The Mars Society Chapters Council
The Council
Member Participation
MDRS Support
Chapters Council
Council Resources
Convention 2002
Chapter Startup Kits
This Website
The Mars Society
Home Page
Task Forces
Purpose Members Officers Committees
Meetings Agenda Amending
Motion Rules
Voting Setup
Amending Bylaws
Pending Motions
Article 7: Amending Council Rules and/or Proposing Council Actions
Section 4: Amending and Passing A Motion

A motion may be amended while it is waiting for a second or up for a vote. A motion to amend must include specific text for the revision. A second to an amendment must be received within 2 calendar days. The amendment fails if there is no 2nd within that period.

If the amendment is seconded, 2 calendar days are allotted for the initiator of the original motion and the amendment to reach a compromise. Any compromise is automatically seconded by virtue of dual authorship and will be put to a vote under the same rules as a seconded motion. All seconded versions (original and/or amendments) are put to a vote under the same rules as a seconded motion if no compromise is reached.

All waiting periods for a motion are paused while an amendment or amendments to it are under consideration. The waiting period will continue with the same number of calendar days left as when the waiting period was paused if all amendments fail or the compromise period expires.

An active motion passes once all waiting periods have expired provided a majority of those voting favored it.

Copyright 2001, 2002 The Mars Society