The Mars Society Technical Task Force
Task Force
Tech Roadmap
Project GreenHab
Mars Society
Main Website
Task Forces
A-Logistics B-Research C-Biomedical D-Surface Tech - Explore
D1-Surf. Tech - Base E-Remote Sensing F-Launch/Transit G-Orbital Tech
To Do
Request For Information

  A means to submit your finished RFI will be published when our internet resources have been established. In the meantime, you can view the RFI form, copy, paste it into your own editor, and get started.

  Due Date: TBD

  Areas A and B have to do with the operation and support of the Roadmap project. If you express interest in those areas you will be contacted.

  Areas C through G are technologies needing analysis. To contribute to this process in these areas, submit a Request For Information (RFI) discussing various means that your analysis determines will be required to achieve the goal of humans to Mars within each selected area. Submit a synopsis of each of your findings on a separate RFI form by September 10th, 2001. These will be evaluated and for those proposals that are selected as practicable and desirable technologies to pursue, a more detailed RFP (Request For Proposal) or a more detailed RFI may be requested, which may include background, graphics, details of any original research or other pertinent information to incorporate this information into a final draft of a proposal to the Steering committee.

  Attempt to summarize each technology at a reasonable level of complexity. For example, one might discuss the need for pressurized rovers, and omit discussion of ignition key design on the rovers as too micro in scale, and likewise omit discussion of the construction of manufacturing plants to build them as too expansive. In other words, use your best judgement.

Copyright 2001, 2002 The Mars Society