FMARS Mission Support Summary-Saturday, July 14th
The big issue for today was the continuing Incinolet saga. The Mission Control
crew spent several hours trying to location a convenient source of liners for
the waterless toilet. The toilet comes with a limited supply of the liners,
which are burned whenever the incinerator is activated. No additional liners
were delivered to the FMARS habitat when the simulation began. Mission Control
found a supply of waxed paper as an emergency substitute. As of 1:30 UTC, a
supply of the liners had been located at the Kennedy Space Center and were sent
immediately Devon Island. But because of the remoteness of the island, the
liners were not likely to get there until Monday at the earliest.
Mission control requested a discussion with the field team on Devon Island
regarding the protocol that is to be used when sending email messages. Some
messages from the FMARS station were missing the appropriate headers, which
greatly aid the crew in Mission Control.
As always, we are learning better ways to run mission control. A "hot issues"
board was put in place to keep important things from slipping through the
cracks. Since the field mission started in late June, 261 documents have been
processed or created by mission control. As the mission continues, managing
these documents poses and ever-increasing problem. A new file structure was
considered, as it has been increasingly difficult to locate archived messages.
Mission control crew for this shift was as follows: Tony Muscatello as Mission
Control Director; Katja Muscat and Susan M. Tabacheck as CapCom; Dewey Anderson
and Glenn Berry (trainee) as Engineering Officer; Jim Oliver (trainee) as
Journalist; Judith Lapierre as Liaison. We were fortunate this evening having
additional people, allowing the trainees to get some experience in Mission
Control while still getting everything done.
Glenn Berry spent the first few hours of his shift working closely with Dewey
Anderson. They discussed all of our current technical issues, including our
ongoing communication issues with the spacesuits. Glenn was given a full
briefing on the backpacks and suits used on Devon.
Additional Items:
- Received EVA reports. We were glad the EVA went well and the field team
had good weather.
- Webcam activated and tested.
- Jim Oliver, Journalist, FMARS Mission Support