The Mars Society Technical Task Force
Task Force
Tech Roadmap
Project GreenHab
Mars Society
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Task Forces
A-Logistics B-Research C-Biomedical D-Surface Tech - Explore
D1-Surf. Tech - Base E-Remote Sensing F-Launch/Transit G-Orbital Tech
To Do
Roadmap Project

  On August 25th, 2001, during the Stanford Mars Society Convention, the Steering Commitee granted the Technical Task Force a mandate to define a science and technology roadmap for Mars Society technical projects that may be pursued by individuals, teams, chapters, special task forces, or the Mars Society as a whole.

  We are to define and prioritize areas of interest, in order to guide members of the Mars Society in proposing, sanctioning, funding, advocating, developing and managing technologies necessary for a human mission to Mars. We are to develop a plan of action and to note opportunities on which members can focus.

  Mars Society members are invited to participate in this process during the next several months. To volunteer to serve on the Roadmap team, please visit our Groupware Page a brief summary of your background interests and technical, scientific, or managerial experience.

Copyright 2001, 2002 The Mars Society