The purpose of Mission Support is to maintain communication with
the Devon Island team and assist them with any problems or needs
they may have.
Daily Activities
- Maintain communication with the Devon Island team.
- Research Information requested by Devon Island team members.
- Prepare reports documenting field team activities.
Mission Support Director: Directs Mission Support activities. Ensures required reports are
submitted by the Field Team. Decides which Mission Support staff will answer Field Team
questions and ensures answers are delivered. Reads all incoming e-mail (except personal emails
which are given to the Liaison) from the Field team and tracks its disposition. Reads and
approves all outgoing e-mail before it is sent to ensure no conflicting or confusing communications
are sent. In case of disagreement among the staff, seeks consensus, but must make a timely final
decision if none can be reached.
CapCOM: Sends and receives all e-mail communications with the Field Team. Provides automatic
response to all incoming Field Team e-mails without need for Mission Director input. Ensures
Subject line includes formatted mission designation, date/time stamp, and title. Does not
read e-mails marked "personal. Directs personal e-mails to the Liason." Directs all other
e-mails to Mission Director. Makes certain Mission Director has approved all outgoing
transmissions. Transfers e-mails into electronic folder for each mission.
Science Officer: Reviews Field Team science reports and is responsible for obtaining answers
to Field Team science-related requests. Advises the Mission Director on science-related matters.
Organizes the science field report and formats the science section for the Journalist.
Engineering Officer: Reviews Field Team engineering reports and is responsible for obtaining
answers to Field Team engineering-related requests. Advises the Mission Director on
engineering-related matters.
Liaison: Provides a conduit for personal messages to and from the crew, forwarding e-mails
as requested or providing responses to other crew requests as needed. Provides a
connection for Mission Support with the Press, if needed. Will rely on the Press Kit
(drafted by Dewey Anderson). Journalist: Summarizes each day's communications and posts
a report on the Mission Web Page.