Statut MSP
" Ziemia jest kolebką ludzkości, lecz nikt
nie pozostaje w kolebce do końca życia. "
-- Konstanty Ciołkowski, 1895

Zarząd The Mars Society

  • Dr. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin - Astronaut (U.S.A)
  • Prof. Greg Benford - Astrophysicist, Author (U.S.A)
  • Marc Boucher - President, aTerra Technologies Corporation (Canada)
  • Dr. Michael Bosch - President, Mars Society (Germany)
  • Dr. Geoff Briggs - NASA Ames Research Center (U.S.A)
  • John Connolly - NASA Johnson Space Center (U.S.A)
  • Philip Dembo - President, Mars Society (United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Mike Griffin - Former NASA Associate Administrator for Exploration (U.S.A)
  • Lt. Col. Scott Horowitz - NASA Astronaut (U.S.A)
  • Dr. Larry Lemke - NASA Ames Research Center(U.S.A)
  • Dr. Bruce Lusignian - Stanford University (U.S.A)
  • Bo Maxwell - British Interplanetary Society (United Kingdom)
  • Tom Meyer - Boulder Center for Science and Policy (U.S.A)
  • Harold Miller> - Solid Solutions (U.S.A)
  • Dr. Chris McKay - NASA Ames Research Center (U.S.A)
  • Declan O'Donell - Attorney (U.S.A)
  • Kim Stanley Robinson - Author Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars (U.S.A)
  • Dr. Carol Stoker - NASA Ames Research Center(U.S.A)
  • Donna Shirley - Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.A)
  • Dr. Alan Stern - Southwest Research Institute (U.S.A)
  • Rick Tumlinson - President, Space Frontier Foundation (U.S.A)
  • Richard Wagner - Co-author, The Case for Mars (U.S.A)
  • Maggie Zubrin - Pioneer Astronautics (U.S.A)
  • Dr. Robert Zubrin - Pioneer Astronautics, author The Case for Mars (U.S.A)

  • Zarząd Mars Society Polska

Webmaster: Piotr Moskal

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