Summary Report By Pascal Lee
EVA 1 was successfully carried out. The EVA 1 crew comprised Frank
Schubert and Sam Burbank. The IVA officer onboard the FMARS was Darlene
Lim. EVA 1 goals were: 1) to connect a draining hose to the waste water
tank underneath the hab in order to allow gray water (comprising only
biodegradable materials) to be drained to a ground sump ; 2) affix an
external escape ladder to the habitat leg closest to Haughton Crater,
right underneath the upper deck's emergency escape window. Total EVA time
was 1 hr 47 minutes.
The EVA protocol followed on EVA 1 assumed a hab air mix of 30% O2, 70% N2
at a total cabin pressure of 8.3 psi, and a suit air composition of 100%
O2 at 3.8 psi. The corresponding TR (tissue ratio) value, defined as the
initial partial pressure of N2 in tissue (while in the cabin) divided by
the final total pressure in the suit, is 1.52 before any prebreathing.
From there, with just 30 minutes of prebreathe (breathing pure O2 to flush
out N2 out of our system), the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) of
type I (joint pains) can in this case drop down to ~ 15%, i.e., in about 5
cases out of 6, there should be no felt symptoms of DCS. After suiting up,
Frank and Sam spent 30 minutes simulating a prebreathe. They went into the
airlock and sat there for half and hour. (Note: prebreathing does not need
to be done in an airlock, but it can be easily done in an airlock with O2
being supplied via an umbilical, thus saving the O2 of the portable life
support system (backpack) itself.
No major difficulties were encountered during EVA 1 except that the
headset radio batteries lost power towards the end and some helmet fogging
was reported. Rainer Effenhauser monitored the health of the EVA crew
during the EVA based mainly on breathing rates heard over the vox and from
EVA crew answers to his inquiries (relayed via the IVA officer). Steve
monitored the quality of the comms system in use and provided guidance on
radio settings, in particular vox threshold settings (also via the IVA
officer). Pascal helped with some decisions during the EVA regarding usage
of materials (hoses) available on the outside of the habitat (also
conveyed via the IVA officer). Overall EVA 1 was a very successful event.
The planned EVA was executed. Video footage was captured by Sam, to be
released after editing.
Because EVA 1 prep included the unpacking of suits from their original
shipping boxes, EVA 1 started later than originally planned: 21:30 UTC
instead of 19:00 UTC. As a result, EVA 2 was postponed and is now
scheduled for tomorrow.
EVA 1 mobilized the attention and time of just about the entire remaining
FMARS crew. Pascal and Rainer were able to find small amounts of time to
tend to other matters. Charlie was also able to make progress on setting
up the biology section of the lab. Earlier in the day, Pascal had set up
the rock saw and the rock grinder/polisher in the geology section of the
lab. While EVA 1 today was our first EVA on FMARS -2001, it seems likely
that EVAs on Mars will require the attention of a substantial fraction of
the crew remaining inside a hab while the EVA is in progress. For
relatively short EVAs with specific tasks to perform such as the one
carried out today, the role of Mission Support on Earth is likely to be
very limited during the EVA itself. The crew remaining inside the hab
during an EVA will need to have good "situational awareness" in order to
provide adequate support and to receive adequate information during the
EVA. EVA crewmember-mounted videocams and fixed external surveillance-type
cams will be used later in the field season in order to help increase
situational awareness. Monitoring EVA 1's progress directly through the
FMARS hab windows proved useful. The use of a form of sign language in the
event of radio comms failure might provide a viable communication backup
at close range.

Report on Intra-Vehicular Activities (IVA) in support of EVA 1 by Darlene Lim
IVA support was provided for EVA 1 this afternoon. The IVA officer was
Darlene Lim.
IVA encompassed providing a point of communication contact for all EVA
simulation operations, incluperding communication linkage between the
FMARS and the EVA crew. Essentially the IVA officer acted like a ground
based air-traffic controller. More specifically, the IVA officer provided
guidance on prebreathing and depressurization procedures prior to EVA
commencing, full communications support between the EVA crew and the FMARS
crew during EVA, including guidance on EVA procedures and timeline and
troubleshooting any communications problems. The IVA officer consultated
with the rest of the FMARS crew during EVA 1 in order to deal with
intermittent questions and problems. All information was relayed to the
EVA crew via the IVA officer.
EVA protocol check-lists will be developed based in part on today's EVA,
including prebreathing, depressurization, EVA and repressurization
procedures. These will be provided to following rotations as a guide for
future IVA officers and EVA crews.
The following is a run-down of today's EVA timeline as recorded by the IVA
officer on duty:
START - 21:00UTC
START - 21:30UTC
TOTAL RUN-TIME = 1 hr 6 min
END-TIME - 22:47 UTC

Medical Officer's Report by Rainer Effenhauser, M.D.
Today was an extremely productive and busy day.
- Returned from Resolute after Medevac of Inuit Youth following ATV injury
- Monitored today's EVA including prebreathe, depress,and repress procedures
- Placed all medical gear in the dedicated medical shelves in the hab
- Deployed 48-hour formaldehyde monitors (which monitor for the presence
of any formaldehyde, a toxic contaminant present in some building
materials, and also monitored onboard the space shuttle and ISS)
- Took an air sample from upper deck of hab using the JSC GSC (Grab Sample
Container) device for later analysis
- Confirmed normal readings in the hab using CSA-CP device which gives
real-time readings of % oxygen, carbon monoxide (ppm), HCN (ppm), and HCL
- Verified status of medical equipment, including defibrillator, and did
defibrillator training & demonstration with 2 crewmembers
- Did 2 sessions with Charlie Cockell using the WinSCAT "Spaceflight
Cognitive Assessment Tool", which is used onboard the International Space
- Transmitted multiple encrypted medical images as telemedicine
demonstration to NASA JSC/Houston
Tomorrow (July 9th) I plan to perform hab water quality testing after the
incubator arrives, and to participate in the 2nd EVA of the day on a
traverse. In addition I plan to complete the habitability assessment
survey given to all HMP-2001 and FMARS-2001 crewmembers.

FMARS-2001 PHASE 1: DAILY RESEARCH REPORT 8 July, 2001 by Pascal Lee
Pascal installed the rock saw and rock grinder/polisher in the geology lab
on the lower deck of the FMARS today. Charlie set up the biology lab on
the same counter top further away. Charlie also installed the
geology/biology Olympus BX-51 microscope system which we will be using in
our astrobiology and geology research throughout the summer.
No science traverse was performed today. The first science EVA is
scheduled for tomorrow.
Steve Braham will provide a more comprehensive summary of his comms
research at a later date.

FMARS-2001 PHASE 1: DAILY NARRATIVE REPORT 8 July, 2001 by Pascal Lee
Today was a very exciting day. We conducted our first simulated EVA. We
kept it simple and useful. It involved only two EVA crew members: Frank
Schubert and Sam Burbank. Frank is the builder of the Hab and he is
serving as our onboard "spacecraft" systems engineer. Sam Burbank is a
filmmaker and our project videographer, but as a former owner of a
motorcycle shop, he is also a competent mechanic and is doubling as ship
mechanic. Frank and Sam were the best qualified for the first EVA planned
for the day. They would need to hook up a hose to be used to drain our
habitat waste waters to a ground sump, and they would have to install an
escape ladder outside the habitat below the upper deck's emergency escape
window. EVA 1 proved a great success. Aside from a couple of radio
batteries dying towards the end of a 1hr 47 min-long EVA and some fogging
problems in the helmets, all planned tasks were accomplished.
The EVA proved to be a true team effort. Darlene Lim served as single
point of contact inside the hab during EVA 1 (she was the EVA 1 "IVA
officer"). Steve Braham monitored the comms system while the EVA was in
progress. Rainer listened in on the EVA crew's breathing (as relayed over
the vox) to monitor their physiologic status. I somehow felt absorbed by
the whole event and followed almost every moment of it, offering more or
less useful advice to the EVA crew via the designated IVA officer. Chalie
was perhaps the only who escaped the activity almost entirely. He spent a
good part of the afternoon setting up the biology lab and installing all
the equipment he and Darlene had brought to Haughton. I had installed the
rock saw and the rock polisher and grinder earlier in the day.
Living conditions inside the FMARS are comfortable. The particular
interior design and layout adopted at this point does not represent the
result of intense research. It is merely one possible configuration, one
that was simple, plausible and inexpensive enough to implement. In the
future, other configurations could be explored. The lower deck is occupied
by our sample processing lab and by Steve's comms hardware. It is also to
serve as a medical ward in the event of an emergency. Rainer actually gave
training there to a couple of crew members this evening on the use of
defibrillator. The lower deck also houses our shower and the "incinolet",
our incinerating toilet. The incinolet is the source of endless jokes and
could be recommended to anyone for that reason alone. But it actually
works well and has so far satisfied all users on the Phase 1 crew. The
lower deck has, in addition, two cylindrical airlocks, one serving as the
main, the other as a secondary airlock. These are of course not true
airlocks in that they are not pressure vessels, but they serve the role of
antichamber to our EVAs. Adjacent to the main airlock is an EVA prep room
in which we are store our beautiful simlulated Mars spacesuits made and
tested under the leadership of Mars Society volunteer Dewey Anderson. The
upper deck is divided into two halves. One half is occupied by a series of
six individual state rooms laid out in parallel. The other half is a
relatively large open space, with on one side (against the wall) desk
space and a workstation counter, and on the other side (also against the
wall) the galley. Above the state rooms is a loft, currently also Steve's
"bedroom" as we are presently a crew of seven. Our main water tank and
supplies are stored on this loft. I'm occupying the room farthest from the
interdeck ladder, the idea being that in case of an emergency, I would be
able to check every room on my way out to the lower deck or to the upper
deck's escape window. Next to me there's Frank, then Charlie, Sam, Rainer,
and Darlene. The view out the windows of the upper deck is truly
breathtaking. Towards the southeast we have a glorious view of Haughton
Crater in its entirety, the dark cliffs marking its opposite rim area
being over 13 miles away. Towards the southwest we see a long stretch of
Haynes Ridge. To the northeast we see the vast flattish and reddish
expanse of Von Braun Planitia. It's hard to imagin a safe landing spot on
Mars that would be as scenic.
At the end of this first day, we are still getting along great. Because we
got somewhat delayed today in the process of cleaning up the hab and
unpacking the simulated spacesuits form their shipping boxes, EVA 1
started later than planned and we decided to postpone EVA 2 until
tomorrow. Tomorrow we have in store a morning walking EVA with Darlene Lim
and Sam Burbank who will hike a few hundred meters along Haynes Ridge to
retrieve an aerosol collecting device left in place at Haughton Crater
last summer. Then I plan to go out on a 4-person ATV-rover traverse with
Charlie, Frank and Rainer to explore some of the northern reaches of
Haughton Crater. The ground remains very wet at this time as a result of
ongoing snow melt. Long distance traverses will probably remain
problematic for some time. Depending on how things go on tomorrow's
relatively short excursion, we might go on a longer traverse on our last
day. Targets of scientific interest abound ; the question is that of their