Journalist Report 8-4-01
Mission Support Crew
Mission Director: Tony Muscatello
CapCom: Jim Rankin
Engineering Officer/Journalist: Dewey Anderson
A very quiet day.
Steve Braham reported that Pascal's computer had caught the SirCam virus and so
reports would be delayed for the moment.
Pascal Lee sent email saying we should include Kelly Snook's email address when
sending email to the field team. This may have to do with them not wanting to
use Pascal's computer because of the virus.
Kelly Snook sent us an initial greeting message saying they would "transmit
soon". No further reports were forthcoming.
Questions were received from KSC and Tony Muscatello recorded answers at
Mission Support. It appears that the Field Team responded with answers in time
for KSC to use them, but the standard telephone connection with KSC failed
(they didn't answer the phone) so we don't know if they got them OK. They have
not sent an email confirmation. As we understand it, there is a new crew
working at KSC and some procedures might not have been passed on to them, and
they are no doubt going through a learning curve on the process.
Pascal mentioned, in they're KSC reply, that the team was about to head out on
EVA. This gave us the impression that we would be getting nothing from them.
Given the complete lack of contact from the Field Team, the Mission Support
team took at dinner break at 5:00 pm MDT until 6:30 MDT at a local restaurant.
We sent the Field Team a message letting them know we were doing this before we
left. There were no messages from the Field Team upon our return.
This was Jim Rankin's last day in Colorado and we thank him for his TREMENDOUS
support during his support. He returns home to New York tonight.