. Volunteers, please contact Maggie Zubrin, mzubrin@aol.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Chris Struble, clstruble@earthlink.net
No report submitted.

Illinois, Chicago

Contact: Matthew Lowry, lowryclan@geocities.com
Web Site: http://www.astrodigital.org/marschicago/
No report submitted.

Illinois, North Shore

Contact: Matt Lowry at lowryclan@geocities.com
Web Site: http://www.astrodigital.org/nsms
No report submitted.

Illinois, Schaumburg

Contact: Jim Plaxco, astro@astrodigital.org
Web Site: http://www.astrodigital.org/mss/
No report submitted.


Contact: Steve Resler, sresler@eyeworld.net
No report submitted.


Contact: Katharine Osborne, kosborne@eai.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Holly Kellogg, HKellogg@feist.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Dr. Marc Wessels, on2mars@bellsouth.net
No report submitted.


Contact: Shelly Hynes, cshynes@cp-tel.net
The Minutes of the last LAMS meeting, as recorded by Daniel Morris Attendance:
Carl Carlsson
Craig Dooley
Thomas James
Daniel Morris

Reviewed and signed Mars Society Petition

Discussed outreach initiative to place Mars related display in the Daily Living Science Center in Kenner, LA

Reviewed letter sent to the office of Senator Breaux

Viewed Zubrin Video

Brain stormed:
WRT Political and Public outreach, proposed

Set date of 15 July for the next meeting, to be held in Lafayette. Mr. Dooley to check w/ Shelly for arrangements. The date and location may be changed, please contact me at the email address above for the latest information!

Maryland/Virginia/Wash DC

Contact: Theresa Klein, tjk2@ix.netcom.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Julie Edwards, jedwards@umich.edu
Web Site: http://chapters.marssociety.org/usa/mi/
No report submitted.


Contact: Ben Huset, BenHuset@skypoint.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Garry W. Speer, VMSmith1@aol.com
No report submitted.

Missouri, Kansas City

Contact: George Howard, Ghoward683@aol.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Derrick M. Davis, dmdventures@hotmail.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Shawn Plunket, SPlunket@aol.com
No report submitted.

New England

Contact: Paul Wooster, pwooster@mit.edu
Website: http://chapters.marssociety.org/usa/ma/
No report submitted.

New Jersey

Contact Needed. Volunteers, please contact Maggie Zubrin, mzubrin@aol.com
No report submitted.

New Mexico

Contact: Eric Orrill, mailto:eorrill@jntsw.com
No report submitted.

New Mexico, Northern (aka Los Alamos Chapter)

Contact: Lisa Ice, ice@cs.unm.edu
No report submitted.

New York

Contact: Paul Contursi, pcon@pipeline.com
No report submitted.

North Dakota

Contact: John R. Cable, jrjohn@martin.ndak.net
No report submitted.

North Dakota, Eastern

Contact: Jonathan Hovland, fenix@thequest.net
No report submitted.


Contact: Tamarack R. Czarnik, patttam@erinet.com
Presentations (does ANYONE present more often than us?!)
Activities APOLLO RENDEZVOUS was a blast! Bob Zubrin wowed the crowd, Story Musgrave put us in orbit, Athena Andreadis decryed 'carbon chauvinism', and Ohio Chapter sold t-shirts, buttons & videos (while Dr. Zubrin sold 'The Case For Mars') while presenting the Mars Direct mission profile to astronomers from all over the Midwest! On July 8th at 7 pm, Dayton Branch members had our first Branch Meeting; activities included a discussion of recent water activity on Mars (illustrated with the amazing photos themselves), a viewing of Ohio Chair Tam Czarnik's appearance on WDTN (discussing the findings), the latest news on the Mars Arctic Research Station, plans for upcoming Public Outreach Events, and much scarfing of pizza and soda.


Contact: John Ohlheiser, JPO10708@aol.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Gus Frederick, gus@norwebster.com
Web Site:http://chapters.marssociety.org/or/
May and June saw our chapter activities winding down for the summer. President Erik Carlstrom is doing a summer intern stint at NASA Ames. Erik has promised to send us images and updates to post on the Web site.

Chapter Secretary Gus Frederick and other members of the Oregon L5 Society's "Mars Instrument & Science Team" submitted two abstracts to NASA's "Concepts and Approaches to Mars Exploration" conference being held in Houston at NASA's Lunar and Planetary Institute. Frederick was principal author on "Martian Ice Caves," and co-author of "Mars Meteor Survey."

Frederick will be presenting both papers in Houston at the conference, which runs from July 18 to 20. Illustrated HTML versions of both abstracts are available for reading from the OL5/MIST page linked from the MSOR Web site. Speaking of abstracts, Carlstrom and Frederick each submitted several for presentation in Toronto, which were apporved. All five abstracts are viewable on the MSOR Web site.

A week before Toronto in Silverton, Oregon, MSOR members with help from OL5, and possibly some Puget Sound Martians will be manning a large "Mini Museum & Martian Infoporium" at "Homer Davenport Days," Silverton's annual summer festival. We will be sharing the action with live music, arts & crafts fair, parade, cartoon contest and of course the imfamous "Davenport Races." Again, details are on the MSOR Web site.

See you all in Toronto!

R.D."Gus" Frederick; Secretary

Pennsylvania, Penn State University

Contact: Wojciech Klimkiewicz, Ph.D., wxk10@psu.edu
No report submitted.

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (The Independence Chapter)

Contact: Gary C. Fisher, gcfisheris@aol.com
No report submitted.

Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

Contact: Daniar Hussain, daniarh@yahoo.com
Mailing List:mars-penn@onelist.com
No report submitted.

Puerto Rico

Contact: Jose Lopez Reyes, skyloop@caribe.net
No report submitted.

Rhode Island

Contact: Steve Connors, connors@ici.net
No report submitted.

South Carolina

Contact: Richard Allen Brown, Charlestonideas@hotmail.com
No report submitted.

Tennessee, Nashville

Contact: Robert Tonini, robert.tonini@nashville.com
The Nashville Tennessee Chapter held its 3rd meeting on June 9 at the Dickson Renaissance Center. They have a show called "The Mars Show" in their planetarium. We set up a display that included models of the Apollo LM, ISS and Shuttle, Mir/Soyuz, Mars Rover and pictures of Flashline Arctic Station.

Nashville Mars Soceity Meeting
When: Friday, July 14, 2000
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: Dickson Renaissance Center
Directions: Take I-40 West and get off at Exit 172 toward Dickson on Highway 46 North (approximately two miles). Look for the 70' sphere on the right (and the big flashing sign).

Texas, Austin

Contact: Tim Crain, crain@csr.utexas.edu
No report submitted.

Texas, Dallas

Contact: Scott Bell, ntms@usa.net
No report submitted.

Texas, Houston

Contact: Chris Barnes, USAMarsMan@aol.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Tom Allred, AllredTj@ubtanet.com
No report submitted.

Washington, Grays Harbor/Olympic Peninsula

Contact: Johannes Helgeson, noachis@hotmail.com
No report submitted.

Washington, Puget Sound

Contact: Jim Burk, President, jburk@jburk.com
Chapter email: marspuget@egroups.com
Web Site: Mars Society Puget Sound
Our first BBQ picnic event was a success, and we have been preparing for the Conference. There, our chapter will present a 30 minute panel/discussion called "Lessons Learned", hopefully sharing some of our experiences with other chapter members around the world.

The Ares CD-Rom will be released at the conference & given out during registration. After the Conference, the remaining 3000 or so will be mailed out to all Mars Society members worldwide. For more details, see the Ares CD-Rom Task Force report.

West Virginia

Contact: Robert Strong, strongro@WLSVAX.WVNET.EDU
No report submitted.


Contact: Scott Davis, scud1@execpc.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Patrick Banks, PAT@uwyo.edu
No report submitted.

Mars Youth Group

Contact: Margarita Marinova, mmm@mit.edu
Web Site: http://chapters.marssociety.org/youth/
No report submitted.

International Chapter News

You can use the following index to go directly to the chapter of your choice. Use your Browser's "Back" button to return to this index.

    Argentina/Latin America
Canada, Ottawa
Canada, Toronto
Canada, Vancouver
Cyprus, Mediterranean
New Zealand
South Africa
Spain, Canary Islands
Spain, Peninsular
Mars Society UK Ltd.

Argentina/Latin America

Contact: Gabriel Rshaid, grshaid@marsacademy.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Andrew Hamilton, ahamilto@nsw.bigpond.net.au
No report submitted.


Contact: Antoon Van Boxstael, Antoon@hotmail.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Marc Boucher, webmaster@marssociety.org
Web Site: http://canada.marssociety.org
No report submitted.

Canada, Ottawa

Contact: Jean Lagarde, jlagarde@bigfoot.com
No report submitted.

Canada, Toronto

Contact: Rocky Persaud, rocky.persaud@utoronto.ca
Web Site: http://Chapters.MarsSociety.org/toronto/
No report submitted.

Canada, Vancouver

Contact: Stephen Braham, warp@polylab.sfu.ca
No report submitted.


Contact: Cristian Puebla-Menne, cpuebla@cmet.net
No report submitted.

Cyprus, Mediterranean

Contact: George Lordos, Lordos@mit.edu
No report submitted.


Contact: Richard Heidmann, Rheidmann@aol.com
Web Site: http://www.planete-mars.com
The managing board of the APM met on Monday 06-19-00 and the executive committee met on Friday 06-30-00. The main informations are :

Submitted by Dominique GUILLAUME, Secretary of the APM (Association Planete Mars, from France)


Contact: Michael Bosch, Michael.Bosch@wiwi.uni-regensburg.de
Web Site: http://www.marssociety.de/
No report submitted.


Contact: Olafur Patrick Olafsson, opo@hi.is
No report submitted.


Contact: Alin Moss, alinm@hotmail.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Fabrizio Pirondini, pirro@tin.it
No report submitted.


Contact: Onizuka, Michitaka, onizuka@colorado.edu
Contact: Kiosuke Murakawa, murakawa@csp.co.jp
No report submitted.


Contact: Rich Robins, Mars@SpaceProjects.com
Web Site: http://www.SpaceProjects.com/Marte
News of the potential Martian water discovery reached nearly all Mexicans. Indeed it seems to have quenched their thirst for a change of pace from news about all the electoral campaigning leading up to Mexico´s July 2nd democracy advances. Incidentally, thanks to the new political pluralism Mexico will hopefully become $tronger now, and hopefully able to finally start some sort of a space agency. That would put it on par with Argentina, Brazil and Spain, which already have them.

Anyway, immediately after we learned from NASAWatch.com that a water announcement r/e Mars could be in the making, I made sure to e-mail everyone from everywhere who had written to the Mars Society´s Mexico Chapter during the past 13 months. Naturally I also directed them to our recently updated website, which has all sorts of nationally-relevant stuff about Mars. Every so often I re-register that site in the major and also the Mexican search engines in order to boost relevancy rankings and make it easier for fellow Mars enthusiasts to find us. Even some Brazilians (who speak Portuguese, not Spanish) managed to find us. I´m delighted to report that there´s now a Mars Society banner down at the very bottom of a budding (i.e. potential) Brazil Chapter´s homegrown website: http://www.martefusion.hpg.com.br/

Regarding the upcoming conference, Mexicans greatly admire its Northern trading partner of Canada, and we are trying to arrange to send at least one delegate to the Toronto convention next month. Although time and financial constraints may unfortunately force a postponement until another year, we´ll at least be there in spirit. But there is a reasonably good chance that at least one Mexico representative will be able to make it this year.


Contact: Arno Wielders, arnoux@strw.leidenuniv.nl
          or Arno Wielders, arno@marssociety.nl
Web Site: http://www.marssociety.nl
No report submitted.

New Zealand

Contact: David Maclenna, mac@xtra.co.nz
No report submitted.


Contact: Johan Veerman, jveerman@yahoo.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Kin Enriquez, kin_toy@hotmail.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Piotr Moskal, piotr.moskal@lupus.pl
No report submitted.


Contact: Gennady Gusev, marssociety@mail.ru
No report submitted.

South Africa

Contact: Evan James Dembskey, evan@telemessage.co.za
No report submitted.

Spain, Canary Islands

Contact: Cayetano Santana Gil, csangi@idecnet.com
No report submitted.

Spain, Peninsular

Contact: Alexander Hristov, ahristov@psd.es
No report submitted.


Contact: Claes-Gustaf Nordquist, c_g_nordquist@yahoo.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Claude-Alain Roten, claude-alain.roten@igbm.unil.ch
Contact: Gabriel Borruat, gabriel.borruat@igbm.unil.ch
No report submitted.


Contact: Vladymy Shevernytskyy, charity@akcecc.kiev.ua
No report submitted.

Mars Society UK Ltd.

Contact: Bo Maxwell, sagan@dircon.co.uk
Web Site: http://www.marssociety.org.uk
No report submitted.

Task Forces/Special Interests News

You can use the following index to go directly to the Task Force, Committee, or Special Interests Area chapter of your choice. Use your Browser's "Back" button to return to this index.
Ares CD-Rom Task Force
Executive Director
Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Task Force
Fundraising Task Force
Graphics and Production
Greens4Mars Taskforce
Internet Task Force
Mars Arctic Life Support System Group
Mars Civilization and Culture
New Mars
Political and Public Outreach
Technical Task Force

Ares CD-Rom Task Force

Contact: Jim Burk, Task Force lead, jburk@jburk.com
Web Site: Ares Online
Task Force email: ares-cdrom@chapters.marssociety.org


Ares: Learning About Mars
Volume 2 · Issue 1 · Summer 2000
aka Ares Issue 2 -- Educational Outreach

It will be given out at the Mars Society Conference and mailed to all society members worldwide. Jim Burk will present a 30 minute panel at the Conference discussing the project and soliciting feedback.

Issue 2 had been delayed for several months due to uncertainties in funding and content. We have changed our contractor for the final production & duplication of the CD, saving the Society much compared to the cost incurred on Issue 1.

Issue 3 Update: We are currently beta testing Issue #3. We are not sure when it will ship. This should be decided at the Conference.


Contact: Tony Santana, TSMarsCo@aol.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Gabriel Rashaid, GRshaid@marsacademy.com
Task force web site: http://www.marsacademy.com/marssoc/
No report submitted.

Executive Director

Contact: Maggie Zubrin, mzubrin@aol.com
No report submitted.

Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station Task Force

Contact: Kurt Micheels, kmicheels@aol.com
No report submitted.

Fundraising Task Force

Contact: Kristin Boekhoff, kboekhoff@excite.com
No report submitted.

Graphics and Production

Contact: Gary Hollingshead, garyah@imagineering-usa.com
No report submitted.

Greens4Mars Taskforce

Contact: Dan Hussain, (daniarh@yahoo.com)
E-List: greens4mars@egroups.com
Egroups: http://www.egroups.com/groups/greens4mars
No report submitted.

Internet Task Force

Contact: Marc Boucher, webmaster@marssociety.org
Contact: Harold Miller, peabody@wayback.com
No report submitted.


Contact: Maggie Zubrin, mzubrin@aol.com
No report submitted.

Mars Arctic Life Support System group

Contact: Dean Calahan, dean@baloney.com
Web Site: http://home.marssociety.org/tech/life-support/
No report submitted.

Mars Civilization and Culture

Contact: Bev Conolly, conollyb@terrigal.net.au

No report submitted.

New Mars

Contact: Richard Wagner, mailto:campr2@javanet.com
No report submitted.

Political and Public Outreach

Contact: Chris Carberry, ccarberry@masshist.org
No report submitted.

Technical Task Force

Contact: Stephen Braham, warp@polylab.sfu.ca
Web Site: http://home.marssociety.org/tech/
No report submitted.

Commentary, Special Offers plus Odds and Ends

This month, we have a report on activities in China and Taiwan, information on obtaining Mars' soil simulant, and a request for information on how to incorporate a chapter.

A Report from China and Taiwan
submitted by Chad Jeffrey Ohlandt, chadjo@umich.edu

Having traveled in Taiwan and China over the past few months, I have given a number of talks on Mars exploration at a number of sites including National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan), Tam Kang University (Tansui, Taiwan), Beijing University Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beijing, China), Lanzhou Institute of Physics (Lanzhou, China), and Shanghai Jiaotong University (Shanghai, China). You can find my talks on my webpage at www.umich.edu/~chadjo including my Why Mars? talk with some Chinese added.

On every occasion, there was a great deal of enthusiasm. In general, the people and government in both Taiwan and China are very technology oriented and are very aware of the advantages that research and technology bring to the average person. The greatest challenge in this part of the world is not convincing them, but simple informing them of the possibilities. This is partly due to the lack of Mars information in Chinese. While The Case for Mars by Zubrin is available in Chinese in Taiwan, I was unable to find it in mainland China. Nonetheless, most people don't have the time or interest to read the whole book. There is little in the way of Chinese handouts, brochures, or even webpages.

I've had a number of individuals contacts me about membership in the Mars Society, but I have yet to find volunteers to establish a chapter. Part of the problem is I can only provide English materials. So I ask, anyone interested in forming Mars Society Chapters in Taiwan or China or anyone interested in creating Chinese language materials (even a simple translation of the standard Mars Society brochure) or websites, please contact me at chadjo@umich.edu.

Mars Soil Simulant
submitted by Jim Plaxco
What would you do if you had some Martian dirt to play or experiment with? Maybe you would try to grow some plants. Maybe you would investigate it's chemical and physical properties to find other uses.

To promote these types of investigations, the NASA Johnson Space Center has available a Mars Soil Simulant (JSC Mars-1). This soil is actually weathered basalt collected from the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii. Its color, chemistry and mineralogy, and physical properties are very like what we think the soils of Mars are like.

You can purchase it by the pound (about $1.00 US) or you can buy a 5-gallon bucket for $55.00. To receive a sample, send a written request to:

Office of the Curator
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX 77058.

For more information, contact:

Carlton C. Allen
Lockheed Martin Space Science Systems & Services
Houston, TX 77058.

Chapter Incorporation Info Requested
submitted by Jim Plaxco
Stacy T. Sklar from the Chapter's Council Starter Kit Committe is looking for any chapters that have Incorporated. Please contact her at: JMakus3339@aol.com

Web Site of the Month

The web site of the month for July belongs to the Toronto, Canada chapter of the Mars Society, our hosts for the 2000 Mars Society Conference. If you will be attending the conference, this is the best place to go for information about your stay in Toronto.

Take me to Toronto

Quote of the Month

In going through some papers recently, I came across a paper published in the journal Science in 1962 that made for very interesting reading.

"Of all the proposals put forth to account for the observed Martian phenomena, the idea of life on Mars seems to be the most tenable. And is this idea is accepted, we are immediately drawn to the conclusion that this life is a very well-adapted and flourishing one."
Frank Salisbury, "Martian Biology," Science, 136, 17(1962).

Reader Comments

This section gives members of the Mars Society the opportunity to comment on the items contained in the Red Planet Satellite Report and related issues. For instructions on making a submission, please see the section of this report titled "Submission Guidelines."

Submission Guidelines

Submissions that are relevant to the activities of the Mars Society are actively sought. Suggested submissions include reviews of chapter activities, event announcements, chapter election results, "how-to" articles that would serve as a source of ideas for other chapters, etc.

You may make your submission as either a plain ASCII text file or you may use basic HTML elements to provide additional formatting. If you would like to use HTML for formatting your submissions, please don't use the font or any other tag that alters the size and color of the textual submission. This is to insure a consistent look and feel across all received submissions. Feel free to use the bold, italic, list and table elements. You may also include links to articles on your chapter's web site in your submission.

The Red Planet Satellite Report will be published by the 7th of each month. Therefore, the deadline for submissions will be the last day of the month.

To make a submission, send email to Jim Plaxco with a subject heading of RPSR Submission. Please note on the first line of your submission the section of the report in which your article is to be included.

Red Planet Satellite Report Contact Information

For questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Red Planet Satellite Report please contact Jim Plaxco.

The Red Planet Satellite Report is a publication of the Mars Society Chapter's Council, copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.